Got your drone registered yet?

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Kind of funny when you read through the registration. You're really registering yourself. Nowhere in the process does the FAA ask for a model number or anything about the drone you'll be flying smile

Not done it yet

I have not registered yet but I soon will. I have been reading the Q&As. I will probably get it done tonight. Not flying much anymore. I read so much about fly-aways I got kind of fearful of mine flying away with the $400 GoPro on it. Was nervous enough the past few times I flew it, I didn't enjoy it that much. Recently, I have been wanting to get it out again. Maybe on a good warm day, I will fly again.



Yep. I'm registered!



Are frisbees and boomerangs next?

Can you reply with the drone

Can you reply with the drone model you have? I'm thinking about picking one up.


ceevee wrote:

Can you reply with the drone model you have? I'm thinking about picking one up.

DJI Phantom 3 Professional

I had the DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus before that.

Also, Syma X5C for just messing around.

Its the number you get

You are required to mark all your 1/2lb + with that number so it can be identified if you abuse regs. That way if someone checks you and your drone is not marked or you are not registered, its uh oh time!!!

I did not

Get a drone for Christmas. One of the few I suppose.

Mark the battery

Put your registration number on your batteries. that way it will move from unit to unit with the battery. If you later sell the device, your registration won't be found on it.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

Not Everyone's On board With the New Law

Had the neighbors over for Christmas dinner. They bought their 15 year old son a drone. The hobby store salesman didn't mention the law and the neighbors weren't aware of it. I weighed the model for them (14.4 oz) and showed them the newspaper article.

These are intelligent middle class people who think the law is a bunch of carp and have no intention of obeying it. I tend to agree with them about the law being carp but for $5 (free until next month), considering the penalties, I don't think I'd take a chance.

According to CNN, so far, 45,000 don't want to take that chance either:

It would be interesting to know what percentage of drone owners have or will comply.


I can continue to fly my unregistered 400lb ultralight, life is good!

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

First ....

They came for the drones, and I did not speak out ......

..... Cold. Dead. Hand. cool

Pretty amazing ...

... how popular these drones have become in such a short time.

Nuvi 2460

Doing it ahead?

As it is free to register now, does it make sense to do the registration now, get the number and keep it for future use?

Is there any need in the registration process to specify what drone you (are going to) have?

it doesn't register

jale wrote:

As it is free to register now, does it make sense to do the registration now, get the number and keep it for future use?

Is there any need in the registration process to specify what drone you (are going to) have?

It doesn't register any type of aircraft, it registers the person filling out the form. You are then supposed to put the owner's registration number on all the units you have which meet the requirements. The best suggestion from the RC aircraft forums is to write the number on the batteries. This meets the identification requirement without putting a permanent number on the aircraft so it can be sold or traded without tying it back to you.

Illiterate? Write for free help.


Box Car wrote:
jale wrote:

As it is free to register now, does it make sense to do the registration now, get the number and keep it for future use?

Is there any need in the registration process to specify what drone you (are going to) have?

It doesn't register any type of aircraft, it registers the person filling out the form. You are then supposed to put the owner's registration number on all the units you have which meet the requirements. The best suggestion from the RC aircraft forums is to write the number on the batteries. This meets the identification requirement without putting a permanent number on the aircraft so it can be sold or traded without tying it back to you.

Keep in mind you get to renew your registration every 3 years!

UAS Registration

I registered my drone (actually registering myself as they don't ask you to identify your Unmanned Aircraft Systems.)

It was easy to do on line.

I read somewhere(?) that one was supposed to receive a registration card. I'll wait for it but in the meantime I printed out the Small UAS Registration Certificate which was on-line which I will protect with clear tape and carry with me in my wallet.

Although 'drone' is the keyword the law also covers R/C aircraft, of which I have several electric models. I will place my registration number on all. I even have a parasail flyer for which I'll do the same if I get it into shape to fly again -- and there is no wind to take it away.

In my flying career I've had two R/C aircraft that the wind has taken away. One of which I got back 3 mo. later. It had my phone number on it (It was in good shape), and the other is probably still circling the globe borne by the wayward wind (which is a restless wind.)

Due to wind, I've lost two in trees. With one I had to hire a REI mountain climber to scale the very tall tree and retrieve it for me. With the other I had to wait 3 mo. till the Park Service Cherry Picker rescued my plane.

