Garmin-provided POIs
Thu, 01/02/2020 - 12:55pm
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![]() 17 years
Just tried to use Garmin's POIs to find nearest US Post Office. First four nearest have all been closed over a year ago. One was closed six years ago.
Any thoughts about why Garmin doesn't update these?
Not Garmin. HERE maps, and
Not Garmin. HERE maps, and the supplied POIs I find useless. I turn them off.
I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.
Yeah, I find that the installed POI's are useless. Wish there was a way to delete the POI's that are no longer there.
Garmin POI's
My brother in law has been a die-hard Garmin and i informed him of poi factory but he believes Garmin poi's are more up to date and he pays for the pois as many of you know are closed and building is missing.
i always refer people to POI Factory only place is my home.
Thanks Sifu Sifu Technology Services, Inc Chicago Computer Medics Where your Computer & Mobile comes First!
I think..
Garmin POI's are probably no worse than any other list of establishments or points of interest. Places change names.. shut down.. new places pop up. I am impressed with what Garmin does have available.. It ain't perfect.. but nothing is.
Lives in Edmonton AB A volunteer driver for Drive and now (since June 20 2021) uses a DS65 to find his clients.
I wonder what source Garmin
I wonder what source Garmin or any other commercial provider uses for POI's?
John B - Garmin 765T
There are companies out
There are companies out there whose sole purpose is making data bases of POIs to sell to Here, Google, TomTom, Garmin, etc.
Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267
Garmin's POI's are out of date in many instances because they do not develop them, they just incorporate them with map updates.
A number of years back I was on the Blue Ridge Pkwy and around 5pm decided to look for a Super 8 motel not too far of the Pkwy using Garmin POI's. I followed the destructions and after about 10 miles the Garmin told me I had arrived at the location. This had to be gone for so many years that there was nothing to indicate a motel was ever there.
POIfactory POI's are generally more up to date because members notify the maintainer if a location is gone or a new one pops up.
Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.
Quite Good Enough
Having traveled with Garmin over 48000 miles covering 48 states and 6 Canadian provinces, I completely agree with Ralph6410.
Here's hoping
You don't ever have to rely on Garmin's POIs. As a POI Factory regular, you probably don't. And most folks have a smartphone now, so double-checking with Google will avoid problems with outdated locations ... if you can get a cell signal.
DC Area, Nuvi 2797
Garmin map errors
Just tried to use Garmin's POIs to find nearest US Post Office. First four nearest have all been closed over a year ago. One was closed six years ago.
Any thoughts about why Garmin doesn't update these?
Just like we do with our custom pois here at POI Factory.When we find a error we report it to the person in charge of the file. We need to do the same on Here We Go Maps. See for the instructions.
Charlie. Nuvi 265 WT and Nuvi 2597 LMT. MapFactor Navigator - Offline Maps & GPS.
Garmin POIs
I only come to this site and donate yearly for the cameras and POI files.
I have to laugh at Google as well sometimes. Been in Calgary and had Garmin, plus using my Android with Google Maps, and my Daughter using her Iphone.
I know the city fairly well, and the routes Google wanted me to take was crazy
Google is not always accurate either lol.
It’s not only Garmin but..
...other map providers as well. I have maps from MapnSoft on the nav system in my car. Even the most up to date maps will be missing certain POI’s and if the map is out of date, then guess what happens when you have a map that is two or more years out of date. The Factory has the most up to date list of POI’s out there. I have seen a closed location, notified the maintainer, and seen the location removed from the file within a couple of days. The other POI providers can’t compare to the Factory and the file maintainers that keep everything up to date for the members here. Conversely, I have seen a missing location and upon notifying the maintainer, have seen the missing location show up in the next file update.
"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022