Lane Assist
Tue, 04/14/2009 - 4:45pm
![]() ![]() 15 years
I'm curious how useful lane assist feature is. These questions are for GPS owners who have this feature.
On a 5-6 lanes freeway, does the system know what lane we're in? Does it actually tell us what lane we're supposed to be on? When approaching a junction or an exit, does it keep telling us what lane we're supposed to be on until we merge onto that lane?
From what I've read it looks like lane assist is represented by picture on the map. Highlighted lanes are the ones we're supposed to be on. There's no speech to tell us what lane we're supposed to be on. Is this correct?
Lane Assist is available everywhere...*
I wish that was true. There are definitely more instances of lane assist than junction view, but I have found many multi-lane interstate intersections where lane assist would be helpful, but the lane assist (multiple arrows in the upper left corner) didn't exist.
and you are on a route and not just in map mode?
I haven't experienced that...and as you say, you must be on a multi-lane highway as well.
— (Garmin nuvi 765T) — "people who say money can't buy happiness, don't know where to shop"
Lane assist
I also wish I had lane assist! After just returning from a long trip, I often found myself in the wrong lane. The right or left turn command is too late at times when you are in heavy traffic.
augie billitier I2,c330,660
works for me
Lane Assist and Junction View work for me in the Dallas/Ft Worth area.
For me, that is probably my favorite feature on the 765t over my c550. I think it's awesome.
I'm sure if DFW has it available, SoCal would as well.
........Garmin StreetPilot c550 / Nüvi 765...........
I would suggest the 885t
I would suggest the 885T over the 755T you can check the Garmin site to compare the two, but I purchased the 885T and am enjoying every moment of it. The voice recognition is like having a personal secretary operate the functions for you without having to press the prompts on the screen.(without a paycheck)
The bluetooth syncs well with my I-phone and pulled everything over from my contact list.
I could map directions from my contact list.
I could be like the energizer bunny and go On and On and On...
You get the picture
Being ALL I can be for HIM! Jesus. Kenwood DNX9980HD Garmin 885t
I do not suggest the 885T
I do not necessarily suggest the 885T over the 765T (or755T) unless you must have the voice recognition. The OS is overall better on the 7X5 series. Though the 885 does have some settings the 7X5 does not, there are some features not on the 885T that the 7X5 has......some are being able to change what info is on the Map screen, 3D buildings, Eco Route, and more waypoints.
software upgrade with Lane Assist?
i hope they will make the lane assist as a software update for units like the Garmin 350 and the Garmin 750. im sure it would be possible with no hardware upgrade.
DriveSmart 50, DriveSmart 60, nuvi 2595, nuvi 3760,
885T Lane Assist/Junction View Trip Report
I have a brand new 885T that I just used on a 1200 mile trip from St Louis, Rockford, Madison, Milwaukee & Sheboygan, Wisconsin and back home. My Junction View only triggered 2 times, each for about 15 seconds, both times in downtown St Louis. No where else along the route did the 3D signs appear. I thought the feature was a little lame since such a small segment of my route was covered. The Lane Assist arrows were working almost all of the way, and I liked the "Speed Limit" sign, especially on secondary roads.
I have a brand new 885T that I just used on a 1200 mile trip from St Louis, Rockford, Madison, Milwaukee & Sheboygan, Wisconsin and back home. My Junction View only triggered 2 times, each for about 15 seconds, both times in downtown St Louis. No where else along the route did the 3D signs appear. I thought the feature was a little lame since such a small segment of my route was covered. The Lane Assist arrows were working almost all of the way, and I liked the "Speed Limit" sign, especially on secondary roads.
Thanks markhart - good info. I think both the lane assist and junction view features are very useful - if the area is covered. This seems to be a worthwhile work in progress at this point vs. an overwhelmingly beneficial feature in one unit vs. another.
One of the nicest features of the Navigon. Clear picture with indication where you should be going. On the garmin some of the interchanges can be confusing.
Lane assist was big help on my last trip.
I just recently took a 2,000 mile trip using the new 885T. The screen with the detailed lane graphic arrow with the road signs only popped up in the LA area but it came up many times in just a few minutes which was a big help in unknown areas passing through LA.