Good luck with your drones. I currently have a Parrot Drone 2.0 (good) and an old IR controlled small drone (bad), but I do have intentions of buying and flying some more. I won't go to the DJI Phantom 3 class and will make a more moderate choice for park flying.

Gary Hayman

Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Prev.GPSs: Drive61 LM, nuvi 3790LMT, 755T & 650, GPSIII+, SP 2610, 250W; Magellan 2200T; Originator of GARMIN NUVI TRICKS, TIPS, WORKAROUNDS, HINTS, SECRETS & IDEAS

None Here But...

No drone here but I did ask my friend on Christmas morning (we often have breakfast at his house on Christmas morning) if he had registered his drone. Having known him for many years I thought he'd react with a diatribe against government regulation but, as it turns out, he had already done the registration!

GPSMAP 76CSx - nüvi 760 - nüvi 200 - GPSMAP 78S

It's Safer

bdhsfz6 wrote:

Are frisbees and boomerangs next?

If i see a Frisbee or boomerang around my house, i'll just return it to the kids. I see a Drone hovering around my place i'll shoot it down. Fly your Airplane and your helicopter and i have no issues. Drones just seem to say "i'm watching you".

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

What's the difference

What's the difference between a drone and a helicopter, RC Airplane. Aren't they all Remote Controlled? Aren't they all drones?

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Camera on Board

phranc wrote:

What's the difference between a drone and a helicopter, RC Airplane. Aren't they all Remote Controlled? Aren't they all drones?

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Are you sure?

ghayman wrote:

I read somewhere(?) that one was supposed to receive a registration card. I'll wait for it but in the meantime I printed out the Small UAS Registration Certificate which was on-line which I will protect with clear tape and carry with me in my wallet.

I don't remember seeing any mention during registration that stated anything would be mailed. My impression was that the emailed Certificate was all we'd be getting.

Does anyone else have more info on this?

Even the FCC recently (or in the past couple/few years) no longer mails amateur radio licenses. These licenses are to be found online and printed out.

Camera Onboard

Speed2 wrote:
phranc wrote:

What's the difference between a drone and a helicopter, RC Airplane. Aren't they all Remote Controlled? Aren't they all drones?

You can't tell if there is a camera onboard or not, until it's really close. So therefore, they are all drones.

Frank DriveSmart55 37.322760, -79.511267

Direct from the FAA FAQ --

CraigW wrote:
ghayman wrote:

I read somewhere(?) that one was supposed to receive a registration card. I'll wait for it but in the meantime I printed out the Small UAS Registration Certificate which was on-line which I will protect with clear tape and carry with me in my wallet.

I don't remember seeing any mention during registration that stated anything would be mailed. My impression was that the emailed Certificate was all we'd be getting.

Does anyone else have more info on this?

Even the FCC recently (or in the past couple/few years) no longer mails amateur radio licenses. These licenses are to be found online and printed out.

Q42. How do I prove I am registered?

A. A certificate of registration will be available to download and will be sent to your email address at the time of registration. When operating your UAS you must be able to present the certificate in either print or electronic format if asked for proof of registration.

That pretty well sums it up smile

Even with cam mine are less then 8oz

So I can still take video without registration, lol.

what would happen

if we don't get a drone. would it be like not getting a gun, or a bagless vacuum (i.e. nothing would happen)?

Now I can fly like an eagle -- with FAA restraints

FreddyP wrote:

A. A certificate of registration will be available to download and will be sent to your email address at the time of registration. When operating your UAS you must be able to present the certificate in either print or electronic format if asked for proof of registration.

That pretty well sums it up smile

Thanks. I'm glad I did the right thing. Printed, cut to size, folded, covered with clear tape for protection and in my wallet


Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Prev.GPSs: Drive61 LM, nuvi 3790LMT, 755T & 650, GPSIII+, SP 2610, 250W; Magellan 2200T; Originator of GARMIN NUVI TRICKS, TIPS, WORKAROUNDS, HINTS, SECRETS & IDEAS

My thoughts exactly

ericruby wrote:

They came for the drones, and I did not speak out ......

..... Cold. Dead. Hand. cool

My thoughts exactly. I'll register my drone when they pry the remote from my cold, dead fingers. Nah. I don't even have a drone.

