Where am I (Nuvi 760)


Garmin Nüvi 760 (Where Am I)

The Where Am I icon gives you locations in:
"Degrees, Minutes and Seconds".

Is it possible to change this display to show:
"Decimal Degrees".

Garmin Nüvi 855 & 760, iPhone, Magellan RM860T

Her ya go!

try the following:

Where To?
Format (at the bottom-middle)
select ddd.ddddd

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you

FPichon wrote:

try the following:

Where To?
Format (at the bottom-middle)
select ddd.ddddd

Thanks that worked.

I had done this when I first bought the unit but had to do a reset last weekend. I Couldn't find this after searching "almost" everywhere.

Garmin Nüvi 855 & 760, iPhone, Magellan RM860T

Glad to assist!

When I received the 750, I had forgotten as well!
I had to enter coordinates to correct a location where the street address was way off, and reality presented itself!

I see also I missed a key in my post (I am constantly hitting the caps or control keys)