The multiple lane symbols in the upper left corner showing which lanes you can choose for the next upcoming turn was even more valuable because it shows long before you get to the next turn.
Garmin Drive Smart 55 - Samsung Note 10 Smartphone with Google Maps & HERE Apps
It is confusion, only if it works
Lane assist seems to work very well and is very nice in cities/traffic. However, since my last map update, the Junction View went away. I used to get it fairly regularily (I do a lot of traveling and even got it coming out of the Orlando airport), it is now not working. Garmin gave me a solution which didn't work either. I am hoping the next map update fixes the issue. Otherwise, it will go back to Garmin for a repair (ie refurbished unit).
Still works on my 755T
I just tested my 755T (3.60, 2010.10 maps) in simulation mode and both lane assist and junction view are working normally. In fact I discovered a couple of spots in the St. Louis area that didnt have junction view in the 2009 maps but now have it.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
WHY Lane Assistance / Junction View seen so rarely
I know that one of the most common complaints about Lane Assistance and Junction View is that they are seen very rarely by most users: Who amongst us hasn't read of this complaint?
I offer this possible explanation: The two features are designed to appear ONLY when your Nuvi has plotted you to EXIT a highway. Otherwise, wherever you drive, the Nuvi does not care if every exit that you pass by is considered complicated or not. The Nuvi is designed only to keep you on your planned route...OR to help insure that you do take the proper lane where you are supposed to EXIT.
Thus, when one drives 4,000 miles across many interstates, but only exits once or twice a cannot expect to have Lane Assistance or Junction View appear...because in actuality, you really didn't need them, except where you exited (and IF that exit was designated by Nuvi engineers as "complicated" enough to warrant LA or JV).
Am I all wet or what?
My thinking is that lane
My thinking is that lane assist and junction view should show up (and will show up when available) whenever there are multiple lanes and it matters which of those lanes you need to be in to continue on your route.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
sounds good to me nuvifan
I hadn't thought of it like that, but I believe you are exactly right!
— (Garmin nuvi 765T) — "people who say money can't buy happiness, don't know where to shop"
Does the Junction View
Does the Junction View image, when avaiable, appear automatically? I read in an Amazon review of a 755T with Junction View that this feature doesn't appear automatically when available. He implied that you had to manually access it, which seems quite illogical to me. Is this untrue, I hope? How does it work/appear?
I do not have lane assist on my StreetPilot C550, so I always try to plan ahead by peeking at my next turn by pressing the "Turn In..." button in the lower right. That way if my next turn is on the left or right, I am prepared ahead of time and can get in the proper lane.
Lane assist sounds like it would be a nice feature to have, but I'll just have to stick to this method for now.
it does appear automatically
Does the Junction View image, when avaiable, appear automatically? I read in an Amazon review of a 755T with Junction View that this feature doesn't appear automatically when available. He implied that you had to manually access it, which seems quite illogical to me. Is this untrue, I hope? How does it work/appear?
on my 765T, while on a route
— (Garmin nuvi 765T) — "people who say money can't buy happiness, don't know where to shop"
As jim8650 stated, it's automatic as long as you are on a route and the Junction View (JV) image(s) exist for the specific interchange you are being routed through. If the interchange is not in the JV data base, it will simply not be shown.
For those those that do not care for the JV, you can disable it by simply renaming the JV file (xxxxxxxx.JCV) in the x:/Garmin/JCV folder to something like xxxxxxxx.JCV.disabled. Just remember to rename it back (delete the .disabled file extension) before updating your maps.
Personally, I find the JV distracting since it displays on top of the actual map display & your required maneuver for 13 seconds. To bypass, you either have to wait the 13 seconds for it to clear on it's own or press the "Back" button. Here in SoCal, many of these freeway junctions are so closely spaced that there is no time for the map view to even be displayed when going through them. In these instances, I would much rather just see the actual map view/maneuver continuously...again, just personal preference and the reason why I have it disabled on my unit.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Around here, it seems like the highways are constantly under construction. Even the exit lanes change "thru or exit" or "exit only". How well does this technology handle that?