Good thing any evildoers will be sure to register in advance so we can head off their evil.

It's just a matter of time before our skies look like something out of the future scenes in The Terminator movies.

JMoo On


You won't receive a physical "card".

The certificate you received by email or that is available in your account online is your "card".


not yet.

I don't plan..

..on getting one. Too many places banning their use.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022


maddog67 wrote:

..Too many places banning their use.

The FAA has come out with a memo to states telling them that they (the states) do not have the authority to regulate UAVs.

scare tactics and $$$ collection

That is all it is, to scare the owners to behave and collect some $$$ the easy way.

The FAA ha no manpower to enforce the UAV flying rules, the cop down the corner has no say on air traffic rules and regulations.

On my years of flying my ultralight over farmlands and populated cities and towns I have never encountered an FAA agent let alone a cop to tell me how low or high I was flying.

I try to follow the rules when flying but there nobody out there to pull me over.

So relax, the cop is not going to ask for your number unless you are harassing something or someone nor is he the enforcing authority the FAA is and they are too busy with the big planes.

If you bought your "drone" before the regulation was enacted you can always claim ignorance since at the time of purchase there was no such requirements and you don't keep up with the news, if you buy now it maybe a different story since the seller is supposed to inform you.

Garmin 38 - Magellan Gold - Garmin Yellow eTrex - Nuvi 260 - Nuvi 2460LMT - Google Nexus 7 - Toyota Entune NAV

much ado about nothing

When we watch documentaries about the CCCP etc., we realize how the stuff we worry about is really nothing. I know this neighbor who has these powerful walkie talkies, and he told me he doesn't have a FCC license. Now why would he do that, that's the law.

wouldn't you rather claim intelligence

flaco wrote:

you can always claim ignorance



phranc wrote:
Speed2 wrote:
phranc wrote:

What's the difference between a drone and a helicopter, RC Airplane. Aren't they all Remote Controlled? Aren't they all drones?

You can't tell if there is a camera onboard or not, until it's really close. So therefore, they are all drones.

Ya ok

2 DriveSmart 65's - We do not live in Igloo's and do not all ride to work on snow mobiles.

Nowhere can I find a UAS defined only as a drone

phranc wrote:

What's the difference between a drone and a helicopter, RC Airplane. Aren't they all Remote Controlled? Aren't they all drones?

As a radio-control helicopter pilot for many years, I see nowhere that the regulations apply only to the multi-rotor aircraft commonly known as "drones." A fixed-wing model aircraft is an unmanned aircraft, and with the transmitter on the ground, becomes an unmanned aircraft system (UAS). My radio-control helicopter (single or co-axial rotor blades) does not carry a camera - I have a hard enough time fighting to keep it just hovering - but it could technically fall within the definitions. Lots of drones don't carry cameras. They fall into the definition. But going through all the FAA material, regulations, photos etc., I am STILL confused.

This law potentially affects MILLIONS of radio-control aircraft owners, most of whom are just assuming it affects only drones. But nowhere does it specifically state that.

As a radio-control pilot for many years, the entire "drone" hobby only became possible a few years ago with the development of cheap, multi-axis gyroscopic controls that are made in large quantities by Chinese and Taiwan toy makers. It is actually virtually impossible for a human being to control a multi-rotor helicopter without one of these computer controls. There is no way to fly one totally manually, and if the gyro fails, the drone will IMMEDIATELY crash.

So the stage was set for increased government regulation when the perfect storm of elements all combined, starting about 4 years ago:
- cheap aircraft knocked off in China
- new pilots flying them everywhere without regard for the people on the ground
- technology that finally allowed one to control them from the ground
- a media feeding frenzy every time a drone did something "bad"
- panic from aircraft operators whenever a drone was thought to be within miles of them, fed by the media frenzy
- cheap cameras meaning everyone could be a filmmaker
- the rise of Youtube

Like every other fad, this will fade once they have all flown away or crashed and owners see what they are spending in spare parts.

In the meantime, the FAA has saddled owners with one of the poorest-written regulations I have ever seen.

And no one yet has been able to point to me a definitive answer as to whether the registration also applies to owners of r/c aircraft and r/c helicopters. Scary times.

Does anyone really believe

Does anyone really believe that the drone-owners carrying drugs across the Mexico-US boarder will leave their name and number on their drones?

