Poor Google map tracing


Check out the Google map below. Zoom in to get a better look and set Google for the Hybrid mode. The map data is off by a good 50 feet from the actual roads. Or maybe the satellite picture is misaligned. It's no wonder our GPS's get confused or recalculate for no known reason sometimes.



The likely explanation is that the aerial photography is registered incorrectly in that location. It happens sometimes and has to be manually corrected. Most likely the map/road data is more accurate than the photography.

I'll be there tomorrow

Well, I'll be there tomorrow. Maybe I'll switch to Off Road mode when I get there and see what happens. I think switching to Off Road should also turn off "snap to road", so the Nuvi pointer should show our position more accurately.

I was building a few POIs for a weekend trip and as I usually do, tweak the locations right to the driveway with GeePeeEx where possible. We'll see how accurately I got this one. wink


If you are using the 760, you also can upload the track (trip log) into MapSource and/or Google Earth when you get back and see how it lines up.

Hadn't thought of that!

Motorcycle Mama wrote:

If you are using the 760, you also can upload the track (trip log) into MapSource and/or Google Earth when you get back and see how it lines up.

Thanks for the suggestion. That won't even require any spouse-irritating fiddling while I'm driving. wink