300 series vs 500 series
Mon, 12/18/2006 - 12:15am
18 years
Hi all - I have a c550, just turned in a c530 - but I was wondering, has anyone seen a 300 series streetpilot beside a 500 series for screen comparison? Is it that much of a difference?
My wife wanted a Garmin, did not want me to spend the $$ for a c550, maybe not even a c530... but I know she will want a screen she can easily see...
Any feedback appreciated!
No thoughts on the screen,
No thoughts on the screen, from c330 etc users??
If not I presume that the 330 is a decent cousin to the c550 screen - seems I can get an rmfg c330 from The GPS Store for mere 299!
best to all,
Paul, in Flagstaff AZ; Garmin Nuvi 255W, Kenwood (Garmin) 512, Garmin c550/traffic, c330, i3, V, III-Pilot, III+, many military models various mfgrs
The c530/c550 pages on Garmin's web site seem to suggest these newer models have an improved display. They also have a SiRF receiver.
I haven't had an opportunity to see them side-by-side.
From what I understand the
From what I understand the c5's has a brighter display with some additional graphics. For example the triangle that represents your vehicle is now a car. Also as JM stated the new SiRF chipset is used.
The difference>>>
is like night and day! The C330 is wahed out and very hard to read when the glare is at the wrong angle. The C530 is readable in almost every situation. I currently have both the 330 and 530...the 330 is in my wife's car and the 530 in mine as we use mine to travel. The difference is so dramatic that if we were ever to take my wife's car on vacation I'd switch over.
Regards, Ted
"You can't get there from here"
The c330 remanufactured for >>>
$299 is an excellent buy...however, I have seen the 530 for $399 and I believe the screen and chipset alone justify the difference.
Regards, Ted
"You can't get there from here"
300 series vs 500 series
I've compared my c550 to my friends c330. The screen is much easier to read in all lighting situations.
Besides the screen being much easier to read, a really useful feature in the c550 is that it will actually speak the street names that you will be turning on. I think that this is a really helpful when you are approaching an busy intersections with multiple roads in a close area. It allows you to keep your eyes up on the traffic and roads alot easier.
Your wife might really miss this feature, which would of course mean that she will get your c550 and you will end up with the c300 series.
300 series vs 500 series
I just bought a C340 last weekend 12/16/06. Is it justifiable to return it (with -15% return fee) and upgrade to C550?
I’ve just learned that upload POIs problem due to the internal memory had only 2MB on C340 and a useless SD card slot.
POI capacity
2MB will typically hold close to 40,000 custom POIs. This number varies based on length of text in each description.
That's quite a few locations, but you'll need to judge for yourself if it's enough for your needs
c530 screen
I just purchased a c530 after doing lots of research and hands-on use. The screen on the 530 is definitely much brighter and easier to see in daylight that the c330.
**Garmin c530 owner and operator**
Dim it...
Lately I drive around with the c550 dimmed so the difference is less apparent.. LOL!
Seriously - I don't THINK my wife will abscond with the c550... My commmute into the bowls of DC in rush hour takes 1.5+ hrs each way daily while she drives 12 minutes to work..
Paul, in Flagstaff AZ; Garmin Nuvi 255W, Kenwood (Garmin) 512, Garmin c550/traffic, c330, i3, V, III-Pilot, III+, many military models various mfgrs
Wife Loves her c330...
Well I may be lucky, but the wife loves her c330, and is leaving my c550 alone...
in fact I played with the c330 alot before I gave it to her, in a side-by-side run with the c550.... and quite honestly, the 550 is nicer, but not THAT grand a difference at all, to trade in - for her. She is happy without a SirF and no traffic GTM-20... but my SD card still lets her see topo's, I can still load up POIs for her, and the screen is the samme size. Honestly, while the c550 has much higher contrast, the screen on the c330 is not to bad as I thought it was going to be from all the posts... In fact, while it's a 'shiny' screen. it is actually almost as bright. Software is almost the same...
for 299 as opposed to 715, I think the c330 is a fine deal for a "rest of the family" gps, or a starter unit, or one to kick around say, on a bike or backpack in topo mode.... It gives good bang 4 buck IMO... I'd not trade it in unless one 'must have' the latest coolness....
Paul, in Flagstaff AZ; Garmin Nuvi 255W, Kenwood (Garmin) 512, Garmin c550/traffic, c330, i3, V, III-Pilot, III+, many military models various mfgrs
Thanks for giving us an update. Side-by-side comparisons of the actual equipment are very helpful.
Got a C-330 about a week ago (new for $299) for my 1999 Ford Explorer and have been very happy with it. The screen is about as easy to see as the larger screen in my 2004 Prius.
I thought about what I actually use in the Prius and the C-330 has what is needed without paying for all the extra bells and whistles. The Prius has bluetooth which is nice when I am driving alone but my daughter complains when I use it and talk to her so I usually use the headset. As long as the GPS tells me where to turn right or left I don't need the street name as long as I can glance at the unit and see the name if necessary.
I do like the ability to add in the extra POI's that are available for the Garmin. I wish I could do so as easily in the Prius. I think you will be very happy with the unit.
You have the right to remain silent!
15% return fee
Call your credit company and tell them you refuse to pay the restocking fee the item was returned. They will remove the fee and charge it back to the supplier. I know I did it. I got the c550 in the end and I love it.
good luck
Further info
Where my wife works they also charge a restocking fee and she also told me that when items were returned and the restocking fee was charged that the customer called the credit company and the fee was removed from the customers card and the business did not get the fee.