New User Nuvi 360 / MapSource
Sat, 02/10/2007 - 2:28am
18 years
I just purchased today so quite confused. I downloaded the latest s/w updates for the 360. What benefits does MapSource give you over the standard s/w that comes with the 360. Thanks
With older models, MapSource was used to select maps for an area and load them into the GPS. With most newer models, maps are pre-loaded.
MapSource also has other features that many people find interesting, such as creating waypoints (aka Favorite Locations) and planning routes.
I don't have a nuvi 360, so I'm not exactly sure what extra features are available in your situation.
MapSource & Nuvis
Since the map is already fully loaded in the Nuvis, the MapSource program is useful for creating/editing waypoints/Favorite Locations, and you can also use the route tool to preview a route from one point to another - but you can't take that route and dump it into a Nuvi as can be done with other units. You can also save your favorites/waypoints as a gpx or tab delimited text file that can be turned into a csv file with ease so one can share their favorites with others, or import into other programs.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Thanks for the responses
It's all getting a little clearer. I guess as I continue to use the 360 it will get easier. This forum is a godsend for new users like me