How to Speedup Simulator Mode


Anyway I get this mode to speed up to test my redlight POIs..the closest to home is 30 miles. Using a Nuvi 205.

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How to Speedup Simulator Mode

When you select a start and stop destination make them closer to the redlight locaton and them you can see if it works.

johnm405 660 & MSS&T

Sim mode

johnm405 wrote:

When you select a start and stop destination make them closer to the redlight locaton and them you can see if it works.

I dont think I have that option..I can only start from where the unit is..maybe im wrong???


No, you cannot speed up the simulation speed (as on previous Garmin units such as the Street Pilot, Quest, GPS V etc).

However, you can put your location closer to the POI you want to test and test it from the closer location. One way to do this is this:

1. Put the GPS into GPS simulation mode: Tools>Settings>System>GPS Simulator (select ON)

2. Search for the POI you want to test: Where To?>Extras>Custom POIs and select the POI you want to test. Press the Map button and the map will center on that POI. Touch the map & you can now drag it to any location. Drag the map to a nearby street approx .5 mile away (or further than your POI's alert distance) and touch the screen on a street where you want your new position to be. Press the Set Loc. button and your GPS location will be set to that location.

3. Press the Back button out to the Where To? screen.

4. Now using Where To?, again find the POI (or use Recently Found) and press the Go button. A message will pop up asking if you wish to simulate the route. Press yes and simulation will begin at the GPS location you set near the POI rather than your actual current location.

nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area


lamplighter - once the unit is in simulation mode you can set your start location anyplace you want. One way is to just go to the map screen, scroll to the location, and press Set Loc. at the bottom of the screen. Or you can go through the Where To menu and do the same thing. Once you have set your starting location then select your destination and start the simulation.

Simulation mode on the 205 to set a new location

lamplighter1 wrote:
johnm405 wrote:

When you select a start and stop destination make them closer to the redlight locaton and them you can see if it works.

I dont think I have that option..I can only start from where the unit is..maybe im wrong???

To get into simulation mode and set an arbitrary start location for testing your prox alert behavior.

Check out pages 10 & 33 of your Nuvi 205 owners manual.

In general, you put the gps in simulator mode from a system setting mode and then you can pan the map (by dragging ir on the screen)and when you get near that red light use the "set loc" button on the bottom of the map screen to set your new starting location.

Frank, MA.

Thanks, got it

Thanks, got it


You could go crazy watching the simulator. I suspect it is programmed to travel the roads at the presumed speed limit of the road you are currently traveling along. So, a two hour trip would likely take two hours in simulation mode.

What I have taught folks to do to use this mode in recent Garmin models is to turn on simulator mode and put in a destination -- then let it start.

On most models I have used, the next-turn indicator is in the upper left of the screen. Press that the same way you would in real use mode to see the next turns -- one by one. Keep pressing it and it will walk you through each of the direction points it will take you through.

Was searching how to do this and found this solution.

Go to the Diagnostic page; Volume, Master Volume, touch right hand corner of screen for 5 seconds then select Developer test and tools, Audio, Audio/Voice Test, Set simulator to Max. speed, this will multiple speed by 3, so that a 50 MPH road will run at 150 MPH.

Wow ..

Great tip, although it doesn't appear on my nuvis, which one are you finding this on?

Where there's a will ... there's a way ... DriveSmart51LMT-S, DriveSmart50LMT-D, Nuvi 2508LMT-D, 1490LMT, 1310, Montana 650T, Etrex 20

On Dezl 70, after you start

On Dezl 770, after you start the simulation, follow those directions, it works. But, a 45 minute trip will still take 15 minutes to complete.

Just checked it. You have to go back to the Simulate Speed Option and choose Speedup every time.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Never knew that.

Never knew that.

Can't find it

Can't find it on my 3597LMTHD. Maybe I am just not doing things in the right sequence. This is interesting as many users have asked for a way to speed up simulation mode, and this is the first time I have heard someone say they knew a way to do it.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

I never...

UnNamed wrote:

Never knew that.

...knew that either.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

works here. Thanks!

Greg2561 wrote:

Go to the Diagnostic page; Volume, Master Volume, touch right hand corner of screen for 5 seconds then select Developer test and tools, Audio, Audio/Voice Test, Set simulator to Max. speed, this will multiple speed by 3, so that a 50 MPH road will run at 150 MPH.

I found this on my Nuvi 57. Exactly as Greg2561 described, except I typically get to the "Diagnostics page" menu differently. I go to map, touch the speed (to bring up the "trip computer" screen) then touch and hold the speed at the top for ~5 secs. (Just tried the Greg's method, and it works as well on my Nuvi 57).

I think

alandb wrote:

Can't find it on my 3597LMTHD. Maybe I am just not doing things in the right sequence. This is interesting as many users have asked for a way to speed up simulation mode, and this is the first time I have heard someone say they knew a way to do it.

