Updating City Navigator North America NT on a GPSMap 478


Hi, I tried to post this to the end of an older thread, but it did not appear, so I am starting a new thread. I am a new member.

Steve K.

* * * * *

I have a GPSMAP 478 I'd like to update. I have City Navigator North America NT 2017.1 installed on a PC (and on a Mac) for another device. I also have some Garmin units that mount to the file system (Zumo 665) in Mass Storage Mode that have even more recent map udpates.

I searched and read a post by Dropbear in an older threat that suggested I may be able to load a newer CN NA into my 478 (assume it works the same as a 2720) than its current CN NA NT 2009. I'd like to update via internal memory as I do not yet have a data card and understand the unit may be faster this way.

I read the FAQ about cloning, but it does not seem to be the same thing.

Can someone point me to a FAQ, or offer instructions how to do this? I'd like to have the step by step and how to configure the XML file if necessary, that is noted in the excerpt below.

I have access to a PC running Windows 7, USB drives, and can connect my 478 to it via USB. I also have a newer Mac, but the 478 does not see to be recognized.

BTW, I have a couple of unused City Navigator update DVD's (older) but they do not work - seems Garmin depracated their system. These older updaters used to provide nearly the newest map available to my old 27xx series and I assumed should have worked on the 478 if Garmin hadn't dumped the system.


From Dropbear wrote 06/24/2019 - 5:36pm

'I have a StreetPilot 2720 which has an NA LM subscription purchased for it by a previous owner. Like werewolf's GPSMAP 276c it too cannot be updated directly via GarminExpress (because they aren't Mass Storage devices) however they can be indirectly updated using a tricked-up GarminDevice.xml on a usb stick or media card to download the .GMAP folder to PC then by selecting only the required tiles using MapInstall the connected device can be easily updated. MapInstall operates in Garmin Mode, unlike GarminExpress which exclusively uses Mass Storage Mode. Both his 276C and my 2720 are indisputably life-expired under Garmin's T&Cs and imo they could quite-reasonably terminate both LM entitlements. However i also have an early issue (non-LM) nuvi 40 also bought second-hand which has Lower 48 as OEM mapping for which the previous owner bought North America LM as an "add on" and I'd be very upset if Garmin stopped honoring that subscription. '

From the other thread

Your post to the older thread was successful and I responded as follows:

GPSMap 478 Map

stevekat wrote:

I know this is an old thread, but I figured I'd start here.


I have a GPSMAP 478 I'd like to update. I have City Navigator North America NT 2017.1 installed on a PC (and on a Mac) for another device. I also have some Garmin units that mount to the file system (Zumo 665) in Mass Storage Mode that have even more recent map updates...

City Navigator North America maps and updates are locked to each Garmin GPS devices that has the map. Your GPSMAP 478 will not be able to use any other device's City Nav NA map. There are non-Garmin free maps available by the OpenStreetMap folks that you could try.

It's not that you're suggesting this, but there will be no discussion here regarding pirated Garmin maps.

Welcome to The Factory. Stick around, there's a lot of wisdom here.

Thanks Craig. Ultimately,

Thanks Craig. Ultimately, I'd like to find if there is any avenue to get a more recent version of City Nav than 2009 onto the 478. I have an unused one-time update disk for City Nav, so I was wondering if that code could unlock a physical copy of a later City Nav I already have on my PC since Garmin's servers that would allow a download of a newer version are depracated. I guess not. I had used another City Nav update disk for a one-time update of a StreetPilot 27xx, 28xx just a couple of years ago. It was a 2009 update disk and code, that resulted in MapUpdate downloading a 2017 City Nav into that unit.

While I'd rather not use an external card, also wondreing if one can get an older unused City Nav SD card package, and copy the SD card onto a Garmin compatible Data Card (I've seen a 2GB version on eBay) so it can be used in a unit like the 478.

Look forward to learning about some of the possibilities for keeping this older unit going, from the forum.

Locks strike again

stevekat wrote:


While I'd rather not use an external card, also wondreing if one can get an older unused City Nav SD card package, and copy the SD card onto a Garmin compatible Data Card (I've seen a 2GB version on eBay) so it can be used in a unit like the 478...

Yes, the Garmin-made Map-on-SD card will work when installed on a Garmin device* but these genuine Garmin SD card maps are locked to the SD card sold by Garmin and will not work if copied to a different SD card or to a Garmin device.

*There are other issues that the Garmin-made Map-on-SD cards have. First is that they don't offer the bells and whistles like junction views, etc. Second, some older Garmin devices are incapable of reading a file greater than 2GB in size and if the map-on-SD has a file over 2GB and if the GPS 478 is a device that can't handle large files, it won't work.

I was not aware you could

I was not aware you could not transfer the card based Garmin maps to a compatible medium. Is there a way to use the proprietary data card slot on the GPSMap 478 (and similar models) to be able to use a newer City Navigator NT version than what is in internal memory? I see blank 2GB Garmin Data Cards for the 478 type unit. Can one find an older unused copy of CN NT (is there a stand alone version on DVD) and install it to the proprieatry data card? I have an update DVD, but the server system for it is no longer operable.

I also saw some discussion how folks updated their 276c and StreetPilot III 27xx after Garmin shutdown their server system, and was wondering how to use that avenue to update CN NA in internal memory.

I am on the learning curve trying to get my head around the minutae of map/device ecosystem for these legacy devices.

I would not use eBay

stevekat wrote:

While I'd rather not use an external card, also wondreing if one can get an older unused City Nav SD card package, and copy the SD card onto a Garmin compatible Data Card (I've seen a 2GB version on eBay) so it can be used in a unit like the 478.

I would be very cautious about an eBay purchase.

John from PA