2017 Hyundai Sonata Limited Navigation


My Sonata's navigation system doesn't display the lines indicating roadways while in night time mode. During the day, everything seems fine. As soon as the mode switches from daylight to night time, all I can see are street/road names and the icon indicating the vehicle, but the actual map is not visible. Has anyone experienced the same problem? If so, did you find a solution?

Thanks, Miki

Hyundai manual

This is from page 4-101 of the Multimedia System Manual which I assume is also the Nav screen:

Adjusting the Brightness

Press the [Setup] key
Select [Display]
Select [Brightness]

Use the Left and Right arrow buttons to adjust the screen brightness or set the Brightness on Automatic, Day, or Night mode.
Press the default button to reset.

1) Automatic: Adjusts the brightness automatically
2) Day: Always maintains the brightness on high
3) Night: Always maintains the brightness on low

At night, change these settings until you can see the map details clearly without too much brightness. Hopefully, the automatic feature works or adjust the brightness manually. It could be that the screen is not bright enough when set on night.

^^Would you believe my '22

^^Would you believe my '22 MY kia product removed those choices after an update?!@# The only choice now is automatic.

To the OP, if it's not a brightness issue, perhaps updating the software may help. You may gain some functions but also lose some. That seems to be the kia/hyundai way. Really that's the case with many updates.


Thank you, dobs108!

I did as you suggested above, and was presented with a brightness slider for daytime and one for night. The daytime setting was at the highest level, but the night setting was nearly at its lowest. I increased the night setting to high and now the complete map is displayed.

From the time I purchased the car in July 2017, until I updated the software for the first time this past spring, I had no issues. Apparently some settings changed when I updated.

Thanks again! Miki

Thank you

Thanks zx1100e1 for your response. I appreciate it.


We are happy it was so simple!

If I am not mistaken

Miki wrote:

Thank you, dobs108!

I did as you suggested above, and was presented with a brightness slider for daytime and one for night. The daytime setting was at the highest level, but the night setting was nearly at its lowest. I increased the night setting to high and now the complete map is displayed.

From the time I purchased the car in July 2017, until I updated the software for the first time this past spring, I had no issues. Apparently some settings changed when I updated.

Thanks again! Miki

You should be getting free map updates on this vehicle.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022


You're right maddog67. I didn't realize this until late last year. The update procedure was very simple. It's a shame all the vehicle mfg don't offer free updates as well. Considering what a built in nav system costs, having to pay for updates is like being robbed again.

updater back online


There's a november 2021 update for most models. Initially it was made available early november, then pulled for a few weeks. It's back now. Downloaded mine this morning.

Few points. If your firewall blocks .inf files, unblock that. Also, the updater reaches out to S korea for some things. If country blocking is enabled, you'll have issues.

For my '22 stinger, update came in at almost 29GB. ymmv

I'll likely either wait a few weeks to make sure they don't pull it again, or wait for the apr22 update (to install in may or june).

Updated my Hyundai last month

zx1100e1 wrote:


There's a november 2021 update for most models. Initially it was made available early november, then pulled for a few weeks. It's back now. Downloaded mine this morning.

Few points. If your firewall blocks .inf files, unblock that. Also, the updater reaches out to S korea for some things. If country blocking is enabled, you'll have issues.

For my '22 stinger, update came in at almost 29GB. ymmv

I'll likely either wait a few weeks to make sure they don't pull it again, or wait for the apr22 update (to install in may or june).

I updated my Hyundai last month with no problems. 29GB is normal for these updates. My last three updates have been right at 29GB. A lot of these changes are roads and POI's, but they also have software updates included in these updates. (Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.)

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

I updated the system back in

I updated the system back in sept, a few weeks after getting the car. While the updates are welcomed, i'm concerned to the life span of the media device. These flash devices have a finite life span. Who knows what cheap media kia/hyundai used inside.

2017 Hyundai Nav "Favorites" organization

Does anyone know how to list or display saved places in an organized way? My Hyundai's saved places are in no particular order. They're not alphabetical, or shown by milage, as my Garmin does. I'd prefer by milage (what's closest to my current location).

On mine, it looks like it

On mine, it looks like it sorts the list based on distance from current location. Also, appears to have an option to search by name.

2017 Hyundai Nav "Favorites" Organization

Thanks zx1100e1 for your reply! I looked at mine today. While looking at my "favorites" list, at the top right, it said "Date". I assume that means the date I entered it as a saved place. When I touched the word "Date", it changed to "Alphabetical", and all the entries displayed alphabetically. I saw no other options.