what would you do in these two cases? :-)


case 1. purchased eyeglasses, using FSA, they're delayed by over 7+ days, ordered 10/31 and should have been delivered a week or so ago. Got an email to follow-up, delayed.

Log in and since I had the same glasses in the cart, saw the price had dropped $72 for Black Friday!

case 2. Missed an AMEX payment, always pay in full each month. Thought autopay was setup, it was not. Called, and paid in full and setup autopay prior to calling, rep said no problem you've been a cardmember a long time, we'll waive the fee. See that it wasn't waived and now interest to boot. lol

In case 1, I sent an email, since I already paid in full but the glasses have not been shipped, can I get a credit. A few hours later I get a system generated email showing the credit, and then an email from PayPal saying there was a $72 refund.

Case 2, I was upset and decided to say I don't think AMEX is what it once was, and proceeded to tell the story of how they lost Costco which I believe was 23% of their interest bearing portfolio and I would like to close my account at this time lol I think I actually have over 400 timely payments and what got me upset was she said based on the call last Thu., the waiver of the fee was denied.

How would you handle the above?

Case 2, When I call

Case 2,

When I call companies, at the start of the call I mirror their recordings, "this call is being recorded for quality assurance. Do I have your permission to continue." As I'm obligated to allow them to record, as are they to allow me to record. If an issue arises, I reference the recording.

Of course this is much easier if you're in a one party consent state (as is the called party).


You can get into the CEO's office or a customer retention departmend.. I'd just close the account..

Seems like more & more places don't accept American Express.

I got rid of mine in 2000... not what it was earlier

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

On case #2, email this guy

Doug Buckminster
Group President, Global Consumer Services
200 Vesey Street
50th Floor
New York, NY 10285-0001

John from PA

American Express

I have had an American Express card since 2000. After they lost Costco, I only used AmEx very infrequently, mainly for rental cars. A couple of months ago I cancelled my account due to their Wokeism. I hate it when a company decides that they need to focus on things that they should not focus on. I think that Bob Chepak of Disney found that out this past weekend when he was replaced. The moral of the story is this: Don’t tick off the people that have supported and made your company great over the years!

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

good points

maddog67 wrote:

I have had an American Express card since 2000. After they lost Costco, I only used AmEx very infrequently, mainly for rental cars. A couple of months ago I cancelled my account due to their Wokeism. I hate it when a company decides that they need to focus on things that they should not focus on. I think that Bob Chepak of Disney found that out this past weekend when he was replaced. The moral of the story is this: Don’t tick off the people that have supported and made your company great over the years!

I remember in the 90's it was en vogue to invest in certain mutual funds, but I was thinking, isn't the objective to beat the S&P 500, which these funds are not doing? So like you say, things should focus on what they do.

Imagine, an innocent actually $500 balance generated $37.92 in fees and interest, by paying in full one day late. Different experience with Discover, immediately waived (although the tv ads use to say they do). And again with Key Bank (why do I have an acct...I was paid like $400+ to open checking savings credit and do direct deposit). All of these are 10 year old accounts, not 30 lol

Just read an article saying returns are too expensive for vendors and this amounts to $761 bil. per year??!! Of that 10% is fraudulent. dang

I have to admit when I buy something on amazon, I'm looking for tons of positive reviews, but if it doesn't make the grade, I do consider returning, but not fraudulently. Like a new thermometer--$22 and 153k positive, so I bought it.

Also on amazon, 2X this year, photos was down. I can assure everyone here, amazon customer service is non-existent. So do they "deserve" their revenue? Probably not. But neither does Lowe's. (disclaimer) And I own both stocks...

p.s. the irony in case 1, the glasses are to exhaust FSA funds. by getting a refund, I'm $72 further from exhausting them. But still, I'm thinking just because FSA, I still want to pay less not more....

p.p.s. Saw credits for the late fee and interest post today, with dates of 11/16 and 11/21 respectively. This has to be from the call yesterday--not sure what it does to the next month, so I simply paid off $305 plus a new charge of $60. The only thing we use this card for is 3% groceries, but as others have pointed out, amex just isn't what it once was, it's not even easy to redeem the 3%. Imagine the interest rate is 16.74% APR. I'm not sure as I don't carry a balance unless 0% like with the HVAC from 7/20 (equal payments), but I don't think all CC charge interest when the payment is one day late. I'm sure of it. There are ones who charge interest when the statement closes, I suppose it's in the fine print...self-inflicted wounds often expose us to how things have changed over time...