Problem installing POI to garmin
Sat, 04/25/2015 - 2:15pm
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14 years
Hi all i hope someone can help me i am trying to install POI's to my Garmin 3490 using POI Loader on Imac but i keep getting this message.
There is a data format error on line 2 of file /Volumes/HD/POI's for garmin/Speed_Camera_70-UK.gpx. The data earlier in the file will be written, but no more data can be read from this file.
If anyone could help me with this that would be great.
Thanks in advance Dell
it's telling you there is a problem in the file
POI Loader is telling you what it is reading from the file is not what it expects. There are some steps you need to take.
1. Have you ever loaded POI to your 3490 before?
2. Has this file ever been used before?
3. Is the file in a folder that you are telling POI Loader to access or are you trying to load the file by pointing POI Loader at the file rather than a folder?
All POI files that are going to be loaded to a unit have to reside in a folder which you probably know. The file could be a CSV with the wrong extension or the file could truly have issues. GPX files are more difficult to troubleshoot because of the XML syntax needed. If you have an element named in the file that has not been defined, then you have a problem with the schema and definitions.
The other issue is there are several different formats used for GPX files, but not all are done for Garmin. That's the reason I asked if the file has been used before or is it something you found in a forum someplace for different GPS users.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
I occasionally see this problem myself
It typically shows up after downloading a recently updated POI file and I've found it rarely happens. In your case poi-loader doesn't like something about line 2 of the file. The .csv files are a bit easier to work with as I open it with Open Office but any spreadsheet application would do. If I see what's wrong with the flagged line, I fix it and save it, and try poi-loader again. Sometimes I can't see what's wrong but simply the process of opening it and saving it as a .csv file fixes the gremlin. .gpx files may require that you use something such as extra_poi_editor to open, inspect and resave the file. If this was a just published version of the file, send a note to the maintainer to see if they are aware of any problems with it or especially if you spot the error in the line. Verify the steps outlined by Box Car before diving into the rabbit hole. It can also be something as simple as one of the things he outlined.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597
Problem trying to install POI Garmin 3490
Thank you for the quick reply's
To answer the questions in order
1 no i have never used it on my 3490 before
2 yes i would think it has been used before as i is from gps data team here
3 i have tried both file and folder.
i have tried both csv and gpx and both give the same error,Also all three files are named the same IE
I will try the other suggestion and open in a POI editer and save it as both to see if that helps .
Once again thanks for your help Dell
Old man but still learning Dell
Problem trying to install POI Garmin 3490
Thanks TXRVer
I tried what you said opening file in POI editer then saving and it worked with both csv and gpx great tip. Dell
Old man but still learning Dell
Thanks for the feedback. It's good to know your problem is resolved.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
Other files
... ,Also all three files are named the same IE
Speed_Camera_30_UK.wav ...
FYI, the .bmp file, if it conforms to Garmin's standards for your GPS, will display an icon on your map screen at the locations in the .gpx file and the .wav file will similarly announce the location as you approach it in the distance specified by the .gpx file.
Glad to hear you found a solution.
"There's no substitute for local knowledge" nüvi 750, nüvi 3597