Only in Chicago

Nuvi 680, Magellan 300

Not only Chicago

In the Washington DC area the major transit provider, Metro just ignores the tickets. In MD, county cops are often photoed running lights and speeding, often with a single digit exposed on an upraised hand.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet


Ridiculous! These drivers are responsible for safely transporting 1000's of people. Why should they be exempt from the law?


grush wrote:

Ridiculous! These drivers are responsible for safely transporting 1000's of people. Why should they be exempt from the law?

They're from the gummint and they're here to help....

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

This is ridiculous, but

This is ridiculous, but unfortunately, not surprising.

It's merely one public

It's merely one public sector (transit) paying another public sector (red-light camera money grabbers) with the private firms supplying the cameras receiving a commission for each ticket issued.