Looked Everywhere - how to add custom icon/sound to POI?


Hello Everyone. I am new to the world of TomToms and GPS in general. I have done a ton of research before Black Friday to learn about the models/options and have spent countless hours AFTER I purchased a TomTom ONE LE learning about the customizations that can be done on a TomTom ONE.

Things I have learned how to customize:
>>> The startup and shutdown screens
- In the root directory of the TomTom there are two *.bmp files (splash.bmp for the startup screen and antitheft.bmp for the shutdown screen).
- All you need to do is create two *.bmp files of dimension 320x240 pixels, rename them to splash.bmp and antitheft.bmp and replace the files in the root directory of your TomTom.
- When you reboot your device, the TomTom will use the new images.

>>> The default sound selections for warnings
- Using "TomTomGo POI Sound Patcher" you can reassign the given warning selections in your TomTom (NOTE: the program download is at the bottom of the page). I haven't figured out how to change the default labels that TomTom gives to each of these sounds (i.e. Bell 1, Boing 1, Cow, etc.) so those name selections will still show in the TomTom, only with the new *.ogg sound file of your choice assigned.
- You will need *.ogg sound files to perform this reassignment. I use "oggdropXPd 1.8.9" as a simple drag-n-drop *.WAV to *.OGG converter.

>>> The sound assigned to your own custom added POI CATEGORY
- If you create a POI category on your TomTom, you can force an *.ogg sound file to be associated with the category by using the same filename as the *.ov2 filename given to the category.
For example: If you add a POI category with the name "Friends". A file will be created in the map directory you are using (in my case it is in the USA_and_Canada directorry).
- The filename created for this category will be Friends.ov2
- All you need to do is find an audio sound of your choosing and convert it to an *.ogg file (you can use the program I described above for this conversion)
- Rename this file to the same name as the ov2 file, only with the *.ogg extension. In this case: Friends.ogg
- Copy that file into the same directory as the Friends.ov2 file and the TomTom automatically uses that sound for that category and any POI within that category that shows up on your maps as an audible warning

NOTE: You need to go into the CHANGE PREFERENCES --> MANAGE POIS --> WARN WHEN NEAR POI and select the category you want the warning sound to alert you (in this case the Friends category) and turn ON the warning. Normally, it will have you select a sound from the default audio selections...when you have an *.ogg file, it won't show you these selections, it will automatically jump to a screen that says "Is This The Sound You Want To Select?". You simply click YES

>>> The image assigned to your own custom added POI CATEGORY
- If you create a POI category on your TomTom, you can force an *.bmp image file to be associated with the category by using the same filename as the *.ov2 filename given to the category.
For example: If you add a POI category with the name "Friends". A file will be created in the map directory you are using (in my case it is in the USA_and_Canada directorry).
- The filename created for this category will be Friends.ov2
- All you need to do is find an image of your choosing and convert it to a 22x22 pixel *.bmp.
- Rename this file to the same name as the ov2 file, only with the *.bmp extension. In this case: Friends.bmp
- Copy that file into the same directory as the Friends.ov2 file and the TomTom automatically uses that image for that category and any POI within that category that shows up on your maps.

I have only been able to perform this simple audio and image customization on user-created POI categories which have the *.ov2 extension. The TomTom provided POIs and categories reside in an *.dat file that is encoded. I tried using "GestPoi.Dat v.1.40 beta" but it didn't work to completion..it kep hanging in the middle, so there must be some incompatibility with Navcore7 and this program.

I also noticed a /Brand directory under the /USA_and_Canada maps directory that contains a ton of icons that TomTom now provides for stores such as BestBuy, CircuitCity, WalMart, etc. I did find, however, that if you edit the location of TomTom's build in POIs that they appear to lose this image assignment. For example, the BestBuy POI that TomTom provided wasn't exactly where BestBuy resides. Therefore, I corrected the location. The original POI had the yellow BestBuy sales tag icon....the new one just has the STORE category icon.

Things I'm hoping someone can help me customize:
>>> Each individual POI in my custom category has its own icon
- As I've shown above, I can change the icon for an entire category so that any icon under that category will use the category icon. However, just like TomTom did for specific brands, I want to customize the icon PER POI so that when that ONE POI shows up it has its own unique icon.
- Anyone know how to do this???

>>> Each individual POI in my custom category has it's own audio
- Just like the icon, I want a unique sound per POI as well
- Anyone know how to do this???

I have already attempted to create *.bmp and *.ogg with the same name I typed for the POI in the TomTom. For example, in the Friends category, I have a POI that I typed into the TomTom called Frank. I put a Frank.ogg and a Frank.bmp into the map directory. The TomTom did not pick these files for that POI, it used the one from the Friends category.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Try this link

www.tomtomforums.com it's the 'unofficial' forum/help page for ALL TomTom devices. You'll get the info that you're looking for, plus a lot more, over there. smile


Freedom isn't free...thank you veterans! Heard about the tests to detect PANCREATIC CANCER? There aren't any! In Memoriam: #77 NYPD-SCA/Seattle Mike/Joe S./Vinny D./RTC!

Don't think TomTom will allow it...

I'm trying to understand what you're asking for. In your example, the POI category is "Friends." Within "Friends," you want a subset POI called "Frank" because you literally have more than one friend. I suppose for Frank, the icon will be a picture of your actual friend, Frank. For your other friends named Bill and Joe, you'd want unique pictures for them as well.

I don't think TomTom will allow that. I remember on the tomtomforums.com website where someone else had asked a similar question of creating subsets within a POI. The consensus was that it was impossible. If you find a way, please let us know.

Custom Icones for sub categories

I'm interested in figuring out how to assign specific icons (brand like) to subsets of a poi list as well.
Since TomTom is doing it there must a way to do it...
Hopefully TomTom will share their 'secret' or someone will figure out a work around.

