Solution to make the "dialing" icon appear in gpx files...


Hi Everyone,

This solution is for Bluetooth-capable GPSr's...

I think I've come up with a solution to have the "dialing" icon appear in POI.gpx files.

As we all know POI.gpx files uploaded with the POI Loader, don't show the dialing icon, allowing bluetooth capable GPSr's to dial the phone number.

Here's the solution...

Inside the Garmin folder on the unit, is a folder called "gpx". Inside that folder is a file called "current.gpx". That file contains your "Favorites".

I downloaded the file I created on the webstite "san-francisco-popular-restaurants.csv" and chose to download it in the "gpx" format.

Now I have a file named "san-francisco-popular-restaurants.gpx"

I renamed that file "san-francisco-popular-restaurants.gpx to "current2.gpx" and put it in the same folder as the "current.gpx" file.

Now when I go to my "favorites", all 16 of San Francisco's Popular Restaurants in that file, show up in the Favorites "with the dial icon".

I haven't tried it yet, but if the unit accepts the "current2.gpx" file and displays it along with the "current.gpx" file, there's no reason you couldn't add more files to the "gpx" folder on the unit.

For example:



Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!

re:Solution to make the "dialing" icon appear in gpx files...

hey if it works please let me know smile thx

not all gpx are the same...

tailspin wrote:

As we all know POI.gpx files uploaded with the POI Loader, don't show the dialing icon, allowing bluetooth capable GPSr's to dial the phone number.


It's important to know that just because a POI is published in GPX extension doesn't mean that the dialing icon will appear. The phone number MUST be specified in the PhoneNumber element. Download any one of POI files I've uploaded and load it into your unit via POI Loader. You'll see that the dialing icon will be there.

Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)

GPX explained

Here's a brief explanation of the GPX formatting. The main structure is defined by's schema. The waypoint extension, as denoted with the namespace prefix "gpxx" is defined by Garmin's own schema. A file is not a valid GPX, if the structure of a file does not conform to the semantics defined by these two schemas.

For my explanation, I've included a sample location from one of my files.

Each location is designated by a node labeled "wpt" (as in Waypoint). It has two attributes for coordinates. The <name> element, which is how this location will shows up on your unit, is the only other element required (in addition to the 2 coordinates) to make this node valid. All other elements are optional.

The comment (<cmt>), description (<desc>), link (<link>), Symbol ( <sym>), Display mode (<gpxx:DisplayMode>), and Categories (<gpxx:Categories>) can be viewed in appropriate fields when you open the GPX with MapSource. They currently are not utilized by your GPSr. In my files, I use "state/city" info in the comment element. This way when I open the GPX in MapSource, I can see immediately where this is located. I also put store hours, direction hints, etc. in the description element, hoping that with future POI loader, these will be displayed in GPSr.

The whole address block is ignored by MapSource, but is used by the POI loader to be displayed in your GPSr.

Next comes the important element. If you have a phone number in the <gpxx:PhoneNumber> element, your bluetooth capable unit will associate the location with this dialable number (and see the dial icon). You can have zero or more phone numbers defined for each location (uniquely defined with an attribute), but your POI loader will use the default one without any attribute.

<wpt lat="33.50927" lon="-112.04624">
<name>Chipotle #543</name>
<desc> </desc>
<link href="" />
<sym />
<gpxx:StreetAddress>1660 E Camelback Rd</gpxx:StreetAddress>
<gpxx:PhoneNumber Category="Fax">602-274-7483</gpxx:PhoneNumber>

Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)

GPX Master Class

I'll be getting my GPSr degree soon thanks to posts like this. Thank you theTraveler!

How does GPX Viewer handle a wpt with more than just phone and fax, eg, home, office, mobile? BTW, is the phone attribute optional or required for multiple numbers?

Thanks again and Well Done.

- Keith

GPX Files

Also, as I understand it, when the GPSr boots up, it searches for all GPX files and combines them into the gpx file that is called 'current.gpx'. That file is a basically a backup file of what is in your favs.

Charley - Nuvi 350 - Bel STI Driver - Cobra 29 w/ wilson 1000 - AIM: asianfire -

Re: GPX explained...

Hi theTraveler,

I'm a newbie when it comes to XML and .gpx formatting. I have a basic understanding of HTML, but XML and .gpx formatting are a horse of a different color.

Thank you for taking the time to show me the inner workings of the XML format, in .gpx files. I now realize I have a lot of learning to do, with regard to XML and the proper formatting of .gpx files.

Unfortunately, I don't have the Mapsource DVD but the Garmin CSR told me it will be shipped to me, on the 24th of this month.

There's no shortcut to actually "learning" the process of creating properly formatted .gpx files and thanks to your explanation, I now feel confident I can create and properly format, my future .gpx files.

Best regards,


Sullivan's Law: Murphy was an optimist!

Glad you liked it

kgendler wrote:

How does GPX Viewer handle a wpt with more than just phone and fax, eg, home, office, mobile? BTW, is the phone attribute optional or required for multiple numbers?


The phone attribute is optional. This attribute provides you with an ability to specify the type of each phone number, and the value can be anything. So you can have multiple phone numbers without the attribute...however, I personally type additional numbers as a best practice.

If you are interested in getting your "Master's degree", take a look at the waypoint extension schema

You'll see that every element/attribute are optional except the <Category> but only when its parent node <Categories> is present.

As for my GPX viewer, it currently allows two phone numbers: The "default" for dialing and "Fax" (remember I've only spent few hours on this puppy) since my 660 only supports one number for dialing.

Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)

You're almost there

tailspin wrote:

Hi theTraveler,

I'm a newbie when it comes to XML and .gpx formatting. I have a basic understanding of HTML, but XML and .gpx formatting are a horse of a different color.

Thank you for taking the time to show me the inner workings of the XML format, in .gpx files. I now realize I have a lot of learning to do, with regard to XML and the proper formatting of .gpx files.


You shouldn't have any problem with XML/GPX given your knowledge of HTML as they both come from the same parent, SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). They both require beginnging/ending tags and have to conform to its semantics and structure.

If you're interested, I can send you a template GPX with one location. You can use it with any text editor to create your own files. Interested?

Also, feel free to ask if you have any questions.


Garmin nüvi® 660, iPhone 8gb (Technology is not the solution. It's only a tool to help you achieve it.)

an acurate .gpx file

I finally figured out how to add a phone number with the proper snytax. But a big problem is that when I use POIloader to my c550, my POI's aways show this data on my c550:
...and then my address, phone... POIloader I didn't choose any alert settings, (I've also tried using a speed alert and setting it to 0), but this unwanted info is always there on my garmin (the empty speed, and proximity fields) and pushes my address/phone info down off the screen.

So my question is: How do you keep POIloader from adding the Speed and Proximity fields to you poi's.

Accurate .gpx files

You could give GeePeeEx Editor a try. That produces accurate .gpx files ;-)

ps - the "Coming very soon features" mentioned on my website should be there tomorrow, all being well.

------------------------ Phil Hornby, Stockport, England ----------------------      - Garmin POI Creation made easy           »