vehicle icons
17 years
First off, I am very glad to have found this site. It has been a great source of info and POI files.
I know that my question might not fit on a POI site, but I wanted to throw this out to folks who are very knowledgable about GPS sites.
What I am looking for are some other vehicle icons for my nuvi. I found the official site vehicles, but I wanted to find something specific. I am a huge Star Wars fan and I can't imagine anything better for my Nuvi than a x-wing or millenium falcon vehicle option. Do sites such as those exist? Does anyone know where I would find it? I have tried google and yahoo, but I can't seem to locate anything. Am I limited to just what Garmin puts up, or is there any custom work out there?
I am not sure about sites
I am not sure about sites that offer "custom" vehicles. However, there is a link somewhere on this site that will show you how to make your own custom vehicles.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
Here's the link.
It's a lot of work. And I've not seen much custom work out there.
Custom Mods
First off, I am very glad to have found this site. It has been a great source of info and POI files.
I know that my question might not fit on a POI site, but I wanted to throw this out to folks who are very knowledgable about GPS sites.
What I am looking for are some other vehicle icons for my nuvi. I found the official site vehicles, but I wanted to find something specific. I am a huge Star Wars fan and I can't imagine anything better for my Nuvi than a x-wing or millenium falcon vehicle option. Do sites such as those exist? Does anyone know where I would find it? I have tried google and yahoo, but I can't seem to locate anything. Am I limited to just what Garmin puts up, or is there any custom work out there?
******************Garmin Nüvi 1300T****************Member 6523*******************
thanks for that link. that let's me know that I will be waiting instead of creating. that looks pretty tough