Garmin 2720 Error Loading Custom POI's


I have a new Garmin 2720 and I am getting an error reporting "garmin gps has returned an error status while receivng data packets" when uploading POI's through the poiloader and then the gps unit reboots . I am also get the same error while using the webupdater trying to laod newer voice tts file. I upgraded to the newest software v6.40 before I ever used the unit and can't tell if it is this version of software. I worked with the Garmin's tech team for an hour reviewing usb setting etc. but no luck geting things to work. Has anyone had this issue or have ideas to resolve? The unit works fine other than can't load poi files of voice files. IBM t22, winxp. Thanks

error message

I haven't had this issue, but let me ask a few questions that might be helpful for troubleshooting.

Does the error message appear on your computer or on the GPS?

Does it happen if you try loading just one small file (like waterfalls.csv)?


Garmin 2720 Error Loading Custom POI's

The error appears my computer and the gps reboots immediately. The file(s) that I have tried to load are not large. Some are four entries.


You've probably already checked the obvious stuff (cables, try without a usb hub, etc.) when you were working with the Garmin tech.

If you haven't already done so, you might look to see if there's a "master reset" feature. Most models let you do this by pressing an odd combination of keys at startup. I would imagine there's an option like this for the 2720, but I'm just guessing.

If it were mine and still under warrantee, I'd send it in.


Exchange it

Agree with JM - the unit sounds defective - might try to have it exchanged by the store where you purchased it.

My 2720 does the updates, POI loading and waypoint/routing loading without flaw - first time and every time.

___________________ Garmin 2455, 855, Oregon 550t

Baker, My garmin 7200

Baker, My garmin 7200 reboots every time you load POI,s into it. I,am not postive but I think all Garmin GPS reboot. You say you get an error message when you try to load the POI,s and then it reboots. If your USB drivers are installed right than I would bring it back and see if you can exchange it. It doesn,t seem right that it is rebooting if you are getting and error message after you try to install the POI,s. If you bought the unit at best buy or a simalar store they should take it back without any trouble. I had brought back a garmin C350 to best by and they didn,t even open up the box. They just exchanged it for another new one.


reboot is normal

My i2 also reboots after loading POIs. This seems to be normal behavior.

The part that doesn't seem right is getting the error message "garmin gps has returned an error status while receiving data packets".


My Mio will not recognize

My Mio will not recognize new POI's without a reboot. The unit has to pull them into memory and you can't force that, so it reboots to be able to pull them in.

. . If I only had a brain....................................... ..................................................... GPS Units in Use: Mio C310x (primary) and Garmin eTrex Legend for GeoCaching.