Loading Custom POIs onto Rand McNally Tablet Based Models


Rand McNally's OverDryve and TND Tablet models have a Custom POI feature. But unlike their other GPS models, Rand McNally hasn't provided a tool like "Dock" to get custom POI files setup on their tablets.

As a work-around, you can manually setup specially named folders on the Tablet and then manually copy the custom POI files into these folders.

If done correctly, Rand McNally's navigation app will find your files and offer to import them.

So if you have good computer skills, here's what’s required…
(And if not, you’ll want to get help from a friend.)

1) Create a set of Import Folders on the Tablet

On the tablet, there’s already a hidden folder called ".Navi" with another folder named "RM" inside it.

Inside the .Navi/RM folder, there are already folders called "Data" and "User". You need to create three new folders along side them:

  • ImportAlert
    (use this folder for Alert POIs, like POI Factory's red light camera files)
  • ImportPOI
    (use this folder for regular POIs, like campgrounds or tourist attractions)
  • ImportAddrBook
    (use this special folder Address Book POIs)

The names of these folders need to be exactly right (capitalized as shown, with no spaces), otherwise the Rand McNally software won't be able to find the custom POI files.

Be careful not to accidentally delete or change other folders or files on your tablet.

You can connect the tablet to a computer and use the computer to setup these folders. Or you might be able to use a file manager app on the tablet. (First enable "Show Hidden Files/Folders" inside your file manager settings.)

Note: The ".Navi" folder is not the same as "NaviInfo". If you don't see the .Navi folder, double check your file manager settings to make sure it's showing hidden items.

2) Copy your Custom POI File(s) into the Import Folders

After you've created the import folders on your Rand McNally tablet, you can place custom POI files into these folders so Rand McNally's navigation app can find them.

As with Rand McNally's other GPS models, the tablets can only use the "CSV" type of POI files.

The folder you use determines how the POI file will be setup on your GPS:

  • Putting a file in the ".Navi/RM/ImportAlert" folder is equivalent to using the "Import POIs" / "Alert POI" feature in RM Dock. It will automatically set your GPS to give an alert as you approach the locations.
  • Putting a file in the ".Navi/RM/ImportPOI" folder is equivalent to using the "Import POIs" / "POI" feature in RM Dock. It will automatically set your GPS to show the locations on the map.
  • Putting a file in the ".Navi/RM/ImportAddrBook" will import address info into the Address Book

3) Restart the Navigation App to Import the Files

After your custom POI files are saved in the import folders, you need to close and reopen the Navigation App to begin importing the files. You can do this by rebooting the Rand McNally device.

When the Rand McNally navigation app is restarted, it looks inside these folders and offers to import your files. You'll see a message saying "New Database Available For Importing", with instructions to finish the import process.

On some Rand McNally models, there’s an "Import POIs" feature under "My Custom POIs" that can be used instead.

My Custom POIs

You can adjust settings for files you've installed in the Navigation App at "Preferences" (General Preferences) > "My Custom POIs" > "Manage Custom POIs"

Classic Skin / Modern Skin

Selecting a "Skin Type" changes the appearance of the navigation app. On some GPS models, the "Custom POI" menu option might not appear as pictured above unless you're using the default "Classic" skin.

If you don't want to use the Classic skin, you can use "Guided Search" to reach the Custom POI screen:

  • From main GPS screen click in the Search text area.
  • On the search screen click the "Guided Search" button to the right of the large search text area.
  • Click on "Points of Interest" on the bottom row.
  • Click on "Custom POI" at the bottom of the screen.

Changing Custom POIs

To update or add new Custom POI files, simply repeat steps 2 and 3 to copy and import new file(s) into the Navigation App.

Thanks to agr8skp and skulldrinker

Their original instructions were posted in this discussion:
Loading POI Files On The RV Tablet 80

Thanks to Vornek

He provided additional details for importing to the Address Book.

If you have a suggestion for improving these instructions, send POI Factory a note via the contact form.

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