completaly formatted,fat 32,nuvi 1390t's internal memory


goodmorning,i'm intelligent:i formatted completaly my garmin,i resolved the wrong format by using garminsecurity3,but now i miss the operating system.i try to find the installer,or something like it,but it s quite difficult...and i didn t back up my,if someone can help me,thanks really a lot,i hope
have a nice day

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phranc wrote:

'S all good. Try crossing the Pacific eastward and changing TZ every 2 days and the International Date line and not only having to keep up the time, but with what daggoned day it is.

I have not done that but I am an Amateur Radio Operator and have dealt with somewhat similar situations when logging contacts from around the world. I have known several Hams that could not accept the fact that their contact was on a different day than they thought.("Zulu" time was used for logging.)

Also I have studied Celestial Navigation as a hobby. I have George W Mixter’s “Primer of Navigation" and two versions of Bowditch’s “American Practical Navigator”, Nautical Almanacs, a sextant and several kinds of “Sight Reduction Tables”.

The books have much detail on time zones and figuring the exact time at ones location. There are Zone time, ships chronometer time, watch time, local time, sun time , etc.

Of course knowing the proper time exactly is important in order to accurately calculate longitude.

I have spent many hours studying the methods and calculating ships positions at locations all around the world using example problems in the books.

George Mixter warns many times in his book about making blunders – I should have paid closer attention. smile


CraigW wrote:

Try living in a state that doesn't observe Daylight Saving (unless you're on the Reservation—no, not that one, the other Reservation)—and most of your relatives and friends are in states with DST...then count the days before one of you calls and gets the other out of bed.

I did live it Tucson back in 1961 but don't remember if they had seceded from the Day light savings concept by then.

But I have lived in several states in the Mountain Time zone and more than once have accidently (AKA carelessly) set a computer's time zone to "(UTC 0700)Arizona" instead of "(UTC 0700)Mountain Time" because I quit reading after ""(UTC 0700)".

Then I scratched my head and wondered why my computer showed the wrong time until my one extra brain cell kicked in and told me "dummy you have done it again". smile

Wet AZ and time of day

Evert wrote:


I did live it Tucson back in 1961 but don't remember if they had seceded from the Day light savings concept by then.

It looks like is was in the 1969-1973 range for opting out:

PS—Your Tucson Arid-Zona is due for up to 9" of rain in the next few days. Thanks, Odile:


CraigW wrote:

PS—Your Tucson Arid-Zona is due for up to 9" of rain in the next few days.

Holy Smokes- I doubt they had that much rain total in 40 years previous to when I lived there.

Mushrooms are going to replace the prickly pear and jumping cholla. There may even be a blade of grass here and there. smile

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