dowloading into nuvi


can someone tell me how we can tell if we download anything into the unit. Does it show up anywhere? We just got a nuvi 255w and trying to dowload stuff on it.

Touch where to on gps,my

Touch where to on gps,my locations,extras and touch custom pois last and you will see them.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

Downloading to Nuvi

You can also connect your unit to your computer and then search through the unit's memory its self.

Thanks for that info,

Thanks for that info, however nothing is in there. So I really can't figure out how to download stuff. It all sounds easy when you get to the site to download but it doesn't seem to be.

Hi Thanks and I did check

Hi Thanks and I did check that away, the folders are there but they are all empty. Any suggestions?

What method and program are

What method and program are you using to download and how are you doing it? Also what are you trying to download?


Nüvi 3790


To the OP, please read this

and then this ...

actually i am trying to

actually i am trying to download the vehicles so I can change the blue arrow. Another thing is it normal that my home location is off by 2 streets?

if you set your home location

While your at home, how can it be off my two streets?

It is terrible to speak well and be wrong. -Sophocles snɥɔnıɥdoɐ aka ʎɹɐƃ

thats the problem it is!

thats the problem it is!

Hey Guys can someone tell me

Hey Guys can someone tell me how to download the garmin garage. I have tried every which way and nothing is happening?

Do it again

just set your home address again see if that fixes it.

Will nuvi 265W, Vista HCX, amateur radio

Downloading Vehicle

TAGG0512 wrote:

Hey Guys can someone tell me how to download the garmin garage. I have tried every which way and nothing is happening?

Go to here:

Choose your vehicle, download it.

Unzip the file

Plug your GPS into your computer

Move the unzipped .srf file to you GPS in the Garmin > vehicle folder.

unplug (safely) your GPS from the computer

Turn on your gps

go to the help (wrench) > settings > Map > Vehicle Change tab > scroll down and choose the desired vehicle.

Try This

TAGG0512 wrote:

Hey Guys can someone tell me how to download the garmin garage. I have tried every which way and nothing is happening?

Go to this page
arrow and click on the Download Now link on the left side of the page. I was just able to download All Vehicles from that link.

Tampa, FL - Garmin nüvi 660 (Software Ver 4.90), 2021.20 CN NA NT maps | Magellan Meridian Gold

Downloading new Vehicles

TAGG0512 wrote:

Hey Guys can someone tell me how to download the garmin garage. I have tried every which way and nothing is happening?

Here are the instructions from the Garmin page:
How to Install:

1. Connect your Garmin GPS device to your computer.
2. Click Download.
3. Click Open, if necessary.
4. Click Extract.
5. Browse to find the “Garmin/vehicle” folder on the Garmin drive, and click Extract.You may need to create the vehicle folder.
6. Double-click the Unplug or Eject icon in your system tray. Click Stop, and then click OK.
7. Unplug the USB cable from your Garmin GPS device.

If you follow the instructions correctly, you should have no problems. Just make certain the EXTRACTED file goes in the Garmin/Vehicle folder on your Garmin and not in a folder on your computer.

I usually download the entire file and then select a few for my choices. I'm currently using Wingman but I like Billy too.

To change the vehicle, you do this through the settings (wrench) on the Garmin screens.


ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

did that a few times and it

did that a few times and it still shows the house 2 streets over. I emailed the garmin support and lets see if they respond. Thanks for all your help

Garmin Email Support

TAGG0512 wrote:

did that a few times and it still shows the house 2 streets over. I emailed the garmin support and lets see if they respond. Thanks for all your help

Just a FYI, I email Garmin support on the 27th and didn't get a response until the 30th. So it might take a few days to hear something back.


The vehicle icon that you have selected has no bearing on your position. And as stated twice above, the extracted vehicle icons must be placed in the VEHICLE folder on the nuvi (not on the SD card) in order for the unit to see them.

Are you saying that when you have a satellite lock on your nuvi that the position showing on the map screen is consistently two streets off no matter where you are?

Or does it only happen with your street?

Or are you searching for your home address and finding that the address is off? This can be very common depending on the accuracy of the map data in your area.

And just a tip for the future, it's helpful if you are clear and detailed about what you are trying to do when you ask questions. If you had stated in your original post that you were trying to load the vehicle icons, the answer would have been reached much more quickly.

Maybe try and go to google

Maybe try and go to google maps and see what that shows when you put in your address. Maybe its the maps that are showing wrong and not the unit.

Jerry...Jacksonville,Fl Nüvi1450,Nuvi650,Nuvi 2495 and Mapsource.

Address location off

It is not unusual to find addresses off sometimes by quite a bit. I don't think you can blame Garmin for that. You can go to Google Maps and find the correct coordinates. - OR - I have a program which might help you. You can go to to see if you'd like to try it.


TAGG0512 wrote:

Another thing is it normal that my home location is off by 2 streets?

Make sure it's your house you're standing in when your looking at your home location! grin grin grin

Sorry, I couldn't resist.