Windows 7 / 8.1 Patch Tuesday starting October 2016


Microsoft will be changing the rules of the game & want full control !

This will certainly be the ultimate test for my GWX control panel program crying

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

FUD Again?

I read articles on the change this morning. Considering all Microsoft is doing for Windows 7 and 8.1 is turning the multiple patches Windows 7 and 8.1 get into a single cumulative update like they offer for Windows 10, I don't see how this is Microsoft "wanting full control". Unlike Windows 10, you can still choose not to install the cumulative update, so long as you understand the consequences of your actions. However, if you're the type that liked being able to pick and choose which of the updates Microsoft provided to install, the change to a cumulative update will not be a change you like, as you will lose that ability.

Please note that Microsoft does not have to touch the Windows installation on your PC at all in order to make this change: it's server-side, meaning at Microsoft's end. Programs like GWX control panels are unlikely to do much, though as someone who never used that program, I have no clue as to what it does or doesn't do. I do know it likely will render Autopatcher obsolete for those two versions of Windows, since that program's entire purpose was to download patches for later application to a clean install.

I know the Windows 10 haters in the audience won't like it, but like it or not, what Microsoft is doing with updates makes sense.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

Ok... consider this

Strephon_Alkhalikoi wrote:

I read articles on the change this morning. Considering all Microsoft is doing for Windows 7 and 8.1 is turning the multiple patches Windows 7 and 8.1 get into a single cumulative update like they offer for Windows 10, I don't see how this is Microsoft "wanting full control".

On the surface, it seems you don't have a highly customized, hardware environment where you use your system for specific purposes. My system, is exactly that, 12 TB HDD space and soon to be 16TB of space along with a display with resolution of 7680 x 1440. MS hasn't had a very good track record of putting on patches that sometimes affected my hardware / software environment in one way or another.

Since MS screwed my system over so completely a couple of years ago, now before I let MS talk to my machine, I have an image of my boot drive that's not connected to my system before I install any service whatsoever. After the install of the service and subsequent validation all my "critical" systems continue to work properly, I'll continue. Should anything fault, I'll just swap drives back and continue.

For many reasons, I just can't afford M$'s arrogant attitude of, "we know what's best for you, your hardware and your system, trust us."

Considering M$'s most resent hardball push to shove everyone to Windows 10 I have two words... Bull S..T!

Yes, I took a weekend and tried to convert to Windows 10, and low and behold, many of the required drivers my system and some of my specialize HW require, aren't available, don't exist and unless I sit down and disassemble them then rewrite them myself, likely won't ever exist.

Strephon_Alkhalikoi wrote:

Unlike Windows 10, you can still choose not to install the cumulative update, so long as you understand the consequences of your actions.

However, if you're the type that liked being able to pick and choose which of the updates Microsoft provided to install, the change to a cumulative update will not be a change you like, as you will lose that ability.

It's not so much that I "liked to", rather, it became a necessity.

Strephon_Alkhalikoi wrote:

Please note that Microsoft does not have to touch the Windows installation on your PC at all in order to make this change: it's server-side, meaning at Microsoft's end. Programs like GWX control panels are unlikely to do much, though as someone who never used that program, I have no clue as to what it does or doesn't do. I do know it likely will render Autopatcher obsolete for those two versions of Windows, since that program's entire purpose was to download patches for later application to a clean install.

I know the Windows 10 haters in the audience won't like it, but like it or not, what Microsoft is doing with updates makes sense.

So your assessment of some of us being, as you so eloquently describe us, "Windows 10 haters" is uncalled for and doesn't foster good will.

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

continue with windows 7?

I hope the Infoworld article is overstated, but we have no way to evaluate whether it is all true or not. If we cannot continue to receive Windows 7 security updates then we will be forced to accept "all" updates. Our Windows 7 OS will be de-facto Windows 10.

Judging by events of the last year, Microsoft has gone over to the dark side. They cannot be trusted. Information-gathering will be going on not only for Google due to Chrome, gmail, contacts, calendar, but also for Windows 10. How much will all this slow down the PC?

