One CVS Pharmacy in Ashville, NC is incorrect--In residential neighborhood--No CVS


This happened yesterday... I'm attempting to find the line in current .csv file...
Picked one from POI list, and it took us to a residential area--No CVS...
Selected another 2.3 miles away, and it was good...

We were in a time crunch, so didn't write it down.... Will try to find it....

Be aware...

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

OK... I now don't know if

OK... I now don't know if this is a bug, or a mis-spelling..

It is line 2712 of the latest CVS file... Address is 27 Westgate Pkwy, Ashville, NC....
When this is selected, the Garmin, 2689LMT, calls up Westgate Rd, Not Pkwy. Westgate Rd is in the middle of a residential area, and no CVS is anywhere near-by.
I checked other lines in this file...all Parkways are spelled: Pkwy
So I tried another one... Line 275 in same file 129 Saint Charles Parkway, Waldorf MD..... Here GPS calls up 275 Theodore Green Blvd.... ????
Is GPS mis- ID'ing Pkwy ???

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Here's more information... I

Here's more information... I took the CVS file, line 2712, and changed Pkwy to Parkway... saved the file...
Then Fired up PIOLOADER and erased all POI's, and then re-installed them, including the new, just edited 'Parkway'.
Called up CVS POI and selected that location... Now the GPS Says Parkway, insead of Pkwy....

But GPS Still calls up Rd location!!!

I can't determine who's doing this file now, but it doesn't seem that this is a POI error.... Or am I missing something???

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Decided to try something

Decided to try something else... typed in 27 Westgate and GPS found both Rd and Pkwy !!!! (That seems to rule out spelling error in POI)....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I don't have a 2689LMT, but

JanJ, I don't have a 2689LMT, I have an older 1450. The only thing I can tell you about my 1450 is that the only thing it cares about is the longitude/latitude numbers. It doesn't care if the address is spelled correctly or not. All it cares about is what this POI's lon/lat is.
If a 2689LMT works differently, you can ignore this whole thing.


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

You are correct...The

You are correct...
The coordinates in the file for this location are: 35.5745 and -82.5982
If I put that into Google, I get the location I went to: The Wrong Location...

Google earth says the correct location for that address is: 35.591445 & -82.575349

So it would appear that when the coordinates were determined, the writer used Road instead of Parkway, as that's what he got!!!

I edited the file with the corrected coordinates.... BUT....

My next question is... As I found out last time I changed GPS coordinates in a file... Garmin has a limitation that won't display unless Coordinates are a certain distance from the roadway.... or less.
I'm unable to tell if I'm within these parameters or not.... What do you think?

I still can't determine who I should be alerting this error to....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

The Best Way..

Usually, file creators try to use coordinates for the driveway entrance rather than the building itself when a POI is located in a mall. This takes a great deal of time to investigate however and often just the building coordinates are used. If the POI location is far enough from a mapped road, it won't display as you have experienced.

Since the CVS in question is in the Westgate Regional Shopping center, I recommend using one of the driveway entrances, such as N35 35.503 & W82 34.450. Be aware however this can cause issues if there is more than one mall or shopping center entrance location.

It appears the CVS file is orphaned. Maybe Jon or Angela can help.

This is my philosophy

This is my philosophy, for what it's worth:
When I make a new POI for my own personal use, I ALWAYS use a point in the middle of a driveway leading to my destination and is about ten feet off the road. ALWAYS. And I ALWAYS use Google Earth which gives me accuracy to six decimal places and eliminates the "50 feet off the road" issue because I'm using a driveway. As an example, I have a winery POI file with over 600 wineries in it and I used Google Earth on every blessed one. It takes a while, but every winery's location is always correct.
The topic about 50 feet off the road and along a path or within a radius is a whole different topic, of which there are many, many discussions here at the Factory.
Just my opinion.


"No misfortune is so bad that whining about it won't make it worse."

Wrong coordinates

Appears that this is a case of having the wrong coordinates in the file. The actual location of this CVS is in the Westgate Regional SC, located on Westgate Pkwy. Using GE, I get the coordinates as
-82.575391 35.591261
The entrance to cvs

Thanks again for the

Thanks again for the 'refresher course' on Driveways and POI's!!!

I'm updating file line 2712, with coordinates with Mahoney's post...

It's always an experience with this!!!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

Update file

Just posted the update file Mahoney sent in.


Any Chance?

mahoney wrote:

Appears that this is a case of having the wrong coordinates in the file. The actual location of this CVS is in the Westgate Regional SC, located on Westgate Pkwy. Using GE, I get the coordinates as
-82.575391 35.591261
The entrance to cvs

Is it possible that this is a case where the coordinates used were not for the actual store itself, but for an address ASSOCIATED with the store, such as the mailing address in the files of the county licensing office? I have seen that happen before, but only with a local business like a Mom & Pop cafe, not a national chain business like CVS.

- Tom -

XXL540, GO LIVE 1535, GO 620

Actually after all is said

Actually after all is said and done, I think the issue here is someone put in coordinates for Westgate Road, instead of Westgate Parkway..... As it did take me to Westgate Road... The residential neighborhood.... As opposed to Westgate Parkway... The Shopping Center area.....
Both exist....

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!