What does your screen name mean?
Tue, 12/23/2008 - 11:30am
![]() ![]() ![]() 17 years
I have seen some interesting screen names/userID and was
just wondering what was the tought/meaning behind the name. I know some of them are personal names in short form but what do the rest represent.
I will start:
DRMCMTR: DReaM CoMe TRue. This is my personal plate on my car.
Spider Elliott
Spider Elliott was a fictional character in Judith Krantz's 1978 book "Scruples." I had this e-mail account since '01, so I just used it when I started playing with my GPS.
nüvi 750 & 760
A = Alpha, Ophiuchus the constellation Ophiuchus. My son had a star named after me in the constellation Ophiuchus as a Christmas present. The brightest star in a constellation is traditionally the alpha star and I'm so bright my mother called me sun... (or was it son?) At any rate when I tried to use Ophiuchus as a name for my isp it was taken so I chose the brightest star in said constellation...
Edit and if you think aophiuchus is bad, try alphaophiuchus....
It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ
Blue was the uniform color, 2022 was the badge number. I am a retired what? Have been using the blue since way back in the 70’s. Surely, some of you remember those days!
John Every Day Above Ground is a Good Day! Nuvi 360,660 and 780
Screen Names
I've used A_User or A_User2000 for over 10 years as one of my screen names. I've also been known to use Justin Time, Justin Case and my all time favorite of Yu Hu (Yoo Hoo!). A_User came about when I went to register some piece of software that wanted a lot of personal data I didn't feel like providing.
ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet
Screen names
The Cadfael part comes from the Ellis Peters novels of The Brother Cadfael Mysteries, an 11th century Welsh monk who, through his use of what today we would call forensic science, solved the perceived unsolvable crime.
I merely elevated him to knighthood with the Sir.
I live in Houston, Texas and am NOT a woman.
My User Name
Alleghany is the name of the mountains I grew up in in Western PA.
"As life runs on, the road grows strange with faces new - and near the end. The milestones into headstones change, Neath every one a friend." - James Russell Lowell Garmin StreetPilot C330, Garmin NUVI 765T, Garmin DriveSmart 60LMT
My user name
Alleghany is the name of the mountains I grew up in in Western PA.
Long way from home now, huh, Alleghany? I'm from Northwest PA, myself, and still live here.
When I found POI Factory and signed up I had just gotten my first tracking-type gps. I got back into the woods hiking all over in my area to get in shape (after too many years of inactivity).
Anyway, I just like to hike out there with no distractions except what Mother Nature puts around me (no cell phone, mp3, etc.) so thought Zen-Hiker sounded good for this site!
Winston Churchill said, “Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing, after exhausting all other possibilities.”
The name of my...
career changed guide dog. Now I am career changed too.
What is in a name
I have been working in IT for 23 yrs. Started on Unisys mainframe, now MS system admin.
Allan Barnett - Garmin nüvi 885T/765T/Pharos GPS (bluetooth) w/MS Maps on PPC
My screen name is just a cryptic version of my real name. They are both pronounced the same. My license plate has read gymkep for the past 25 years.
Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad
a bronc is a wild horse and
a bronc is a wild horse and in charge of its destiny. It goes where ever it wants and when it wants. Of course a bronc does not use a gps. Oh well
bojo360 is Bobby Joe 360 as in degrees. My software registration name is Seeya Tomara
petlaur is just the combination of the first half of my name, Peter and the first half of my daughter's name Lauren.
Sometime ago I made an investment into a PT Cruser (when they first came out) got very active in the clubs in California and here in Az. Did alot of upgrades to the sum of 30k and put a ram air hood on, so I picked ramcruzer for my forum name on their site and have used it all the time since those fun days of cruising.
Ramcruiser was also a military Tank in the war of WW2
><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><-><- 4-Garmin Nuvi 760>>>> Owner: Sunrise Mechanical A/C & Heating,, Peoria, Arizona
Nothing so imaginative...
Mine is simple -- my ham radio callsign, and also my initials
kilo six romeo tango mike
Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows
My name was
given to me as a joke by a friend. Out of the blue, he started calling me Donicus (my name is Don).
Not doing anything worth a darn.
Not very creative with screen names....
Jeff - Short for Jeffrey
H - First letter of my last name
Bet no one would have guessed
Jeff...... Nuvi 2460, Nuvi 2595
Double Tap
Double-Tap, after the first round is fired, the trigger is quickly pulled again as the muzzle drops down out of recoil. Ideally, both rounds should strike anywhere within the center of the target, within a tenth of a second.
I prefer Double-Tap head shots, very effective for stopping a dangerous target.
"Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam" “When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
kinda self explanitary,i am never late to anything(i just dont like to be)and 22 is the day i was born on
My initials and the number 4
My initials and the number 4 for Brett Favre..
Chevrolet, an American Revolution.
I am SEAWORTHY...........