It remains to be seen whether Microsoft goes back on their promise to support Windows 7 for several years.

I have one PC running Linux Mint. I was only dabbling - it was a hobby. No more! I have found Linux is a serious contender. It was easy to install with zero hardware configuration issues. The entire clean install took 10 minutes, and that includes the OS fully updated, and all software! The PC is my slowest processor and runs like lightning!

dobs108 shock

I have to agree that calling

I have to agree that calling those who chose not to upgrade to W10 as "Windows 10 haters" is much like the the Android and Apple comments found here, and on the net. Some people here cannot abide others with differing opinions and so an insult or demeaning comment is necessary.

If one really reads the End-User agreement for using W7 or W8, it is WE who are agreeing to the "current" terms of use. MS can change the agreement anytime they wish. Just as credit card companies can change the rules anytime they chose.

MS is NOT going to stop issuing updates for W7 before it's stated date, but we may not like how they will be issued in the future. And, it is in MS's best interest to get all of us non-W10 systems to W10, even if we are kicking and screaming all the way.

BTW: MS has no interest in whether our hardware works with W10 or not, if not, they would prefer us to scrap it and "get with the program".

I find it interesting that you will NOT be able to download the monthly Security-only update via Windows Update. Now you will have to go find it.

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.


@BarneyBadass: Given you're one of a select few that has provided anything other than knee-jerk reactions brought about because of hyperbole and an absence of facts, you're an exception.

I'll make this plain for people commenting about my "haters" comment: I have a very low opinion of the human feces in general. I simply don't like people, especially when they act based upon their instincts rather than their intellect. Not upgrading to Windows 10 when the opportunity presented itself because of fearmongering brought about by tech magazines is, to be blunt, stupid. I have no use for stupid. If someone is that concerned about Microsoft's data collection, you either live with it, find a way to shut it off - as I did - or you give up all technology and become a hermit.

Now, some concern over Microsoft data collection is justified. I'm not saying it isn't. However, knee-jerk comments such as Microsoft wanting to "take control" of Windows 7 don't help. All they do is reinforce my belief that humanity is little better than the primates he evolved from.

"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

And you have confirmed my first point

Some people here cannot abide others with differing opinions and so an insult or demeaning comment is necessary.

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.

Can't say I'm a fan of MS's approach

Well, I guess it will give the Linux folks more fodder for winning over converts.

Let's get back on track...

Please keep the forum rules in mind when commenting:

In particular, "Be friendly and polite. We will not tolerate personal attacks, insults, rudeness, or inflammatory posts."


Windows 7 update problems now

I like having Windows 7 automatically update my windows. I only turned it off while the Windows 10 was pushing out.

I like Windows 10 very much, I have it on my Laptop and my Netbook. They both work great. I only kept Windows 10 off my Windows 7 PC as it is an old computer and working great and I was afraid some of the hardware or software wouldn't work.

I want to let my Windows 7 PC do system updates again with the weekly security updates now that I will no longer have to worry about Windows 10 being pushed to my Windows 7 computer.

But there is a problem. I am unable to do my regular updates. My Windows 7 just keeps saying checking for updates. I tried this a few weeks ago and decided to wait as it was doing the same thing. I read to let it run for at least 12 hours. It has been runing almost that long but no change, still just checking. Just keeps saying it is checking for downloads.

Has anyone else had this problem with their Windows 7?

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)


Try the following going step by step which has worked for many others.

Please let us know if it was successfull smile

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Thanks canuk

canuk wrote:

Try the following going step by step which has worked for many others.

Please let us know if it was successfull smile

Fixin to read your link and see. I will let you know what happens.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Thanks Canuk

Thanks for the link but it didn't work. Windows 7 still will not do an update. I was able to install each of the ones individually in the link but can not find other updates.