Does anyone really believe that the idiots who want a photo of the airline-pilot landing his jet will leave their name and number on their drones?

It doesn't take a brain-surgeon to figure that one out.


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."

I think many are not looking for or seeing purpose

No a drug dealer will not put identifiers on his or her "Drone" and odds are the illegal flyer will not either. The registration and marking will give grounds to take action against those that do not comply. Take drug dealer, house gets busted, drone found no markings, additional charge. Sure people will still fly illegally, but now some will be caught for not registering or marking their drones.

More importantly, now the odds are better if you are hit by a Dumbo's drone, that it might have a registration number to track them down. Retailers will also be keeping better track of sales so serial numbers will be easier to trace to owners. Why is this important? I fly my Heli's with a transmitter that has a more then 1 1/2 mile range (Impossible to see if you don't have a video system, but could be done). If my heli hit you and cut you up or blinded you, and I am say 500' away, would anyone know I was the owner, maybe, maybe not.

So you register 'yourself',

So you register 'yourself', and if some unregistered clown flys a blue Drone on your block and does something stupid, and your red drone sits on the shelf, How Does Big Brother Know your don't have a blue Drone?

A 2689LMT in both our cars that we love... And a 2011 Ford Escape with Nav System that is totally ignored!


JanJ wrote:

So you register 'yourself', and if some unregistered clown flys a blue Drone on your block and does something stupid, and your red drone sits on the shelf, How Does Big Brother Know your don't have a blue Drone?

You are required to put your FAA registration number on your UAS and also carry the registration card with you when operating your UAS.


Chickenhawks wrote:

As a radio-control helicopter pilot for many years, I see nowhere that the regulations apply only to the multi-rotor aircraft commonly known as "drones." A fixed-wing model aircraft is an unmanned aircraft, and with the transmitter on the ground, becomes an unmanned aircraft system (UAS)....
And no one yet has been able to point to me a definitive answer as to whether the registration also applies to owners of r/c aircraft and r/c helicopters. Scary times.

Yes, the registration requirements apply to operation of fixed wing model aircraft and RC helicopters if they are over 250 grams in weight including the battery but not including the remote controller.

Q13. Which unmanned aircraft may register under the new registration requirements?

A. Unmanned aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds and more than 0.55 pounds (250 grams) on takeoff, including everything that is on board or otherwise attached to the aircraft and operated outdoors in the national airspace system must register. These aircraft may register under the new web-based registration system.

Q14. Is there a weight limit on what requires registration?

A. All owners of small UAS weighing more than 250 grams (0.55 lbs.) and less than 55 lbs. must register using this new system

Q16. Do I have to register a paper airplane, or a toy balloon or Frisbee?

A. No. Even if these things could be considered "drones" or "unmanned aircraft" and met the minimum weight threshold of 250 gm/0.55 lb., the registration rules also require that they be a part of an "unmanned aircraft system." An "unmanned aircraft system" includes the communication links and components that control the small unmanned aircraft along with all of the other elements needed to safely operate the drone. Paper airplanes, toy balloons, Frisbees, and similar items are not connected to such control system.
Q19. I would like to fly my Radio/Remote Controlled (RC) aircraft outdoors, do I have to register it?

Yes, RC aircraft are unmanned aircraft and must be registered online if they weigh more than 0.55 lbs. and less than 55 pounds.

Here are some examples.

The Question Was Asked...


"Got your drone registered yet?"

NO!... and I'm not going to either.


I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!

Perfectly safe and secure...

From the people who brought you the Office of Personnel Management fiasco...

No, no, this is different -- the FAA have farmed it out to a third party! Nothing to worry about! Just enter that credit card number...

And you don't have to worry about a breach releasing your information, the FAA tells us that searches will show your registration information to anyone who wants it.

I'm not being cynical. Really.

Nuvi 2460, 680, DATUM Tymserve 2100, Trimble Thunderbolt, Ham radio, Macintosh, Linux, Windows

Nowhere to fly for me

The FAA Shut Down Every Drone Club Within 30 Miles of Washington, DC [That's the area in which I live.]

No Drone flying in a 2827.43 sq mile area

The Federal Aviation Administration has shut down at least 36 model aircraft clubs in the Washington, DC area, citing a new, extended no-fly zone for drones around the nation’s capital.

