Garmin Express Is Out


Just downloaded to my pc. Never ending updates.

got it

Got it today from within Garmin Express. No problems.

Edit - Installed on second computer from within Garmin Express. Both are running Windows 7 x64.

Remember to turn off Proxy Server in GE settings.

dobs108 smile

Same here,

downloaded through GE. Launched OK also.

nuvi 1390 LT, nuvi 1450 LMT, Win 10

got it.

got it.

N.E. Ohio, Garmin 2598 Garmin Drivesmart 65


Updated no problem on Windows 7 64-bit.


Garmin Nuvi 2450

And no release notes....

out yet. Will try and post when they are available so everyone knows what the changes are smile

i hope

They skip issuing

Garmin Express

and go straight to

Garmin Express 4.4096.156342.69

I'm getting tired of these sequential releases.

Never argue with a pig. It makes you look foolish and it anoys the hell out of the pig!

I don't understand all the

I don't understand all the excitement about GE updates.

Once I download a new map, plus any firmware updates, for the 4 various devices I maintain, and the units are up and running, why keep downloading GE?

And, why have GE, and all the associated Garmin services, constantly running on your computer?

If Garmin would make a version of GE that only supported car devices, we'd rarely see a GE update.

Anyway, that's my unsolicited 2 cents.

I never get lost, but I do explore new territory every now and then.


Thank you for the information.


dobs108 wrote:

Got it today from within Garmin Express. No problems.

Edit - Installed on second computer from within Garmin Express. Both are running Windows 7 x64.

Remember to turn off Proxy Server in GE settings.

dobs108 smile

I haven't changed the default Auto to Off and it's worked for me before. Why should it be changed?

proxy server

CraigW wrote:

I haven't changed the default Auto to Off and it's worked for me before. Why should it be changed?

In a former version of Garmin Express there were problems downloading updates. Someone here made the suggestion that the update hung on looking for a proxy server, which almost all of us do not have. When the setting was changed from Auto to Off, the update worked.

This problem must be solved after so many bug fixes but it can't hurt to turn it Off.

dobs108 smile

Check for updates to Garmin Express

I always get "Failed", Proxy Auto or Off

I always have to download and instal from:

DougJ - Ottawa, ON, CA


thank you

nuvi 2757LM-65LM-65LM


Just downloaded and installed with no problems in win 7x64.

I made the big jump from I can't believe I missed shock

Harley BOOM GTS, Zumo 665, (2) Nuvi 765Ts, 1450LMT, 1350LM & others | 2019 Harley Ultra Limited Shrine - Peace Officer Dark Blue


Big leap - Had 3.2.27

Map update

Anyone tried to update maps with this new version? Any problems encountered?



Cannot auto update

dobs108 wrote:
CraigW wrote:

I haven't changed the default Auto to Off and it's worked for me before. Why should it be changed?

In a former version of Garmin Express there were problems downloading updates. Someone here made the suggestion that the update hung on looking for a proxy server, which almost all of us do not have. When the setting was changed from Auto to Off, the update worked.

This problem must be solved after so many bug fixes but it can't hurt to turn it Off.

dobs108 smile

I still cannot update from within GE on Win7 64-bit. It will download 70 percent or more and then fail. I have tried proxy on and off, neither have worked for me For other people with this issue this link will install the update for you.


Thank you

Thanks for the heads-up....

...downloading now smile

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks" ~ Excerpt from the notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Robert Heinlein's "Time Enough for Love"


dobs108 wrote:
CraigW wrote:

I haven't changed the default Auto to Off and it's worked for me before. Why should it be changed?

In a former version of Garmin Express there were problems downloading updates. Someone here made the suggestion that the update hung on looking for a proxy server, which almost all of us do not have. When the setting was changed from Auto to Off, the update worked.

This problem must be solved after so many bug fixes but it can't hurt to turn it Off.

dobs108 smile

Thanks for the info.

Does GE revert to proxy each time it's opened, or at least each time the computer is booted up? I've set my GE from Proxy to Off on two computers, yet each time I open it and check the settings, it's back to Auto. Then too, another unexplained issue with my GE is that on one computer, the "leave running in background" which I always uncheck, is checked after each GE update. But on the other computer, the unchecked setting is preserved with each GE update.

GE Proxy setting

I have Proxy set to Off and that setting sticks through Garmin Express restarts, reboots and even updates to GE. So I am thinkng it must be something unique to your setup.

The only Garmin Express setting that doesn't stick across an update to GE is the "keep Express running in background". It is always checked after an update and I have to go in and uncheck it.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


alandb wrote:

I have Proxy set to Off and that setting sticks through Garmin Express restarts, reboots and even updates to GE. So I am thinkng it must be something unique to your setup.

The only Garmin Express setting that doesn't stick across an update to GE is the "keep Express running in background". It is always checked after an update and I have to go in and uncheck it.

Thanks. I wonder if my Proxy returning comes from my opening GE, going to Settings, changing from Proxy to Off, then just closing the program. Maybe I need to do something like check for updates to a device or something after changing my Settings to get the Settings to work—or maybe GE needs to be running in background when I switch from Proxy to Off to get Off to stick.

I'm glad to see that you also need to reset the "keep running" to unchecked after an update. It does leave me wondering, though, why one of my PCs with GE retains the unchecked "keep running" Setting.