Anyone know the link to all updates for Windows 7.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

KB 3172605

mgarledge wrote:

Thanks for the link but it didn't work. Windows 7 still will not do an update. I was able to install each of the ones individually in the link but can not find other updates.

Anyone know the link to all updates for Windows 7.

The one that fixed the Windows 7 Updates problem for me, courtesy of Chewbacca on page 23 of the Windows 10 thread, was the July Update Rollup that is downloaded and installed manually:

Look down on the page for four choices depending on the operating system and whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit. Certain downloads from the Microsoft site will not work using Chrome and IE must be used instead.

dobs108 smile

Thanks for this link

dobs108 wrote:
mgarledge wrote:

Thanks for the link but it didn't work. Windows 7 still will not do an update. I was able to install each of the ones individually in the link but can not find other updates.

Anyone know the link to all updates for Windows 7.

The one that fixed the Windows 7 Updates problem for me, courtesy of Chewbacca on page 23 of the Windows 10 thread, was the July Update Rollup that is downloaded and installed manually:

Look down on the page for four choices depending on the operating system and whether it is 32-bit or 64-bit. Certain downloads from the Microsoft site will not work using Chrome and IE must be used instead.

dobs108 smile

I turned my PC on this morning and the Windows Update was in the icon tray so I clicked it then went on about my business thinking it wouldn't do anything. I came back about 1 hour later and it said don't turn off the computer updates were being configured and 70% was finished. After it completed I looked at Windows update and it had three more optional updates. That is running and running ok now. I think one was the one from the link you gave me. I will look and see if it is on there when it is finished and if not I will run that also.

I did restarts as stated yesterday but nothing worked. I guess the computer had to be turned completely off then turn back on later for the updates to work that I installed yesterday.

The three optional updates were installed in just a few minutes and the computer is restarting.

Hope it keeps working. Thanks to all of you for all your help. Mary

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Thanks Canuk and dobs108

I now have the updates working great thanks to all of you.

Dobs108, the update that you gave me the link was one of the optional updates that ran.

Thanks everyone. I surfed for answers before I posted to this thread and could not find anything about the updates all of you told me about.

Thanks again for all your help, don't know what I would do without all of you.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Glad it's working!

We are glad to help!

dobs108 smile


mgarledge wrote:

I did restarts as stated yesterday but nothing worked. I guess the computer had to be turned completely off then turn back on later for the updates to work that I installed yesterday.

Perhaps you did not wait long enough for it to detect new updates. Microsoft has mangled Windows 7 automatic updates after the release of Windows 10.

Early 2016 I did a Windows 7 fresh installation due to HD crash. After manually downloading and installing SP1 and restarting, my desktop can't find updates. I waited several days. Nada! I had to manually install a patch (but can't remember which patch) to get it to detect updates.

Automatic updates works for a couple of months before it stops detecting updates... yes, again. I had to install the patch that dobs108 mentioned to fix it.

mgarledge wrote:

Hope it keeps working. Thanks to all of you for all your help. Mary

It will keep working. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft breaks it again. That seems to be the norm lately.


mgarledge wrote:

I now have the updates working great thanks to all of you.

Dobs108, the update that you gave me the link was one of the optional updates that ran.

Thanks everyone. I surfed for answers before I posted to this thread and could not find anything about the updates all of you told me about.

I don't blame you. My post and Canuk's were buried deep in the other thread. It's difficult to find.


This never happens in the Apple world.

We are much nicer and polite.

When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead. It is only difficult for the others. It is the same when you are stupid.


diesel wrote:

This never happens in the Apple world.

We are much nicer and polite.

Do they throw Oranges and Banana's at each other? razz

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

Great news Mary :)

I'm glad you succeeded in doing the updates & hoping you, I & all other Windows 7 users won't encounter this problem in September.

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Thanks all

Hope all goes OK next month.
At least I know to look on this thread if it doesn't.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Teddy bear

diesel wrote:

This never happens in the Apple world.

We are much nicer and polite.