I think your probably doing things right and it's just not supported in the 3597.

On my 3597 I get the Audio/Voice Test item listed under Developer Info and NOT Developer Tests. When I select Audio/Voice Test all I get is a blank Voice Test screen and no other options or selections are available.

To bad, as speeding up the simulation is something we've wanted since the Nuvi 350 days way back in 2005. Nice to see it's only taken 10 years or so to arrive on SOME devices. rolleyes

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Works on nuvicam and 2699

I can confirm this option is available on the nuvicam and 2699. Therefore, it's possible most newer Garmins have it.

It is not in the 3597. The nuvicam and 2699's diagnostics menus are almost identical, while the 3597 is different. The 3597 is quite old and was among the first units in the redesign of 2013, so its software is a few generations older.

The speed up is 3X as reported earlier. So on a 65 MPH freeway, it gets up to 195 MPH. But the simulator speed resets to normal after each waypoint (on a multi-point route) or once you reach your final destination.

Thanks Greg2561!

I gotta check out the developer tools. I always wanted to mess around more with my Garmin's settings!

another way IIRC

alandb wrote:

Can't find it on my 3597LMTHD. Maybe I am just not doing things in the right sequence. This is interesting as many users have asked for a way to speed up simulation mode, and this is the first time I have heard someone say they knew a way to do it.

It's been awhile since I tried it but if I remember correctly another way, albeit more time consuming, is on Garmins that allow you to change the speed limit signs you can change the limit to 100mph (or any higher speed), then run the route simulator.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

Speed limit changes.

I think the ability to change speed limit was only on a very few Garmin model series a few years ago ... don't remember the exact models that had this feature, but none of my nuvis have it.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

2460 for one

alandb wrote:

I think the ability to change speed limit was only on a very few Garmin model series a few years ago ... don't remember the exact models that had this feature, but none of my nuvis have it.

The nuvi 2460 was one with the ability to change speed limits. Maybe the whole 24x0 series could do that. Other threads from the time period of its introduction did indicate that the ability was dropped in later GPS series. I think but am not positive that the speed limit adjustments made by the owner were lost with each map update.

It would make an interesting FAQ to see which series and models offer the high-speed simulation. If those reading this thread would test their units and reply with a yea or nay, we'd be on our way to creating the FAQ. (Ditto for the models offering speed limit changes.)

My guess is that the simulator speedup and the speed limit adjusting features may be addable or removable with a device software update. Does this seem possible?

Create your own point

If you only want to test the file, use EPE or excel and add a point close to home. Then simply get in your car and drive past the point.

If it works, you're golden. If not, well you've got a problem.

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

Nuvi models supporting fast simulation.

CraigW wrote:

It would make an interesting FAQ to see which series and models offer the high-speed simulation.

The models mentioned in this thread so far are:
nuvi 2699 (9/2014)
dezl 770 (1/2015)
nuvi 57 (1/2015)
nuvicam (5/2015)

Greg2561, who brought this feature to our attention, didn't mention what device he is using. The newest shown in his profile is the nuvi 2595, but that unit is quite old (10/2011) so it seems unlikely that it would have it.

Since Garmin has a reputation of adding a new feature, then dropping it again on newer devices, it would be interesting to hear from someone with one of the Drive models.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

I think they wait till the

I think they wait till the feature gets discovered, folks like it and talk about it, then when they aren't paying attention, they take it out. Using new features to generate sales is ok, but then removing them in newer models is disingenuous.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

I doubt it.

I doubt if Garmin put in the simulator speed up to generate sales. If they wanted to do that they would have advertised the feature and wouldn't have hidden it away on the undocumented developer menu.

My guess is that some Garmin developer threw the feature in there to assist them with development/testing of a product, then either forgot to remove it or assumed that very few end users would find it.

Who knows? Maybe with market share going more and more to smart phone apps, Garmin is throwing in an "Easter egg" just to keep interest up smile

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

Another thought

alandb wrote:

Who knows? Maybe with market share going more and more to smart phone apps, Garmin is throwing in an "Easter egg" just to keep interest up smile

Maybe the Garmin development and testing folks have a pool with a winner who best guesses when folks at The POI Factory discover a hidden feature, then they sit back and watch the thread and chuckle at all the work we put into trying to figure it much fun as guessing when the junk car on lake ice in Wisconsin falls through in spring, or when Breakup comes to Dawson, YT. surprised

I am testing some models for more info with results to follow once I have charged some batteries. But it's looking bad for me right now finding any of my devices with the option.


CraigW wrote:

The nuvi 2460 was one with the ability to change speed limits. Maybe the whole 24x0 series could do that. Other threads from the time period of its introduction did indicate that the ability was dropped in later GPS series. I think but am not positive that the speed limit adjustments made by the owner were lost with each map update.


