Haunted Houses And Ghost Tours
Fri, 09/26/2008 - 11:05am
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![]() 18 years
Scottk has made a great file, linked below including haunted houses and Ghost tours. I would like everyone to go take a look to make sure that their favorite spot is included.
If you don't find it, please post it here so that Scottk can add it.
Thanks guys,
Miss POI
POI Files
See also
I am afraid of Ghosts. LOL
Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad
Lizzie Borden house
The house where Lizzie Borden's parents were murdered is now a museum/bed and breakfast. People who have stayed there (including a crew from the History Channel) report unusual happenings.
Lizzie Borden house
230 Second St.
Fall River, Ma.
41.698986°, -71.156369°
File Has been Updated...
Nomad, I have added your location and also added a few more, thanks!
Any haunted place?
Hey, great idea for a POI file. By "Haunted Houses" are you including just entertainment places (e.g. Haunted houses for the halloween season) or are you going to include, like the Lizzy POI, places that are supposed to be haunted even if they are not marketed that way or even open to the public normally?
Edited to add:
Witch's Woods
latitude: 42.54063552574021
longitude: -71.4427238702774
(grabbed the coordinates myself out of Google Maps, so they are spot on)
located at...
Nashoba Valley Ski Area
Powers Road, Westford, MA
Tel: 978-692-3033
Garmin nüvi 200 (my first GPS), 780, & 3700 Series. And a Mac user.
Anything Halloween Related and more...
The file includes like you said entertainment places and also includes known haunted houses that can have tours or you can just drive up at night and look at them. For instance this file has the "Amittyville Horror" house in Long Island, NY in it. You can't tour it but as I did once drove up and looked at it. It gave off a very eery feeling. Anyway this file should include Haunted Houses, any type of ghost tours and it doesn't mean just for adults but for kids too, halloween themed restaurants, unique costume places etc.
FYI (similar files)
There are two files that have similar data for Chicago:
I am not sure if you want to combine the data into one.
Garmin Nüvi 650, 255WT
Eastern State Penitentary
Eastern State Penitentary
2124 Fairmount Ave.
Philadelphia, PA
Phone: 215-236-3300
Bob G. Nuvi 750
South Mansion Inn
South Mansion Inn
720 Washington Street
Cape May, NJ 08204
Phone: 609-884-7171 * 800-381-3888
Bob G. Nuvi 750
That One Is...
That location (Eastern State Penitentary) is already in the existing file but thanks anyway.
hey Scottk,,,
So you will put in the ones that come along around Hollween? I will give you a feww as I hear of them.. I will send you the place, times open and if possable, the Amount to get in if you like..
At least for NY area.. My kids love them and take them to have some fun.. Remimber one is 6 flags..
let me know what your looking for and I will love to help ya with this one.
Bobkz - Garmin Nuvi 3597LMTHD/2455LMT/C530/C580- "Pain Is Fear Leaving The Body - Semper Fidelis"
You Can...
post any locations that you would like to see in the file right here or you can email me through POI factory. Looking forward to your additions.
Ghosts? I understand one
Ghosts? I understand one origin/explanation of ghosts is the appearance of Barn Owls. Picture this... you go into an abandoned house, a white object appears before your eyes.... it is soundless (as owls have special feathers that mute sound), and its eyes project forward like a human face..... and Barn Owls do NOT hoot, they screech!!!! Barn Owls are found throughout the world.
Perhaps we should put up abandoned houses that have Barn Owl inhabitants as well for this POI!!!
There are now ...
There are now 136 entries up from 115 at the start.
Winchester Mystery House
Winchester Mystery House
525 S Winchester Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 247-2101
37.318699 -121.950353
Special tours on halloween (some people claim the "special" tours are more expensive and more rushed). Still, a fascinating place to visit.
Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows
Thank you k6rtm, your entry has been added to the POI file. We now have 141 entries.
Sweet! That's an awesome
Sweet! That's an awesome idea for my favorite holiday.
Garmin nüvi 750
Scottk, I noticed you have the Amityville horror House in NY with an Address of 112 Ocean Ave Long Island, NY It is actually 112 Ocean Ave., Amityville, NY 11701 They are two different locations, pretty close to one another though! And the House isn't the one they actually used in the movie, that one is in Toms River, NJ If you would like the address I will get it for you!
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Thanks For The...
Thanks for the correction, I updated the address but got the same coordinates. This location is the actual house were the Lutz's lived. If you would like to get the coordinates for the house they used in the movie I will be happy to add it to the file, thanks!
Here is the Address and coordinates for the Amityville movie house:
18 Brooks Rd.
Toms River, NJ
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Thanks Seaworthy, I will add that to the file.
We Now Have...
We now have over 150 entries in the POI file!
Wompus Woods Haunted Trail
Wompus Woods Haunted Trail
330 Parris Road
Cowpens, SC 29330
-81.827915, 35.060006
Your Location Has ...
