Edit Buit in POI Database on c340



I am looking for information on editing the builtin POI Database on my Garmin c340.

I know you can upload your own POI's but that isn't what I am looking to do.

What I want is to maintain my own database of POI's. I want to update it as new restaruants, stores open. I want to delete POI's from the 6 million that are of no interst to me.

Is this possible? Since you can flash this device i have to assume that it is hackable.

Are there any utilites that allow me to get root access to the files on it? THat way I can download them to my PC, Edit them and upload my custom image.

I tried searching the forums and web, but all I could find was information on adding custom POI's.

I am sorry if this has already been answered, but I couldn't find the information anywhere.


No, unfortunately, there's no way to do that. The built in places are encoded into the map data and are not accessible. That's why Custom POIs are so popular.


Thanks for the information!

Are there any GPS Units that will allow what I am talking about?
