"FM" Traffic vs MSN Information Service


My 760 came with FM traffic service, which has been OK but limited. MSN seems to offer much more information with a "lifetime" service arrangement that seems pretty competitive.

Does anyone have any experience with the MSN services -- traffic, as well as the gas prices, weather, etc. they could share?

MSN Direct Traffic

dkstl wrote:

My 760 came with FM traffic service, which has been OK but limited. MSN seems to offer much more information with a "lifetime" service arrangement that seems pretty competitive.

Does anyone have any experience with the MSN services -- traffic, as well as the gas prices, weather, etc. they could share?

Greetings: smile Here is one of several links, I had posted this one and many people chimed in, so I hope you'll get some benefit from the link. As a side note, gas prices are usuallt just fine as long as it shows "today",,,traffic is going to be just "ok" depending on your locations,,,,,, Here is the link:

nuvi' 2450