Voice updates for 2x5 series


I just updated my 265wt to firmware v 5.30 and I noticed that it wants me to update some voices as well. I checked into it and these are legitimate voice updates released on July 24 and not the phantom updates that we often see due to buggy Webupdater/Nuvi issues.

All the TTS voices are updated from v1.00 to v1.10.

Word thanks for post...

Word thanks for post... going to check this out in a few!!

Updated voices

Good to know. I'm aware of the voice-update bug with WebUpdater and typically update everything listed once in a while just to make sure I'm not missing any potential voice updates.

Voice update

Thx for the heads up, going to update my TTS voice too.


I did the voices and 5.30 and all seemed to be OK.

I did notice a little better routing in the Cleveland area. When coming from the east side to I-71, it no longer routes me south on 55th street from Carnegie but rather has me take Carnegie all the way downtown to an entrance ramp that is closed (closed after the date of the map). I have never gone either way (other than to test it) but the one it selected would have been better than the one it used to select (if the ramp was still open). There was also another place where it had a little better routing than before but I can't remember where it was.