I have a great respect for the sea and have a certain type of passion for her, I also love sailing on cruise ships, can't get enough of either! I thought the name would fit properly.
Fair winds and following seas!
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Initials followed by college degree (Chemical Engineering). I know, kinda boring.
MMM ChE nuvi 760, nuvi 200W, HP Bluetooth GPS for iPAQ 4705, Holux CF GPS for iPAQ 5555, Radio Shack "puck" GPS for iPAQ 5555
What does your screen name mean?
Name is not fancy
johnm-first name and last inital
405= exit from state road to my house.
johnm405 660 & MSS&T
I like to hike and I had a Garmin 12XL before SA was turned off. Then I heard about geocaching in 2001 and tried it out. It made hiking more fun. So I picked the name GeoScouter because I like Geocaching and I'm involved in Scouting.
Screen Name
First name Dave
MP in the Army for 20 years.
My occupation
I hunt for rocks (asteroids) & ice (comets)
Drivesmart 66, Nuvi 2595LMT (Died), Nuvi 1490T (Died), Nuvi 260 (Died), GPSMAP 195
It's Simple
Just my Initial and last name, the Avatar is my business logo.
Roleplaying Canuck Gamer with: Nuvi 760 & 2595 LMT (Map Ver.: 2019.30) 2012 RAM 1500 4x4 Big Horn Quad
Had Nextel cell service for
Had Nextel cell service for many years until it went down the tubes with it's merger with Sprint. Hence the name Nex-to-hel!
What's in a name?
Mine is my name
Glenn - Southern MD; SP C330 / Nuvi 750 / Nuvi 265WT
Just exactly what it says
I love Whitewater canoeing
Will nuvi 265W, Vista HCX, amateur radio
In Hard Times......
Try to keep it simple....
And Always Excel, A wheel is but a wheel.
And it needs not a new name.
I like mountain biking. It
I like mountain biking. It is used in the cycling forums also.
You don't cease to play because you grow old, you grow old because you cease to play.
Should be RetiredRetiredTechnician
Electronic Technician at Rockwell-International for 34 years; retired and started Computer Business; retired again ... now enjoying IA in the summer, AZ in the winter.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
Uhhhh....my name.....
Rigel is the brightest star in the constellation Orion.
___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t
Screen Name?
Alan is my first name and Robin is my wife's middle name, which she uses. The 1 is because the first time I tried to register online(eBay, alanrobin was taken.
Alan-Garmin c340
What does your screen name mean?
I have NO Clue in direction if it was not for GPS I be lost for days
The nickname friends gave me 40 years ago, when I started taking flying lessons. It was actually "Tailspin Tommy" but I dropped the "Tommy" part.
I'm just happy it wasn't "Wrong Way Corrigan"...
Season's Greetings to all...
Nüvi 670 & 880
Mac Pro & OS 10.5.4
Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!
Screen Name
Bought brand new while stationed in Hawaii
Screen Name
Means nothing, but some people believe I'm in the cell phone business. When I once needed a new screen name, I happened to notice that on the speed dial of the kitchen phone, the first entry was "cell" for speedy access for calling my cell phone whereas the second was the dialer for the business "merchant" visa/master-card account for customers.
Ergo cellmerch !
nuvi' 2450
Been my handle for awhile...
Backlash refers to stomping on the gas in a high horsepower car. ZO6 refers to my current toy, a 2002 corvette Z06 which I frequent race tracks with. I have used this screen name since 2002 on many corvette and race forums.
My handle goes way back
I used to airbrush as a teen in the late seventies and have pulled out an airbrush every once in a while - if I ever have the time.
Working in the IT field for 20 plus years, most IT related names have all been taken, so I tried that one and it was available.
So, there you go... Not creative I know.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled forum - already in progress . . .
First name, last initial.
Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold
What's in a name?
My handle here (and on a copule of other boards I frequent) is a combination of my name and one of my occupations.
I'm a professional mariner, holding a Master, Oceans, 1,600 Ton USCG license, and a USCG Chief Mate, Oceans, Any Gross Tons license. While I no longer sail on big ships, I still make use of my license when I take people charter fishing on my boat. My boat is the avatar you see with my post.
His Doghouse Too is the name of the boat, and I'm the owner/operator of His Doghouse Charters.
Merry Christmas to all, and i hope everyone has a Safe, Prosperous, and very Happy New Year.
Its my name and nickname
ADC....... navy rating
USN........ Navy
RET....... Retired.
Retired from the navy. Then last year Retired again.
Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.
Last name plus first initials.
nuvi 785 nuvi 350, nuvi 270, GTM 20, jag in dash, mercedes in dash.
Not many folks ask but...
AG - symbol for the element Silver on the Periodic Table
GL- symbol for the Honda Goldwing motorcycle usually embedded within the model descriptor
Screen Name
pcatch, shorten first and last name that I have been called since high School. That was 45 years ago. 135, my house number.
Paul..... Nuvi 765T