Yes & yes, I had a 2460 and any "updates" I made on the unit would disappear, although I can't remember when, ie map update.

. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .

Doggone it

alandb wrote:

I doubt if Garmin put in the simulator speed up to generate sales. If they wanted to do that they would have advertised the feature and wouldn't have hidden it away on the undocumented developer menu.

My guess is that some Garmin developer threw the feature in there to assist them with development/testing of a product, then either forgot to remove it or assumed that very few end users would find it.

Who knows? Maybe with market share going more and more to smart phone apps, Garmin is throwing in an "Easter egg" just to keep interest up smile

Damn, where is that sarcasm emoji? smile

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

More results

alandb wrote:
CraigW wrote:

It would make an interesting FAQ to see which series and models offer the high-speed simulation.

The models mentioned in this thread so far are:
nuvi 2699 (9/2014)
dezl 770 (1/2015)
nuvi 57 (1/2015)
nuvicam (5/2015)

And for a list of devices without a simulator speedup:
nuvi 750
nuvi 295W
nuvi 855
nuvi 2460
nuvi 3597

For 750, I used Darren-F's method. There is no Developer Test.
For 295W, in vertical mode with a long press of the battery icon, there are no developer options.
For the 855, using the Darren-F method, no Developer Test.
For the 2460, using Greg2561 method, there is a Developer Info and Developer Test option, but a simulator speedup isn't offered.
And to confirm earlier reports of the 3597, results are the same as for the 2460.

As already requested, it'd be great to see results from the various new Drive models.

Awesome tip - thanks for

Awesome tip - thanks for sharing!

Garmin Drive Smart 61 NA LMT-S

Closer setting.

I know this is a fun topic and seeing your vehicle speeding in simulation mode would be exciting.Still for what has been posted in the past for what simulation has been used for. Doesn't just changing the location closer seem to be best method.I see delete all data hiding in the diag screen also. I can see someone now posting how do I get my data back but hitting that key by mistake. Not everyone even now with all the warnings I bet make a backup. Some users just don't need to be playing around in those settings. I have a FAQ for changing out of MTP mode and feel uneasy about encouraging users to go into the diag screen.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Good catch Greg2561

When I want to see what route the unit will take me on a 500 mile trip, I do use the simulator mode but touch the top bar on the map screen to see each and every turn it'll take.

30 seconds later and the jobs done smile

I have two favorites (speed camera test + RLC test) that are located a very short distance away or about 2 blocks for the RLC.

I test in the simulation mode & once again 30 seconds later I know if my WAV files are working.

Personally the speed issue is interesting and fun to know but not at all a need for me.

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Simulator speedup feature

charlesd45 wrote:

I know this is a fun topic and seeing your vehicle speeding in simulation mode would be exciting.Still for what has been posted in the past for what simulation has been used for. Doesn't just changing the location closer seem to be best method.I see delete all data hiding in the diag screen also. I can see someone now posting how do I get my data back but hitting that key by mistake. Not everyone even now with all the warnings I bet make a backup. Some users just don't need to be playing around in those settings. I have a FAQ for changing out of MTP mode and feel uneasy about encouraging users to go into the diag screen.

Your point is well taken Charlie, but as t923347 said in his earlier post, some users have been asking for a Garmin simulator speedup for many years. So the feature is apparently important to some people. I hope people that have newer devices will respond to CraigW's request and test their device for this feature so we can find out which model groups Garmin has implemented this feature on. Then we will know how to respond when this topic comes up in future forum discussions.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


Will delete should so they can prove they can do it. If it is not broken don't fix it.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

Voice prompts on speeded up simulation.

One thing I am curious about is if you get the turn-by-turn voice prompts when you operate in speeded up simulation. If so, do they play normally, or do they "fast-talk". If they play normally it seems like some close together prompts could overlap or maybe get behind the actual position shown on the screen. It could be why Garmin limited it to 3X speed instead of faster.

How about POI alerts? Since they are .WAV or .MP3 files, I assume they would have to play normally. We have seen that multiple alerts in close proximity can create lockups and other problems in normal navigation, so it seems like this could be an even bigger problem on fast simulation.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


It has to be that the voice prompts are sped up. Just like Alvin and The Chipmunks:

Even better - instead of Jill or Karen, is there a Chipmunks TTS voice?

dobs108 razz

nice to know

nice to know

No Go

As said before it does not work in my 855 and it also does not work in the 2797.

I can get to the developer screens but no way to make any changes.

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.

New Drive models with sim speedup

I went to Best Buy yesterday and checked the new Drive models. All of them have the Simulator Max speed option in the Developer Menu. Garmin seems to have standardized the Developer Menu for all units, regardless of price range.

