Creating a Trip in Garmin Basecamp from a list of POIs
Thu, 01/16/2025 - 5:51pm
I just downloaded the Route 66 .gpx file of POIs from this website and opened it in Basecamp. Is there an easy way to just create the trip route by importing these waypoints into a new trip, etc.? I've always found Basecamp to be extremely un-user friendly.
Import or & Export the files
I just downloaded the Route 66 .gpx file of POIs from this website and opened it in Basecamp. Is there an easy way to just create the trip route by importing these waypoints into a new trip, etc.? I've always found Basecamp to be extremely un-user friendly.
Click File-Import and Import the the Route 66 file from wherever, you have it stored.
Make a subdirectory, in My Collections. called Route 66, if it didn't automatically make the subdirectory.
You can simply highlight a selection of locations in Route 66, and save that if you prefer. If you create a route initially, I think you can export the selected route.
Best bet, is to just play with it.
DriveSmart 65, NUVI2555LMT, (NUVI350 is Now Retired)
You can create a file with the waypoints you want within a specific geographic area by using info from this FAQ file.
It doesn't work by route but it will allow you to define a square on the map that encompasses that route.
the easist
The easiest method is to use the location for your start and then your end point. Then start adding the points in order from you start to finish. You can rearrange the points if needed should you get some out of order. You'll need to spend some time examining the route adding shaping points as needed to stay on what remains of the original route.
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