The FAA has been worried about the proliferation of drones for several years now, and in September extended a 15-mile no fly zone surrounding Washington, DC’s National Airport to 30 miles. The FAA has cited national security issues and airspace safety as the main reasons for its DC no-fly zone, called a “Special Flight Rules Area,” but many of the sites shut down have existed for years with no safety concerns. It’s unclear if or when the sites will be allowed to reopen...(more)


Karen Carpenter reports that the FAA told her, "We've Only Just Begun."

Gary Hayman

Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Prev.GPSs: Drive61 LM, nuvi 3790LMT, 755T & 650, GPSIII+, SP 2610, 250W; Magellan 2200T; Originator of GARMIN NUVI TRICKS, TIPS, WORKAROUNDS, HINTS, SECRETS & IDEAS

fixed wing and helicopters too

Motorcycle Mama wrote:

Yes, the registration requirements apply to operation of fixed wing model aircraft and RC helicopters if they are over 250 grams in weight including the battery but not including the remote controller.

If so, this is going to come as a HUGE shock to the entire radio control community who are convinced this law applies only to drones.

The FAA is making this MUCH more confusing by not stating what this applies to. Even their "guide" shows only drones.

So, the way I read it, the law applies. R/C forums are full of information only for drone owners. Good grief.


Chickenhawks wrote:

If so, this is going to come as a HUGE shock to the entire radio control community who are convinced this law applies only to drones.

The FAA is making this MUCH more confusing by not stating what this applies to. Even their "guide" shows only drones.

So, the way I read it, the law applies. R/C forums are full of information only for drone owners. Good grief.

It seems pretty clear to me.

Yes, there is a lot of emphasis on "drones", but the system and the regulations clearly state that all RC aircraft fall under the regulations if they are within the weight guidelines. Which is one of the reasons that the AMA is arguing against the regulations right now (even though they were part of the advisory group.)

Q6. Does the FAA have the authority to require registration of UAS used by modelers and hobbyists?

A. Yes. By statute all aircraft are required to register. Congress has defined "aircraft" to include UAS, regardless of whether they are operated by modelers and hobbyists.

Personally, I think that the weight requirement is much too low. I was thinking that they would have used a kilogram as the minimum weight. And I think that any UAS without GPS or the ability to fly more than a kilometer away would have been exempted from registration.

But they didn't do that.

But people who have additional questions about applicability can contact the FAA at

Think about it ---

windwalker wrote:

No a drug dealer will not put identifiers on his or her "Drone" and odds are the illegal flyer will not either. The registration and marking will give grounds to take action against those that do not comply. Take drug dealer, house gets busted, drone found no markings, additional charge. Sure people will still fly illegally, but now some will be caught for not registering or marking their drones.

Crooks and idiots aren't going to register; therefore, no markings to get caught and no markings to "give grounds to take action against those that do not comply".

Like I said in another post, there already are height regulations, there already are distance from airport regulations, there already are no-fly zone regulations (including airports), there already are AMA rules that require AMA number on aircraft ... the crooks and idiots 'aren't complying now, aren't gonna then'!


"Internet: As Yogi Berra would say, "Don't believe 90% of what you read, and verify the other half."


Not only are the drone laws confusing but apparently, the Feds aren't enforcing them either:

I'm not saying the guy should have been arrested. He was just out flying his drone when the presidents motorcade drove by. Still, one and possibly two laws were broken. He was flying in temporarily restricted air space and may have violated a second law if the drone was recently purchased and not registered.

IMO, this sends the wrong message. It was a missed opportunity to at least explain the laws to the public using a real situation.

Droning On

If you are unfortunate and reside in an area where flying your drone in a yard, field, park, etc. is prohibited due to newly established local, state or FAA rules -- even when registered ...

The FAA has announced an alternate use for your drone if it is above the half pound threshold.

An excellent short video has been prepared discussing this. Be sure to see it through to the end.

It's at:

Gary Hayman

Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Prev.GPSs: Drive61 LM, nuvi 3790LMT, 755T & 650, GPSIII+, SP 2610, 250W; Magellan 2200T; Originator of GARMIN NUVI TRICKS, TIPS, WORKAROUNDS, HINTS, SECRETS & IDEAS
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