Search Foursquare bug in Smartphone Link app


I have noticed that when I open Foursqure in Smartphone link for IOS and then select Check in, it shows places near me as 955x km away. Does anyone else has same problem? I reporte the matter to Garmin.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597

you must be

one of the only people on this forum using the app.

ɐ‾nsǝɹ Just one click away from the end of the Internet

not seeing that issue on my

not seeing that issue on my iphone6/ IOS 8.3..

StreetPilot..Nuvi 265T..785WT..1390...Dezl560..RV760 DriveSmart 65

no issues with Android MotoX

No problems here with Android.

Thanks for your feedback.

Thanks for your feedback. Mine shows 956x KMs for some reason. Only some times, it show the actual distance. May be I should uninstall ad reinstll the app. It can be quite handy app to find some resturants in unknow areas.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597

I tried by uninstalling and

I tried by uninstalling and reinstalling the app (Smartlink) but did not fix the issue.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597


I'm not seeing this issue in the app on my iPhone 5s.

Do you have the Location Services properly set on the phone?

Not seeing this issue on my iPhone 6

I have iOS 8.3 and updated the app to the latest version last week.

Nuvi 3597 LMT

Yes, I checked the locations

Yes, I checked the locations settings in iphone and smartlink is using locations servies always. Garmin support also suggested me to check Location Services but it seems to be set right.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597

Looks like the problem is

Looks like the problem is when my phone is connected to WIFI. I have same problem at home while on WIFI and see the same problem at work when I am connected to WIFI. When my phone is not on WIFI, it seems to work.

Iphone XR, Drivesmart 61,Nuvicam, Nuvi3597

I've used it without issues...

I have SmartLink on my Samsung S5 /Verizon and paired with my 2599LMT-HD it works pretty well (when using 4G). IF you are on WIFI, it's probably using the location of the WIFI Router to set it's location, or one of the "hops" in getting you to the Internet, which can sometimes be somewhere across the country.

My wife works from home (here in Orlando), but the company she works for is in Phoenix Arizona, and if you do a "lookup" on her connection - it shows her sitting in Phoenix.... WIFI will sometimes point to the primary corporate server.

Try it on 4G/3G...should work fine, but be aware, if you don't have a good data plan, will be costly. I have a legacy unlimited data plan, so I use it all the time. Many times my 4G is faster than the "free" WIFI around here....

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks" ~ Excerpt from the notebooks of Lazarus Long, from Robert Heinlein's "Time Enough for Love"

Foursquare uses too much battery.

Since Foursquare changed from a plaything for travelers to a business advertisement tool, I've questioned it's value. When I want to find a restaurant, I prefer Yelp, as it's on demand rather than constantly running like Foursquare that consumes a lot of battery power, even overnight while I'm sleeping. I removed it from my Samsung Android and have not missed it.

Zumo 550 & Zumo 665 My alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.

Different issue

I am also using the smartphone link app and I paid for the traffic camera upgrade but every time I have tried to use it on cameras in my area it tells me that "images are not available at this time". Tech support at Garmin told me to uninstall the app and remove my phone from my Nuvi 2797 then reinstall the app on the phone first then pair the phone to the Nuvi. So far no joy. Anyone any ideas,

Nuvi2797LMT (2) Nuvi260,Ford Sync3 Navigation. Captain Cook was a Yorkshire man too.

Pretty Much Worthless

Played with FourSquare when I first got my new GPS and quickly decided it was worthless, with out of date info and bogis locations.

I don't use the app, but

I don't use the app, but will check it out. From all the replies though it seems to be working.


open the foursquar app , then go to the settings, first thing under GENERAL will be UNITS. Tap unit and change to miles.


I have only used it once. I do not think it is very useful but I am going on a long trip soon and will use it and see how I like it. Will not hold my breath.