850 Files
Fri, 07/03/2009 - 11:25am
16 years
GARMIN Nuvi 850. How do I find the files loaded to the 850 i.e. voice files. Also, When I look at the SD Card inserted in the NUVI, it shows I have 6MB loaded but when I open the POI file there is nothing there. When I look in Extras in the 850, they are all there. I just want to find all the files in the 850 and can't..Charlie
I don't have the 850 but a
I don't have the 850 but a 680.
FWIW, the directory system is garmin/voice/XX.vpm. You should see the various voice files with the vpm file extension.
“It’s their world. We’re just living in it.”
850 Files
Thank You I found the Voice files. I cannot find the POI's I have loaded on my SD Card. They are there. When I look in Extras they are there. I want to delete some of them but cannot find the file. any ideas?
Custom POI file is named
Custom POI file is named POI.GPI. It's either on your Nuvi or SD Card. E or F/garmin/poi/poi.gpi on my 255W.
Delete upwanted CSV or GPX files on PC and run POI Loader again. It erases old POI.GPI file and loads new one.
Hawk - Nuvi 1450
850 Files
I can find my H drive. It does show a Poi file under H. when I try to open it (poi.gpi), It asks me to open or save. when I click on open, it appears as if it's trying to open but does not. What I'm doing wrong has to be simple but being Polish, simple is noty possible. Thanks for the help guys..
You can't open poi.gpi. Is
You can't open poi.gpi.
Is H drive your SD card? My Nuvi shows as E drive and SD card shows as F drive.
You can't change poi.gpi - you have to change csv/gpx files (sounds like you want to delete some) and run poi loader again to create a new poi.gpi file (and erase old one).
You may want to try FAQ and Search.
Hawk - Nuvi 1450