Error message while trying to install Garmin POI loader


I am trying to install Garmin POI loader on my windows 10 laptop. I go through the process and when I get to the final step, I get the error message " there was an unexpected error during the transfer of the custom POI file". I decided to power up my old VISTA laptop which I have used many times to load custom POIs. Now POI loader won't work on that machine either. It gives me the same error code. I even called Garmin to see if loader was no longer available. they could not answer the question either. They recommended removing all downloads of the program and starting over. That didn't work. I searched this site but could not find a solution.
It's probably operator error but does anyone have any ideas?

James C. Hoover Jr.

Found it... Tested it on W10 PRO

I just found the installer
One I'm using on W7 is dated March 2015: POILoaderforWindows_273.exe

Just installed it on Wife's W10 PRO laptop.... It installed fine and ran, enough to determine it's not error-ing out...
If that could help, send me info on how to send it to you...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

POI Loader 2.7.3 available at

John from PA

contact info

Thanks JanJ

If there is one dated 2015 that is newer than what Garmin has on their website. I would like to try that one.

James C. Hoover Jr.

2.7.3 may be the latest

jchooverjr wrote:

Thanks JanJ

If there is one dated 2015 that is newer than what Garmin has on their website. I would like to try that one.

The link I provided seems to indicate that 2.7.3 may be the latest.

John from PA

In case this helps

At least for the Windows version, POI Loader can show its current version and check for updates by right-clicking the words "POI Loader" in the upper left corner of the open app.

Works on Win 11

John from PA wrote:

I downloaded the POI loader from this location on my Win 11 laptop and it downloaded and ran without problems. The most difficult part was finding the Garmin folder buried somewhere within the Win code. After I found it I merely created a shortcut of the POI loader and put it on my desktop.


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

^ times 2. same here.

^ times 2. same here.

Just a guess....It may be

Just a guess....It may be trying to write the file into a restricted folder. Try running the install as administrator.

I agree it’s the same

I agree it’s the same version as what I have

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Version 2.7.3

Garmin Poi Loader v2.7.3 was the last version released back in 2013. Works fine for me on Win 10 and Win 11.

Thanks for the info

CraigW wrote:

At least for the Windows version, POI Loader can show its current version and check for updates by right-clicking the words "POI Loader" in the upper left corner of the open app.

Thanks for the info I couldn't figure how to find the version number until your post.
I have and its working fine

DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)

Yes indeed

GPSgeek wrote:
CraigW wrote:

At least for the Windows version, POI Loader can show its current version and check for updates by right-clicking the words "POI Loader" in the upper left corner of the open app.

Thanks for the info I couldn't figure how to find the version number until your post.
I have and its working fine

It's certainly not an obvious solution, but now if I have a program that doesn't have an About or Help tab, I try this technique.

Ive had similar experiences

Ive had similar experiences in the past

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT

POI loader

How do you check ther version. I just tried to open the application and it wouldn't open, Just asked if I wanted to unistall. I may hve to uninstall and reinstlal it.

You have to go to the install location

The POI loader properties in the install location will tell you. Mine is 2.7.3

bsp131 wrote:

How do you check ther version. I just tried to open the application and it wouldn't open, Just asked if I wanted to unistall. I may hve to uninstall and reinstlal it.

Nuvi 2460LMT.

i am confused about the dates.

The website I can see says "POI Loader for Windows, Ver. 2.7.3, as of Nov 07, 2013, Download"

Not 2015. 2013.

Where are you getting this 2015 stuff?

By the way, a common hacker trick to have people install their virus is to "release" a "new" version that is really the old version in which they added a virus to it. Downloaders think they are getting a new version...

Jason Arthur Taylor, PhD

Had the same issue

I had the same issue happen last several times when trying to upload files via poi loader. Didn't catch it last month. Having this happened several years ago and it turned out to be a poi file I removed the latest updated files from the upload file. One by one I added them back in and uploaded again thinking I would find the corrupted file. There were 5 files total. Strange thing was after doing all this (removing the files and adding them back in one by one) the entire file which showed an error (exact same POI files) uploaded to my Garmin with no error. Only thing I have noticed that is different is when I download the files from POI Factory I get a message "insecure download blocked" and I have to click "keep" or file doesn't download to my computer.

Using Windows 10 Pro

insecure download blocked

Frside007 wrote:

I had the same issue happen last several times when trying to upload files via poi loader. Didn't catch it last month. Having this happened several years ago and it turned out to be a poi file I removed the latest updated files from the upload file. One by one I added them back in and uploaded again thinking I would find the corrupted file. There were 5 files total. Strange thing was after doing all this (removing the files and adding them back in one by one) the entire file which showed an error (exact same POI files) uploaded to my Garmin with no error. Only thing I have noticed that is different is when I download the files from POI Factory I get a message "insecure download blocked" and I have to click "keep" or file doesn't download to my computer.

Using Windows 10 Pro

I have started to get that same message for a while now about "insecure download blocked". I contacted Jon about it a while back when it was only one file. Now it has became several files with the same message.

Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.

POI loader

OK. I finally got back to my PC to attempt to install Garmin POI loader. I read all the comments as well as some of my handwritten notes and was able to install and run POI loader at last.
As I suspected, there was at least some amount of operator error, but I am back in business. Thanks to all who took the time to reply.

James C. Hoover Jr.