Worth Upgrading?
18 years
I have a Garmin Street Pilot 2720 that has City Navigator North America NT v7 on it. Is it worth upgrading to the 2008 version of City Navigator?
I realize there will likely be some enhancements, but in general, my current setup gets me around fine. The main things I've found wrong with it is that it doesn't always choose the best or correct route (I'm not sure if a map update would fix this, or if thats more of an issue with how it selects thre routes).
I've also noticed that when I chose the fastest route, it tends to take me on the interstate, and the shortest route tends to take me offroad. Typically, a combination of the two would be the best, and again I'm not sure if a map update would help with this, or if this issue is tied more to how the GPS calculates the routes.
Anyway, I'd appreciate your thoughts.
Well, it is two versions
Well, it is two versions behind. I think that I am going to update every two years, but that is totally a personal perference. I have notice a lot updated around DC, but if you travel where there hasn't been much construction, then perhaps you don't need to upgrade right now.
Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -
I would upgrade every 2 years
I upgraded this year and, although it covers a few more roads, the latest toll roads(opened this past year) are not included. In the future, I will probably go on a two year cycle (although I will check coverage next year for the new toll roads.
As far as the routing, I doubt an upgrade will make much difference. Usually the fastest route will be the hightways and you can check this by selecting the route you want to go on (combination of highway and local) and see how much time the GPSr says it will take. Compare that to the route it has chosen and you will probably see that the time is equal or shorter. Shortest distance will usually be local roads and will take much longer.
Garmin StreetPilot c530, Mapsource
Newest MapSource Version
I've got the latest and greatest Mapsource on my Nuvi. Guess what? It's still missing things and at times still leads me on wild goose chases. Last week we picked an Applebee's and off we merrily went... 20 mins later, there we were at our destination. The Applebee's? No where to be seen. All I'm trying to say is don't expect the latest version will be perfect... just more current but definitely not perfect.
Checking for new streets?
I saw on the Garmin web site that they have added something like a million streets. The question is, have they added the ones I need? Does anyone know if there is a way to see if a new street or subdivision has been added?
One area I need to find is only partially added to Google Maps. The neat part is that the satellite view stills shows a field, but the map view shows the street.
Garmin's Website
Does anyone know if there is a way to see if a new street or subdivision has been added?
Go to Garmin's map page at http://www8.garmin.com/cartography/ontheRoad/
and select the map you want to view in the upper right corner.
"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."
I know what you mean. i've
I know what you mean. i've been on few goose chase myself. I think the main reason is because some of the stores have shut down or moved. But then i've seen few locations which didn't look like there was anything there at all in the past.
For example, theres are 100s of new Dunkin Donuts that open every year. It's impossible to update every store every time they close or open.
I have found so many key
I have found so many key points missing in the V7 file I am forced to upgrade. Just wish I knew what "updates" were in the newer version for Manitoba. Anyone know if there is any sort of master list of updates?
Hi, You can go to the Garmin site and use the Map Viewer, just scroll to the North America 2008 (v9) map and you can see for yourself. I'm in Hamilton, Ontario and there is a new street near me that has been added since 2007 (v8). I don't have the 2008 yet but it is coming as a free update for my Garmin 670 but I used the map viewer to see what was new in my area. I would think 2 versions would be quite a difference.
Nüvi 3790
City Navigator NT V8
I upgraded to the V8 and found that streets in my neighborhood 3 years old, were not on it.
Also, just checked Garmin site and found this note regarding City Navigator. What do they mean? My C340 is preloaded, does that mean when I upgraded with the DVD it didn't really load? When I checked the Map Update page, it looks like the upgrad is a $140 SD card. Mmmm, that would explain the missing streets.
"Note: You cannot use this product to update the maps on your preloaded Garmin device. To order updated map data for your preloaded Garmin device, visit the Map Updates page."
Originator of Keeping Your Windmill Alive. Live in MA & have a cooking website. 6 yr. member. http://kitchentoysmakecookingfun.blogspot.com/
Some new streets in my area but still not all
also v8 is giving me some problems, sometimes it shows my location as in the middle of the devider.
map update
You can go to this web page and check to make sure you have the latest map update .
I have a c340 and the maps are preloaded.You should have City Navigator North America NT 2008 (1)all
On your Gps go to settings the wrench on the bottom of your screen and go to map then map info and it will tell you what map system you have installed.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Stan_TheGunNut wrote: I
I have a Garmin Street Pilot 2720 that has City Navigator North America NT v7 on it. Is it worth upgrading to the 2008 version of City Navigator?
I realize there will likely be some enhancements, but in general, my current setup gets me around fine. The main things I've found wrong with it is that it doesn't always choose the best or correct route (I'm not sure if a map update would fix this, or if thats more of an issue with how it selects thre routes).
I've also noticed that when I chose the fastest route, it tends to take me on the interstate, and the shortest route tends to take me offroad. Typically, a combination of the two would be the best, and again I'm not sure if a map update would help with this, or if this issue is tied more to how the GPS calculates the routes.
Anyway, I'd appreciate your thoughts.
if you live in canada, absolutely not. usa i dont know
nuvi 755t
I figure it is worth waiting
I figure it is worth waiting for the next version before upgrading.
Checking for new streets - link is awesome.
Does anyone know if there is a way to see if a new street or subdivision has been added?
Go to Garmin's map page at http://www8.garmin.com/cartography/ontheRoad/
and select the map you want to view in the upper right corner.
Most excellent. The #1 road project in Illinois, the extension of I-355 from I-55 to I-80 is not on the map. Looks like I will wait a while to upgrade after all.
Thanks for the link!
I upgraded as well. Some things have changed. I always feel the need to have the best/most recent information for me so it is a no-brainer. Could I still live with 2006 - yes.
Map Updates
I just purchased City Navigator North America 2008 and only because it is my 3rd update and I wanted the latest info/version. I would not recommend upgrading every year unless you felt you need the very latest info that Garmin has.
Upgrading will not solve your problem with routing. About the only thing I can suggest is using preferences, adjust the pointer under road preferences on the routing menu. In addition to that, the use of way points when creating a routing can help.
I think it is worth it to
I think it is worth it to jump from v7 to 2008. There are so many road additions happenning in my area for the past 2 years. I assume it is the same for the rest of the US
siamese retriever...
"The #1 road project in Illinois, the extension of I-355 from I-55 to I-80 is not on the map. Looks like I will wait a while to upgrade after all."
Is that toll road finished? I used to take 355 from Lombard north every day. Many days I had to go South and had to go 80 to 294 South to I-55 South... long way around especially when they make the parking lots on 294 lol.
I-355 Status
Yes the I-355 from I-55 to I-80 is finished and was opened this December.
The bad news is that it is NOT on the latest City Navigator 2008
Since CN 2008 was released in May, I would imagine it's to be expected that a road that opened in December wouldn't be included in this release.
Do you know if the DC changes are mainly for downtown DC or more for the surrounding MD & VA suburbs? Thanks.
RKF (Brookeville, MD) Garmin Nuvi 660, 360 & Street Pilot
If you go to the MapSource page on Garmin's website, you can use the MapViewer to see if the areas you are interested in have changes.
Typically, updates are all over the map.