Generic Sounds and Icons


Was wondering if there are any Generic sounds and icons? for example just a House icon. That type of thing.


Since a “generic” icon would have to represent all of the of the many possible Poi types, I wonder why you suggest a house? Perhaps some kind of geometric shape would work?

And as to a generic sound – I would vote for a Model T "Aaoogha" horn sound:


MeanGene wrote:

Was wondering if there are any Generic sounds and icons? for example just a House icon. That type of thing.

I have downloaded many POI Factory POI's, some of which have/had no icons.

Most businesses have some sort of company logo which you can find on the web.

I did that and made my own icons for the missing ones.

The same can be done for any icon you want, just search the web for what you want and make your own icon!

Nuvi 2797LMT, DriveSmart 50 LMT-HD, Using Windows 10. DashCam A108C with GPS.


Just go to, enter the icon/business name your looking for in the search field and you'll get hundreds of images. Same the one you like and use any simple free image software like Microsoft Paint or Irfanview to resize the image and save it as a .bmp file.

Nuvi 350, 760, 1695LM, 3790LMT, 2460LMT, 3597LMTHD, DriveLuxe 50LMTHD, DriveSmart 61, Garmin Drive 52, Garmin Backup Camera 40 and TomTom XXL540s.


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Since you are new here, I encourage you to go through a couple of the Tutorials.

The first link makes sure the settings on your computer are such that you can do more advanced POI loading.

The next link helps you make a backup of your GPS by attaching it to your computer. (NEVER do anything to your GPS until you have a backup). It also assures that you put your (newer) unit into a state where you can see all of the folders there.

Now to your question. There is a generic ".wav" file that says "poi-factory test wav file". It was put there so that someone needing a .wav file could use it to test out a sound alert (most of our sound files are .mp3 files but newer units cannot use them directly) . You can find it at

I like the suggestion that Evert made about the Model T "Aaoogha" horn. I will work on uploading it.

Again, welcome

Thanks for the replies. I

Thanks for the replies. I have used the tools I needed and have successfully added custom POI's to my Garmin. I guess my question or suggestion was to make available a section where you could find an icon or sound that would represent a non business. You all ready have this to some degree, it is just scattered through out the web site. For example, an icon of a park bench that could be used for a rest stop or a park.


MeanGene wrote:

Thanks for the replies. I have used the tools I needed and have successfully added custom POI's to my Garmin. I guess my question or suggestion was to make available a section where you could find an icon or sound that would represent a non business. You all ready have this to some degree, it is just scattered through out the web site. For example, an icon of a park bench that could be used for a rest stop or a park.

Since you seem to have looked and found some icons that would be "generic", would you please indicate several of these for us?

I do not think it is proper for us to ask JM or Globe Turtle to do the leg work, but I'll bet JM would be happy to create a Page that had multiple "generic" icons on it. However, what hew would need would be links to the current pages.

For example, is just a picture of an airplane. could be used for any beach location. is generic camping

What have you found?

1923 Model T Ford Aaoogha Horn

is now available at

Here is how I did it.

I went to the youtube link provided by Evert

I used Youtube Downloader from
to download the video.

I used Pazera Free Audio Extractor
to create a .wav file from the downloaded .mp4 file.

I used Audacity
to edit the .wav file (deleting everything except horn sounds and making it monaural) before exporting the result.



I have used it already. smile

Thought you might

Evert wrote:


I have used it already. smile

I could tell that you liked the sound - and I did too once I followed the link (thanks for that link, by the way)

It does get your attention.

By the way, using Audacity the sound could be combined with a POI name quite easily - producing a more personalized alert.