There's still a lot of mystery to just how GE works even though it's now running well enough (and with enough Settings options) that I've started to use it routinely for map updates and even some software updates, and not feel bad about having it installed to my PCs.

Settings revert

CraigW wrote:

Does GE revert to proxy each time it's opened, or at least each time the computer is booted up? I've set my GE from Proxy to Off on two computers, yet each time I open it and check the settings, it's back to Auto. Then too, another unexplained issue with my GE is that on one computer, the "leave running in background" which I always uncheck, is checked after each GE update. But on the other computer, the unchecked setting is preserved with each GE update.

I have two PCs running Windows 7 x64. On one PC, after an update to GE, the proxy setting reverts to Auto. On the other PC it stays at Off. "Running in the Background" always stays unchecked on both PCs. Rebooting is not an issue for either setting. Whether GE runs from time to time is not an issue either.

I am satisfied that Garmin Express is now reliable.

dobs108 smile

What's new?

What's new?

Garmin DriveLuxe 51 LTM-S


Don't think we know yet. Remember that GE is Garmin's "all in one" update software offering so the changes between this release and the last one could all be for any Garmin device EXCEPT a GPS.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.

Here's the release notes....

Garmin began rolling out Garmin Express v4.0.19.0 for the PC today. If you would like to upgrade to the latest version, Check for Updates to Express on the Settings page within the Express application. This version includes the following changes:

• Fixed an issue related to Golf device Course updates.
• Improved the Garmin Express application upgrade process.

• Fixed issue affecting automatic Garmin Express application updates.

Just when is good, good

Just when is good, good enough?


bear007 wrote:

Just downloaded and installed with no problems in win 7x64.

I made the big jump from I can't believe I missed shock

Mac version updated to v4.0.18.0

Garmin began rolling out Garmin Express v4.0.18.0 for the Mac today. If you would like to upgrade to the latest version, Check for Application Updates by clicking “About Garmin Express” from the Garmin Express menu bar, and then click “Check for Updates to Express”. This version includes the following changes:

• Fixed an issue related to Golf device Course updates.
• Fixed an issue that was causing the application to become non-responsive on OS 10.8.

Alan - Android Auto, DriveLuxe 51LMT-S, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, Nuvi 3597LMTHD, Oregon 550T, Nuvi 855, Nuvi 755T, Lowrance Endura Sierra, Bosch Nyon


Will update at the weekend.

Nuvi2797LMT (2) Nuvi260,Ford Sync3 Navigation. Captain Cook was a Yorkshire man too.

Same for me

dboater wrote:
dobs108 wrote:
CraigW wrote:

I haven't changed the default Auto to Off and it's worked for me before. Why should it be changed?

In a former version of Garmin Express there were problems downloading updates. Someone here made the suggestion that the update hung on looking for a proxy server, which almost all of us do not have. When the setting was changed from Auto to Off, the update worked.

This problem must be solved after so many bug fixes but it can't hurt to turn it Off.

dobs108 smile

I still cannot update from within GE on Win7 64-bit. It will download 70 percent or more and then fail. I have tried proxy on and off, neither have worked for me For other people with this issue this link will install the update for you.

I have the same problem.

"Everything I need can be found in the presence of God. Every. Single. Thing." Charley Hartmann 2/11/1956-6/11/2022

Update at new map time

I don't try to keep up with Garmin Express updates between map updates. Since Garmin forces you to take them anyway with a new map update (if you don't have the latest version of GE) I just wait until I take a new map update. There always seems to be a flurry of multiple ne GE updates just before a new map release anyway, so it just skips ahead and gives you the newest version.

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic

GE update

Makes sense to me as that's the only time I use GE

I'm with you

williston wrote:

I don't try to keep up with Garmin Express updates between map updates. Since Garmin forces you to take them anyway with a new map update (if you don't have the latest version of GE) I just wait until I take a new map update. There always seems to be a flurry of multiple ne GE updates just before a new map release anyway, so it just skips ahead and gives you the newest version.

I don't quite understand what all the fuss is either in between map updates and firmware updates. What's the point in updating?


Updating now.

I update for the POI's

Narvick wrote:
williston wrote:

I don't try to keep up with Garmin Express updates between map updates. Since Garmin forces you to take them anyway with a new map update (if you don't have the latest version of GE) I just wait until I take a new map update. There always seems to be a flurry of multiple ne GE updates just before a new map release anyway, so it just skips ahead and gives you the newest version.

I don't quite understand what all the fuss is either in between map updates and firmware updates. What's the point in updating?

If I wasn't checking in here to see what's going on, (i.e.: if this site didn't exist) I would never be aware of the new Garmin Express updates anyway: I turn off Garmin Express again (background running) after I update my map. Available Firmware updates also come with a new map update, but as my 2595 is at the point of being a "mature" product now, they are infrequent. I like to update to the new map when it comes out, even though I know that the changes are pretty minor. My "elderly" 255 still gets me there and back without getting lost, even though the map hasn't been updated since I purchased it.

"Primum Non Nocere" 2595LMT Clear Channel and Navteq Traffic

I installed this a few days

I installed this a few days ago. I was having problems getting maps to load on my computer, and the old Express didn't have a link for the install. Put on the new one, and got my 2015.4 maps up to date for BaseCamp.



Good to Know

Thanks for the post. I would have missed it otherwise. That's why I login to POI-Factory at least once a week.