Using Mapquest, gas prices & POI to save travel expenses...


I'd like to share a trick my wife and I developed during our last trip to find cheap (yeah right!) gas.

Before we left home, I went on Mapquest>gas prices and look up the per gallon price of gas about 400miles from home. I then download several of the gas stations that have the lowest prices to my Nuvi 760 as favorates. The trick to download them is to hover the pointer over the chosen gas station to bring up the ballon that shows the address. At this screen, the station cannot be downloaded to the GPSr, but if you click on the "Places Nearby" link in the ballon, you'll be taken to the map screen, where "send" tap is available to send the POI to the GPSr.

When we are ready to pull into a motel for the night, we chose one that offers wireless internet from the Traveler discount guide. This way, we save on the room and also be able to setup the new day's POI.

Hope this suggestion can help you save a few bucks on your next trip, but most of all, provide some distraction on those long stretches of driving.

Disclaimer: I am not connected in any way with Mapquest or Travelers Discount Guide smile

-Garmin Nuvi 760 & 765T-

Would you be able to view

Would you be able to view the gas prices as a description of the poi?

Nuvi 350 Nuvi 3597LMT Nuvi 1450LMT Nuvi 55LM

Would you be able to view

Yes, you can, but you have to add the price onto it yourself.

-Garmin Nuvi 760 & 765T-