Distance between 2 lat/long points
Wed, 01/10/2007 - 1:11pm
18 years
Can anyone clue me in on an easy way to tell the distance between to lat/long points. the points are in ddd sss.sss format.
18 years
Can anyone clue me in on an easy way to tell the distance between to lat/long points. the points are in ddd sss.sss format.
distance calculator site
See if this site helps:
Nuvi 350
THANKS! Looks like my
Looks like my nuvi350 and my etrex Legend are about 28 meters apart when both are laying on the hood of my suburban.
All things considered thats not too bad. I assume the nuvi uses WGS84 datum or I thought I read that somewhere.
nuvi350 upgraded to V4.3 and small SD card for testing. etrex Legend and gps60 csx & GPSmap60CSx
a simple rule...
is 'a minute's a mile.' It's not entirely true, especially as you move closer to the poles. But, it's a quick way of estimating distance. So, a degree is ~60 miles, and a second is ~100 feet. (Another inaccuracy of this rule is that it's actually a nautical mile, so statute miles become messier in number). But for quick estimates, it works pretty well.
Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX