Traveling with motorhome & gps
Mon, 08/20/2007 - 7:04pm
17 years
what seems to be the best position to put the gps on -bus , truck, car/motorcycle, when traveling across the states. i hate to end up going thru some of these cities, and thats where it sometimes takes me.
Select Fastest Route
If you select "Fastest Route" it should keep you on major interstate highways and not route you through the cities.
Garmin Nuvi 750 & c530 with RT's vol. mod., Vulcan Nomad
also remember...
The GPS is a tool, not a 100% perfect machine. If you set your "vehicle" on "truck", you should stay fairly much on truck routes.
Do this by going to settings, navigation and vehicle type.
Hope this helps.
I use "Truck"
I use "Truck" when pulling the 5th wheel... works a treat and keeps me out of congested areas.
Garmin c340
Once again I'm confused...
I have read the manual section for my nuvi 650 that describes the vehicle types I can select: Changing the Map Settings.
And I've visited the Garmin webpage for vechiles:
But nowhere is there any mention of how the vehicle icon affects the route selection. It's only a pretty little picture to show the kind of car you're driving ( or want to drive ).
Did I miss something?
I have read the manual section for my nuvi 650 that describes the vehicle types I can select: Changing the Map Settings.
And I've visited the Garmin webpage for vechiles:
But nowhere is there any mention of how the vehicle icon affects the route selection. It's only a pretty little picture to show the kind of car you're driving ( or want to drive ).
Did I miss something?
I believe the discussion pertains to Vehicle Type found under Settings>Navigation, not Settings>Map, to select your mode of transportation, i.e. Car/Motorcycle, Bicycle, Pedestrian, Truck, etc., which then "optimizes" your route according to your vehicle type.
For example, if you select Pedestrian as your vehicle type, then your device will avoid interstates, highways, and/or freeways as those aren't typically traveled by foot.
I suppose
you can teach an old dog new tricks, but, I'd have to admit that the manual ( nuvi650_OwnersManual.pdf ) is a little vague as to why I would want to change the vehicle in the Navigation section. I vote we call Garmin and ask them to put a little more info in that sentence.
This is something that I will definitely have to play with for a while.
vehicle types
one of my friends told me that when on"bus" that it meant business area, and when on a trip it took me thru a large business section, so i thought the friend was correct. i sent an email to garmin and they told me it meant bus style vehicle.