Beta testers for POI database?


Anyone interested in beta testing the POI database module I've been building?

This first release is best suited for smaller projects where coordinates are entered by hand. Local attractions or special interest locations would be good candidates.

I expect you'd find it's easier than building POI files with Excel or Notepad. It's not yet as easy as building them with Google Earth.

I'd like to try it out on one or two projects before opening it up to a larger group of people. It should be ready for beta testing to start on Thursday.



if you tell me how to use it, and what kind of feedback you're looking for.

I'm going to work on some little stuff for myself, for travels around NC, to different parks and whatnot, in the next few weeks. I doubt if I'll post it on this website for a number of months, until it's big enough to be worthwhile.


Nuvi 350, GPS Map 76CX

Beta Testers

I'd be happy to give it a shot too JM. I've mostly made the files with Notepad. I generally do not use Excel because I am not sure how to make the address lines in the fourth column show up on separate lines like you can with Notepad with the quotes and enter keys.


Sounds good...

For GC, I can setup a POI type called NC attractions (or something similar). For Jeepin, we still need to decide what sort of POI type to create.

I'll send both of you emails after the module is installed on the site.


Just saw your post Jon if

Just saw your post Jon if you need more guinea pigs lemme know. I'll help where I can.


Garmin Streetpilot i3, Streetpilot C580 and Nuvi 265WT


After I setup new POI types for GC and Jeepin, I'll look at converting your MA-RI file over to the POI database.


Beta tester

What do I need to know and do to be a tester? We're driving from CT to FL in a MH the 1st of the new year. Can I help, I don't know a lot about my nuvi 660 yet, but want to learn. I saw another site had lists of Wal-Marts, and campgrounds. Is this the kind of manual info you are talking about inputting?

u can count on me JM

u can count on me JM


I don't expect it will take long before I'm comfortable that the new module is stable and working as expected. Then, we'll roll it out to anyone who wants to help maintain a POI type.

As far as what types of locations are best -- I think we should prioritize the collection useful or interesting places that normally aren't easy to find in the stock GPS database. Local attractions are a good place to start, and we can tackle some larger projects once the POI database is rolled out.

Eventually, I plan to convert most of the uploaded files over to the database so they're easier to maintain.


Local attractions

I could pick one of the small Finger Lakes here in NY and start adding some of the Vineyards located around the lake. Lots of people tend to come up to these areas for touring. Let me know what you think.



I'm also interested in this new tool. I'm working on my first project of collecting Mountain Bike trails in North Carolina.

Joe Morris,, Garmin nuvi 350


Thanks Joe

I'll setup a POI Type for Mountain Bike Trails and send you a link via email to use for updating locations.


Beta Tester

Put me on that beta list if you need extra staff (give me a chance to become better at making poi's)

NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT