Slow down!


If this has been asked before, please accept my apologies, but I didn't see any other posts relating to it on my search.

On several of my major streets, my Nuvi posts the speed limit of the road I'm on. Great feature! Is it possible to have it sound an alert if I'm driving over the speed limit to encourage me to slow down?

I'd like to think that if it's already able to display my current MPH, then alerting me of a value over the number it shows should toggle an alert, no? If not, it's a feature I think would be a smart addition on Garmin's part.

Good idea, maybe, but...

RLL480 wrote:

If this has been asked before, please accept my apologies, but I didn't see any other posts relating to it on my search.

On several of my major streets, my Nuvi posts the speed limit of the road I'm on. Great feature! Is it possible to have it sound an alert if I'm driving over the speed limit to encourage me to slow down?

I'd like to think that if it's already able to display my current MPH, then alerting me of a value over the number it shows should toggle an alert, no? If not, it's a feature I think would be a smart addition on Garmin's part.

I'm pretty sure that this is not an option on any current nuvi model. Definitely not on my 750.

PS--the speed limit icon is handy at times but is wrong a small percent of the time. When in doubt, believe the signs along the roadway and not the nuvi.

It's been around

This idea pops up frequently. Unfortunately. there seems to be no way to do it. It requires some new design that only Garmin can accomplish, and in their infinite wisdom they decided that we don't need that feature.
The subject doesn't have a thread of it's own but it was discussed as recently as yesterday.

nuvi 785 nuvi 350, nuvi 270, GTM 20, jag in dash, mercedes in dash.

been around on other GPSr's

Navigon GPSr's have this feature. Since Garmin has copied many of the Navigon features look for this one down the line someday soon.

Using Android Based GPS.The above post and my sig reflects my own opinions, expressed for the purpose of informing or inspiring, not commanding. Naturally, you are free to reject or embrace whatever you read.


RLL480 wrote:

If this has been asked before, please accept my apologies, but I didn't see any other posts relating to it on my search.

On several of my major streets, my Nuvi posts the speed limit of the road I'm on. Great feature! Is it possible to have it sound an alert if I'm driving over the speed limit to encourage me to slow down?

I'd like to think that if it's already able to display my current MPH, then alerting me of a value over the number it shows should toggle an alert, no? If not, it's a feature I think would be a smart addition on Garmin's part.

That is one of the reasons I purchased a Nuvi...excellent feature!


I find this feature to not be reliable. On certain areas, speed limits may have been changed more recently then the latest data gatherings by NAVTEQ. Also, for some reason, when I am anywhere in my home county (Ocean County, NJ), on any highway other than the local toll road, the sign is not on the screen. Even on a major highway, when I cross the county line, it's gone.

Nuvi Speed Signs

Are, I think, only available for Interstates, not state roads no matter how "major" of a road we may think it is.

Fletch- Nuvi 750

RLL480 wrote: If this has

RLL480 wrote:

If this has been asked before, please accept my apologies, but I didn't see any other posts relating to it on my search.

On several of my major streets, my Nuvi posts the speed limit of the road I'm on. Great feature! Is it possible to have it sound an alert if I'm driving over the speed limit to encourage me to slow down?

I'd like to think that if it's already able to display my current MPH, then alerting me of a value over the number it shows should toggle an alert, no? If not, it's a feature I think would be a smart addition on Garmin's part.

My Navigon 7100 does it automatically and it is a fantastic feature! I miss it on my Garmin...

speed limit indicator is area dependent...

The speed limit indicator is area dependent and on what particular roads have this feature assigned to them in the map data.

In my particular area in Sothern California, I receive the indicator on pretty much all streets and highways...however I have *never* seen it on 25 mph residential streets while others I have spoken with from different areas do get the 25 mph indicator. I have also never seen it display 35 mph or below on larger streets.

nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area


It is pretty much limited to highways. I have a Navigon also and it has it listed on the same roads as the Nuvi.

speed icon

I'd say my 760 is accurate 90% of the time on it's posted speed limit. The times it is incorrect, it seems to always post a lower speed limit than what it actually is. I'd rather it be wrong in that direction when it is.

Speed Limit Display

I believe the NT2008 maps only displayed speed limits for freeways. The NT2009 maps are much more inclusive. We just traveled across the country with the 2009 map on our Nuvi 750 and found speed limits displayed almost (but not quite) everywhere, albeit incorrect a small percentage of the time (most likely, but not completely, due to changes since the map data was gathered in 2007). I think some jurisdictions have "general" speed limits in effect for different types of roads and that these "general" limits may not always have to be signed to be legal (e.g. 30 or 25 mph on local residential streets etc). I'm guessing that if there were no signs in the field when the map data was collected, no speed limit sign will display on your Nuvi.


re: Speed Limit Display

Yes, the 2009 maps add speed limits to many more roads.

I live in a rural area and all the highways around here and many of the regular roads have the speed limit icon show.

As mentioned previously though, they are not always correct. Fairly recently they raised the speed limits here on a stretch of road. The old limits still show on the nuvi.