Garmin C530
Wed, 01/10/2007 - 6:37pm
18 years
Hi everyone, I would like to purchase a coiled car charger on e-bay that charges my c530 thru the usb port instead of the bottom charge port.Would this be safe to do? I like the idea of the neater coiled cable and the ease of connecting to the usb port.
Thanks for any help,
It will charge through the Mini USB Port, I use mine all the time with the USB port and cable on my PC, but the only thing I would worry about with some of the chargers on ebay are that they are of poor quality and may not have the right voltage settings and you could end up frying your unit.
Why not just use the charger that comes with it? I know it's not coiled, but I wouldn't want to risk it with a 3d party charger. It plugs directly into the unit unlike the C3xx series that plug into the mount.
Garmin 770RV