Magellan 760 New User and New to forum


Found this formum, looks like it could be very helpful. Christmas gift--looks like a fun gadget---anyone out there with tips, much appreciated.


I have a 3000T (along with others). The 3000T came with a CD that had Magellan POI editor software. You can use it to import and convert CSV files from this site to the format needed by Magellan.

I'm curious if your 760 included similar software.


Sorry about time lapse...Yes

Sorry about time lapse...Yes it does, it comes with "Magellan Roadmate POI Manager".

Roadmate 700

I have an older Roadmate 700 that I recently upgraded to the functionality of the 760. I like the new features.

Magellan Maestro 4250, T-Mobile G1 with Google Maps, iPaq with TomTom, and a Tapwave Zodiac with TomTom and Mapopolis