It won't handle construction zones since the database is fixed. The unit has no way of knowing about any changes made due to construction (during or after) unless the actual construction change makes it's way (eventually) into the map update and it's corresponding Juntion View database.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Junction View
Personally, I find the JV distracting since it displays on top of the actual map display & your required maneuver for 13 seconds. To bypass, you either have to wait the 13 seconds for it to clear on it's own or press the "Back" button.
I wonder how long it will be before one of our forum members will figure out a way to adjust the display time on the JV ?
Anyone up for the challange ?
Has anyone tried touching
Has anyone tried touching the screen, either outside the JV or on the JV to see if that makes it go away? How about the menu button?
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
As I mentioned in my post above, you can dismiss the JV by pressing the "Back" button that appears on the JV display screen instead of waiting the 13 seconds for it to clear on it's own.
The trouble is that this requires you to draw attention to the GPS to perform. In these multiple, closely spaced freeway junctions I mentioned here in SoCal, one needs to be concentrating on navigating the junction, not focusing attention on trying to aim to hit that "Back" button to clear the JV off of the screen.
This is why I personally disable it.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Are commercial GPS units precise enough to tell what lane we are in?
Tell what lane you are in.
The GPSr cannot tell what lane you are in, it offers a lane suggestion of the one you should be in to navigate as prompted by the map.
The Junction view shows up when there are choices of signs and lanes to carry out the manouver needed to navigate as prompted by the map.
The junction view is not shown at every junction.
Being ALL I can be for HIM! Jesus. Kenwood DNX9980HD Garmin 885t
The Simgle Greatest Advance
Lane assist is the one feature that I cannot do without. It makes navigation foolproof. The images used for lane guidance are perfectly clear, even with just a momentary glance. Pay the extra money.
I recently upgraded to a
I recently upgraded to a Nuvi 755T from a 760 and traveled from Raleigh to the east coast of North Carolina and spent 2 hours on I-40, a very major corridor. The most I ever saw in the upper left hand corner was a single lane with a single arrow, despite navigating exits with many lanes with multiple options. I understand that this only works with exits I'm taking (yes, I programed a route). Is the lane assist, like Junction View, only available in large cities? And is it only available on interstates? I thought with the miles I traveled and the multiple exits that I took that I'd see more than just one arrow with one lane in the upper left hand corner. On this same, programmed route, I started out with taking a left turn at an intersection with 3 left hand turn lanes and it was important that I was in the middle lane to get onto our beltline to get to I-40, but the Nuvi just showed one left arrow with one lane for this 3-lane left turn.
The Nuvi 755T came with the 2010 map and I upgraded to the latest software.Can anyone shed some light on why I'm not seeing Lane Assist?
simply not available
Can anyone shed some light on why I'm not seeing Lane Assist?
The only reasonable answer to that is that Lane Assist is simply not supported/available in the areas you were in.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
DN, You're Right!
I did a simulated driving route starting in L.A. (even though I'm still in South Caroliina) which I didn't find very intuitive, but finally figured out how to do and the first screen that it launched had an 8-laner with lots of arrows in the upper left hand corner! I was just under the impression that L.A. (Lane Assist, not Los Angeles!) was pretty much available everywhere. NOT!
I remember when my 760 began showing speed limits on interstates only, and with the next map update (2009) most any road with paint down the middle then had a speed limit displayed. Hopefully Lane Assist will grow just as rapidly as the speed limit availability did.
Junction View
In what States does Junction View work?
All 50
All 50
Not in AZ
I have a 765T and have traveled to Nashvill TN,San Jose,CA,and San Diago,CA and haven't seen the example thet is shown in the manual under Lane Assist.
I can say with certainty, I
I can say with certainty, I see lane assist (Again, the multiple arrows left hand upper corner) very often when I drive from CT to FL and back.
I also saw Junction View in and around Tampa more than before. (First time I was in/around the City since the 2010 update)
Junction View works fine in
Junction View works fine in Illinois.
It works here, too.
Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)
is there a way to using
is there a way to using speech recognition say a certain phrase...and the Garmin 855 will respond by repeating the last stated direction?
Me Too!
I whish mine had this feature.
Me Too!
Nuvi 780 user.
No matter where you are "Life is Worth Living".