Units confirmed with Simulator Max Speed Option:

Drive 60LM
DriveSmart 60LM
DriveAssist 50LMT
DriveLuxe 50LMT

Good work

class3 wrote:

I went to Best Buy yesterday and checked the new Drive models. All of them have the Simulator Max speed option in the Developer Menu. Garmin seems to have standardized the Developer Menu for all units, regardless of price range.

Units confirmed with Simulator Max Speed Option:

Drive 60LM
DriveSmart 60LM
DriveAssist 50LMT
DriveLuxe 50LMT

Thanks for the report.

Models with fast simulator option

What we know so far from the information in this thread:

The oldest model we have identified that has the feature is the 2699 introduced 9/1014. The newest DriveLuxe model from 4/2016 also has the feature. If we extrapolate that all models starting with the 2xx9 series have the feature, the list would be as follows (tested models in bold):

9/2014 nuvi 25x9, 26x9, 2789
1/2015 nuvi 57, 58, 67, 68; dezl 570, 770
5/2015 nuviCam
7/2015 RV 660, dezlcam
1/2016 Drive 50, 60; DriveSmart 50, 60, 70
3/2016 zumo 395, 595
4/2016 DriveAssist 50, DriveLuxe 50

The newest model we have identified that does not have the feature is the 3597LMTHD, introduced 4/2013. Models introduced after 4/2013 but before the 2xx9 series potentially could have the feature, but need to be tested:

7/2013 RV 760
9/2013 nuvi 2598; zumo 390
1/2014 nuvi 55, 56, 65, 66
2/2014 nuvi 2798
4/2014 zumo 590

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

RV 760 is No.

RV 760 is No.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

sim speedup

class3 wrote:

I went to Best Buy yesterday and checked the new Drive models. All of them have the Simulator Max speed option in the Developer Menu. Garmin seems to have standardized the Developer Menu for all units, regardless of price range.

Units confirmed with Simulator Max Speed Option:

Drive 60LM
DriveSmart 60LM
DriveAssist 50LMT
DriveLuxe 50LMT

How do you get to the sim max speed.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

Fast Simulator.

rthibodaux wrote:

How do you get to the sim max speed.

See this post by Greg2561 earlier in this thread.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

RV 760.

phranc wrote:

RV 760 is No.

Thanks Phranc. I suspect that means that the RV 660 won't work either (assuming it is the same basic hardware) even though it came out in 2015.

Edit: After looking at this more carefully, the above statement may be incorrect. I see the RV 760 and RV 660 have different software and significantly different features. I guess we won't know unless someone tests the 660.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


alandb wrote:

What we know so far from the information in this thread:

The oldest model we have identified that has the feature is the 2699 introduced 9/1014. The newest DriveLuxe model from 4/2016 also has the feature. If we extrapolate that all models starting with the 2xx9 series have the feature, the list would be as follows (tested models in bold):

9/2014 nuvi 25x9, 26x9, 2789
1/2015 nuvi 57, 58, 67, 68; dezl 570, 770
5/2015 nuviCam
7/2015 RV 660, dezlcam
1/2016 Drive 50, 60; DriveSmart 50, 60, 70
3/2016 zumo 395, 595
4/2016 DriveAssist 50, DriveLuxe 50

The newest model we have identified that does not have the feature is the 3597LMTHD, introduced 4/2013. Models introduced after 4/2013 but before the 2xx9 series potentially could have the feature, but need to be tested:

7/2013 RV 760
9/2013 nuvi 2598; zumo 390
1/2014 nuvi 55, 56, 65, 66
2/2014 nuvi 2798
4/2014 zumo 590

It sounds like we're close to having a FAQ.

Have Both

alandb wrote:
phranc wrote:

RV 760 is No.

Thanks Phranc. I suspect that means that the RV 660 won't work either (assuming it is the same basic hardware) even though it came out in 2015.

Edit: After looking at this more carefully, the above statement may be incorrect. I see the RV 760 and RV 660 have different software and significantly different features. I guess we won't know unless someone tests the 660.

That's correct, I have both. The RV 760 software is almost antiquated, compared to the 770. Routes
differently, also.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Diagnostics page" menu

How do you get to the Diagnostics page menu?

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD


@rthibodaux ... it is the first part of Greg2561's post


Volume, Master Volume, touch right hand corner of screen for 5 seconds

Note that it is the upper right had corner of the master volume screen that you press and hold.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon

How to Speedup Simulator Mode

Thank you I found it.

3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD

No Simulation Speedup on nuvi 2789

I have a nuvi 2789. I followed your excellent directions and arrived at a screen where I could click on 'Set simulator to Max speed'. I clicked on it, but my speed didn't increase when I ran a route using the Simulator. I tried different routes and different sequences (e.g., turn Simulator on first, then go to Diagnostics screen; go to Diagnostics screen first then turn the simulator on), but the speed still wouldn't increase.

So maybe this is not a feature of the nuvi 2789?

nuvi 3790 and 2789 in Arkansas
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