The Teddy bear fits right in!

dobs108 razz

Windows 7 August update Rollup

On checking for updates in Windows 7, there is a new optional update KB 3179573. This is the August Update Rollup:

I let the update run, so it seems the rollups can be gotten from Windows Update as well as downloaded manually. There is no changelog - what it contains cannot be determined from Windows Update. However, the Windows 7 update history page has a changelog for the rollups. There are a couple of fixes that are unimportant. I would bookmark this page for future reference:

Woody Leonhard, at has comments about KB 3179573, and there is a glimmer of optimism in the article:

Woody appears to be a big critic of Microsoft. However, he has a good deal of information on making Windows 10 run right, as well as Windows 7:

dobs108 smile


Thank for the post and the links

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

Thanks dobs

I bookmarked the page. Thank for the information.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

This is Simple! I didn't

This is Simple!
I didn't upgrade to W10 because the $$$ software I run only works correctly on W7-64

End of story!

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!

I don't use external tools

I don't use external tools to disable automatic update to Windows 10. There is a group policy that turns it off. I hope it still continues to work.


ceevee wrote:

I don't use external tools to disable automatic update to Windows 10. There is a group policy that turns it off. I hope it still continues to work.

I don't use Windows 10 but I suppose you can set Windows Update service to Disable, can't you?

Sept 16th - new updates for windows 7

Several new updates have appeared in Windows Update for Windows 7. It is about time for a September rollup, but it doesn't look like we need to download a rollup - just let Windows Update run.

Woody has good things to say about it:

This is not yet in the Windows 7 Update History link:

dobs108 smile

Thanks dobs108

In keeping us updated/informed with the latest concerning Windows 7 smile

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Just got my patch for Windows 7

Just got the patch for Windows 7 and the update to remove all of Windows 10 pushes. It is downloading now. Will let you know how it goes.

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

All updates are installed

There were 4 optional updates, patch, update to patch, remove windows 10 stuff and I can't remember what the other was.

The computer works great and is fast again.

Where do I need to go on Windows 7 to make sure my privacy settings are ok?

Thanks, Mary

Mary, Nuvi 2450, Garmin Viago, Honda Navigation, Nuvi 750 (gave to son)

Windows 7 & 8.1 users

I'm curious in knowing what all of you updated for the September and October patch Tuesday.

I've been reading up Woody Leonhard /AskWoody articles & thus far undecided & somewhat confused & wondering what others are doing rolleyes

Nüvi 255WT with nüMaps Lifetime North America born on 602117815 / Nüvi 3597LMTHD born on 805972514 / I love Friday’s except when I’m on holidays ~ canuk

Updated windows 7 with windows update

canuk wrote:

I'm curious in knowing what all of you updated for the September and October patch Tuesday.

I've been reading up Woody Leonhard /AskWoody articles & thus far undecided & somewhat confused & wondering what others are doing rolleyes

I haven't been reading Woody because everything is going fine. We do not have to download the monthly rollups manually because Windows Update sees the same rollup update sometime after the 10th of the month. Mary was the first to discover this.

I think Windows Update is working for everyone. Any logjam of updates is in the past. If anyone isn't receiving Windows Updates, post here and we will fix the problem.

dobs108 smile

My Experience

The October rollup downloaded to my Win7-64 machine on 10/13. A total of 28 updates were installed. The following day, the normal 2 - 3 minute boot time took 30 minutes. After that, all appears to be normal.

boot time

malicious software removal tool
this month's tool may re-run tests for stuff that has not been seen in the wild for a while,
just in case,
and not everyone,
if the old malware checked for, were found in the random devices checked MS will include in next month's tool for everyone

the title of my autiobiography "Mistakes have been made"

Makes Sense

almostbob wrote:

malicious software removal tool
this month's tool may re-run tests for stuff that has not been seen in the wild for a while,
just in case,
and not everyone,
if the old malware checked for, were found in the random devices checked MS will include in next month's tool for everyone

Thanks for the info. I'll watch the November rollup for a repeat.