Repeating Turn Directions
is there a way to using speech recognition say a certain phrase...and the Garmin 855 will respond by repeating the last stated direction?
Press the Turn Direction arrow (upper left of screen). I have made a practice of pressing the arrows for all upcoming turns, whenever on an unfamiliar route. I like hearing (and seeing) the directions as much as necessary, "until I get it." Pressing the top green line on the screen will display the LIST of all upcoming turns.
Alternatively, you can SPEAK the command: "Next Turn" ; you can also SPEAK "Direction Detail," to display the LIST of all upcoming turns.
I really enjoy having the confidence for understanding EVERY turn, miles and miles before reaching an unfamiliar highway exit or street turn.
Hmm, sounds
Hmm, sounds interesting(ish). Thanks for the info!
lane assist is great. where
lane assist is great. where I am in the NE traffic lanes come up rather quickly around I95, I287 & I87. the feature basically shows you which lane to keep on and prompts you in advance when there are multiple lanes to choose.
Lane assist only works in an area that has it. It will not work in areas that has not been activated for that, and will not work for every highway in the country. In my area in central tx, lane assist does not work, but works great in the houston and dallas/ft.worth area.
3790LMT; 2595LMT; 3590LMT, 60LMTHD
anyone know why Lane assist
anyone know why Lane assist would be intermittent? Traveling on I-26 to I-40 sometimes I will get lane assist at that junction and sometimes not. For example this past Monday it worked and this am it did not. No changes to maps or software. The directions and routing were fine just no lane assist.
its a great tool
i teach new drivers to drive semi's. these tools are great.... i can get into the proper lane wayyyyyyyy before i come up to me time to change lanes.........ive had some students that were not paying attenchen and did a 3 lane change at the last minuent...well we talked about that( i talked they listened ;;;;;one way conversation)......and people wounder why i hane gray hair......
My recent family trip would have been longer without it. Together with Junction View, it can be really handy -- especially if you don't know the area.
Michael (Nuvi 2639LMT)
Route specific
There are no exits, and only one lane, on the Yellow Brick road.
Lane assist
It's a built in convinience feature of in-dash navigation system from many auto makers for awhile now. Handheld gps add more graphic to this feature to make it clear which lanes we should stay on when approaching junction or exit.
Sure didn't know...
I'm curious how useful lane assist feature is. These questions are for GPS owners who have this feature.
On a 5-6 lanes freeway, does the system know what lane we're in? Does it actually tell us what lane we're supposed to be on? When approaching a junction or an exit, does it keep telling us what lane we're supposed to be on until we merge onto that lane?
From what I've read it looks like lane assist is represented by picture on the map. Highlighted lanes are the ones we're supposed to be on. There's no speech to tell us what lane we're supposed to be on. Is this correct?
about it, until I got it, and now I got it, and can't be without it!!
"Backward, turn backward, oh time in your flight, make me a child again, just for tonight."
Lane assist or Junction View
anyone know why Lane assist would be intermittent? Traveling on I-26 to I-40 sometimes I will get lane assist at that junction and sometimes not. For example this past Monday it worked and this am it did not. No changes to maps or software. The directions and routing were fine just no lane assist.
If you are navigating you should always have the lane assist for the next turn, however far away it is, most likely in the upper left corner of the screen. I know that is where it displays on the 765T, zumo 660 and many other Garmins that I've seen.
Junction View however only pops up for a few seconds, approximately 0.8 - 1 mile before the turn filling the whole screen with a picture of the signs that are ahead where the road splits. I have seen the 765T junction view screens be intermittent but never the lane assist.
I would only GUESS that junction view is like a POI alert and that because of slight differences in map accuracy, current GPS accuracy, the lane you are traveling in, etc., that it occassionally misses the alert. I think I have seen occassional misses in the junction view screen on my zumo 660 also.
If you go that way regularly maybe try using the far left and right lanes for a few trips each and you may come up with a pattern (if my guess has any
Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue
Lane Assist
Lane Assist can be a tremendous help. We have a 40-foot motorhome and tow a car. The Pioneer GPS in the MH has lane assist, and it is great since we need a little extra time for lane changes, and others aren't always anxious to let us in.
The Garmin in our car (movable to the MH) doesn't have it, but I wish it did.