MSN Direct and Nuvi 660
Sat, 02/10/2007 - 3:21pm
18 years
Does any know if the GDB50, MSN Direct Receiver will work on the Nuvi 660? If it will, I am not sure the best place to buy it.
18 years
Does any know if the GDB50, MSN Direct Receiver will work on the Nuvi 660? If it will, I am not sure the best place to buy it.
Trade the 660
For a Nuvi 680 - it has MSN Direct built-in. Should be available in March, suggested retail price: $1071.
*Keith* MacBook Pro *wifi iPad(2012) w/BadElf GPS & iPhone6 + Navigon*
Trade 660
Just bought the 660. The cable looks like it will fit the 660, at least looking at it on Garmin web site. I have seen one press article where the reported had a 660 and did the MSN direct. I will try to call Garmin support on Monday and see what they say.