Your location has been added to the POI file, Thanks!
Here's another one!
Dr. Morbid's Haunted House
115 Canada Street
Lake George, NY 12845
Latitude 43.422538
Longitude -73.713968
Bob G. Nuvi 750
And another.............
House of Frankenstein wax museum
213 Canada St
Lake George, NY 12845
Latitude 43.424405
Longitude -73.713407
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Another in Cape May, NJ
Queen's Hotel
601 Columbia Avenue
Cape May, NJ
Latitude 38.931839
Longitude -74.920325
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Winchester Mystery House San Jose, CA
Winchester Mystery House
525 S Winchester Blvd
San Jose, CA 95128
In 1884, a wealthy widow named Sarah L. Winchester began a construction project of such magnitude that it was to occupy the lives of carpenters and craftsmen until her death thirty-eight years later. The Victorian mansion, designed and built by the Winchester Rifle heiress, is filled with so many unexplained oddities, that it has come to be known as the Winchester Mystery House.
Sarah Winchester built a home that is an architectural marvel. Unlike most homes of its era, this 160-room Victorian mansion had modern heating and sewer systems, gas lights that operated by pressing a button, three working elevators, and 47 fireplaces. From rambling roofs and exquisite hand inlaid parquet floors to the gold and silver chandeliers and Tiffany art glass windows, you will be impressed by the staggering amount of creativity, energy, and expense poured into each and every detail.
Very interesting............
The Winchester Mystery House was also built to keep spirits at bay, It has doorways and stairways to no ware to confuse the spirits. And the reason why she had carpenters there working on the house every day was to keep the activity going as to keep the spirits away!
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Haunted House
This Haunted House Tour is in Poughkeepsie New York.
It is a lot of fun this time of year.
Thanks Everyone!
Thanks everyone for your entries, I have updated the file.
this is a great idea for
this is a great idea for some halloween fun
Thanks Johnc!
Johnc has just added 15 new IL locations to the file. That brings us up to 179 entries from the original 115 at the start. Thanks Everyone!
Thanks for the effort Scott!
Magellan Maestro 4250, T-Mobile G1 with Google Maps, iPaq with TomTom, and a Tapwave Zodiac with TomTom and Mapopolis
great file. thanks!
great file. thanks!
The Bone Yard
The Bone Yard Haunted Trail
203 Green Rd.
Wellford, SC 29385
-82.053666, 34.971289
Haunted House in New York City
Not sure if you have this one, Its located in Manhattan.
Blood Manor
542 West 27th Street
New York City, N.Y. 10001
Web Site: http://www.bloodmanor.com/
GPS On The Ground | FMC In The Air
Thanks DogVomit, your entry has been added!
Michael, That one is in the file already, thanks anyway.
The Queen Mary Ship and Hotel
The Queen Mary Ship and Hotel has Halloween events.
1126 Queen's Highway, Long Beach, Ca. 90802
(562) 435-3511
Latitude: 33.75191
Longitude: -118.193289
Thanks Krieger!
Your entry has been added!
Can we add places to get great costumes, for both adults and kids?
Halloween Express
4251 S 27th St
Greenfield, WI 53221
(414) 282-9640
Spirit Halloween Superstores
4360 S 76th Street,
Greenfield, WI
(414) 327-2766
Spirit Halloween Superstores
South Towne Center,
3726 S 27th Street,
Milwaukee, WI
(414) 281-4006
I hope I'm not off the mark.
"If there's a new way I'll be the first in line, but it better work this time!"
Yes We Can Add Them...
but if you can please supply the coordinates and then you can email them to me right here through the POI factory or just post them here, thanks!
In Miami..............
Soho Studios Miami
2136 NW 1st Avenue,
Miami, Florida, 33127
Latitude 25.797277
Longitude -80.196924
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Creepy Museum.............
It is not Haunted, It is creepy!
The Mutter Museum
19 South 22nd Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19103
Latitude 39.953336
Longitude -75.176637
Bob G. Nuvi 750
I added Soho Studios Miami but I think I am going to leave out THE MUTTER MUSEUM", its a Creepy medical museum. Thanks!
Clinton, Illinois
There is a great haunted house located in Clinton, Illinois called Terror on Washington St. Check out the website at http://clintonhauntedhouse.com/
513 E. Washington Street Clinton, IL 61727
Long -88.95491
Lat 40.15504
EDIT....Oops, I didn't see that one on the until i loaded it on my device.
Just the right time for Halloween. Thanks.
Field of Screams!
Field of Screams
191 College Ave.
Mountville, PA 17554
Latitude 40.042390
Longitude -76.424730
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Haunted prison???????????
There is also a haunted prison in the area of Lancaster County PA, they charge admission to spend the night! I am trying to get information about it or if anyone here has information on it please share.
Bob G. Nuvi 750
Thanks Seaworthy for all your great locations!