Windows 10 updates
Wed, 02/10/2021 - 12:09pm
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 17 years
Notice some new updates today for Windows 10.
The update failed after the one hour restart procedure on my system
Updated quickly and without incident.
My laptop hung and after and
My laptop hung and after and hour I turned it off and luckily it was able to continue with the updates
NickJr Nuvi 3597LMT
One hour restart??????//
The update failed after the one hour restart procedure on my system
What is the " hour restart procedure on my system" that you are referring to. There isn't anything magic that ties a one hour interval to a Microsoft update.
John from PA
All OK
Both KB4601319 and KB4601050 installed quickly and problem-free on my Windows 10 Pro system. Yay Patch Tuesday!
Nüvi 2595LMT
I get butterflies in my
I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I hear that there is a major update to windows
Loaded with no problem.
Loaded with no problem.
John from PA
The update failed after the one hour restart procedure on my system
What is the " hour restart procedure on my system" that you are referring to. There isn't anything magic that ties a one hour interval to a Microsoft update.
Sorry, to be more clear, when I got up in the AM my system said that it needed to restart to finish the update. So I did a restart, which took about an hour and when I checked the update history it said it was unable to complete the update and I should try again. A day later my system indicated that there was no updates available and that KB4601050 was successfully installed. No mention of KB4601319??
Sorry, to be more clear, when I got up in the AM my system said that it needed to restart to finish the update. So I did a restart, which took about an hour and when I checked the update history it said it was unable to complete the update and I should try again. A day later my system indicated that there was no updates available and that KB4601050 was successfully installed. No mention of KB4601319??
If I remember correctly somewhere in the windows update interface there was a way to look at failed updates and retry. I just looked around on my PC and I have the view update history link and all mine were successful, and in that list is the one you're missing. I imagine if one had failed it would be in that list.
Try running Windows update again, there have been times in the past where I had to run it several times in a row to finally get all updates, as it would only do a few at a time, maybe because they'd interfere with each other during the reboot, who knows, but it can't hurt to try.
. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .
Be patient
You likely know the two KB downloads you mention are different.
KB4601050 is a Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10, version 2004, Windows Server, version 2004, Windows 10, version 20H2, and Windows Server, version 20H2.
A description for KB4601319 can be found at
I service computers and although it really isn't necessary I always find it a good idea to check everything (as far as status) while doing updates. You can often get the "Restart now" button while something else is in a downloading or installing status. In theory, Microsoft has the bases covered. If you restart in the middle, the next time around Windows will pick up where it left off. Having said that I have had many a client bring in their equipment where issues have occurred during an update process.
John from PA
I just had an update for my 1909. I am still waiting for the 2020 update. My cumulative update finished with no problem.
Someday HP or Microsoft will fix it so I get an update but I am in no hurry as my computer is behaving beautifly.
Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)
KB4601319 failure
Sorry, to be more clear, when I got up in the AM my system said that it needed to restart to finish the update. So I did a restart, which took about an hour and when I checked the update history it said it was unable to complete the update and I should try again. A day later my system indicated that there was no updates available and that KB4601050 was successfully installed. No mention of KB4601319??
I had a problem similar to this on my 12 year old Asus laptop. The .NET Framework update completed, but the Win 10 cumulative update failed. The one thing I noticed is that the "Retry" message was a little different than it normally is. It read something like "We are preparing this update for your system but it isn't quite ready yet." When I clicked "Retry", it came back with "You are up to date" and no further updates were available even though KB4601319 never installed. I am guessing that Microsoft has discovered some kind of compatibility issue with this update on my old hardware that needs to be corrected before the update will be offered again.
Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon
win 7 to win 10 update
Last year I upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10 (finally).
First thing I noticed was that my PC was having a problem with login autofill at websites. I discovered that after I booted up the PC and logged in, and I waited 20 minutes or so, all was well. This never happened with Win 7.
Turns out that there is apparently a problem with "Password Manager". There are a few sites that discuss the problem, but none of the solutions suggested solved the problem for me.
I think that the password manager has lost it's priority(?) and holds back processing until the higher priority programs are done. If I open Task Manager and sort the prosses by % of CPU usage, Stopzilla is at the top of the list for a long time - which is expected from any anti-virus program as it scans the system malware and viruses. Once Stopzilla stops eating up all the CPU time and drops down to less than 2%, autofill functions fine. Now I have to figure out how to change the priority for Password Manager. Shouldn't be too hard to change.
Also, after the February Windows update the PC would reboot, by itself if left unattended for a couple of hours, That was an easy fix, as there were plenty of complaints at the MS website and the solution was to run a program that reset all the "Power" settings back to the recommended settings (default). That fixed that, but I set the "Hibernate" to "Never" as I have seen cases when the computer will not come out of "Hibernate" and the only solution is to hold the power button in until the PC turns off. This is not a good idea as files can be corrupted and cause the PC to fail the reboot.
So what will MS mess up next? Who knows.
Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA
Get rid of or disable Stopzilla
Get rid of Stopzilla or disable it and turn on Microsoft Defender. Defender is a more than adequate AV/AM and comes with Windows 10.
John from PA
KB4601319 Failure
Thanks alandb....that is what happened to me too. Even though KB4601319 failed, when I check for updates the system says I am current. Glad to know I am not going crazy
Big sur!
non-native nutmegger
Was not StopZilla
Get rid of Stopzilla or disable it and turn on Microsoft Defender. Defender is a more than adequate AV/AM and comes with Windows 10.
I waited for while to tell this, but it seems that when I ran the MS program to fix the reboots, when left idle for a couple of hours, it also fixed the Password Manager problem. I don't have a clue as to what in the power settings would affect Password Manager, but the problem went away and it's working fine now.
Metricman DriveSmart 76 Williamsburg, VA