How to Download .kml POIs to Honda Navigation

These are the directions for a 2014 Honda Accord.
“To Save File to USB Drive”
Save your files in separate categories (files)
This will make them easier to find when searching for them. Even if you only want to upload one category have two or more category files on your usb drive. You only have to upload the file you want. If you only have one file on your USB Drive the file will be uploaded into your Honda Navigation system as Waypoint. If you have two or more files on your USB drive the file will be uploaded as the name on the file, food, hotel, etc.
When downloading to car download each file one at a time.
Use the .kml format
“To Download File”
With Navigation Map showing on the top screen:
Press “Menu Button”
Scroll down to “More Search Methods”
Select “Download POI”
At the bottom of screen press select button down to select “Import from USB”
Your files should come up on your screen from your USB Drive
Select the file you want to download and press “Enter”
“To Find your file”
With Navigation Map showing on the top screen
Press “Menu Button”
Scroll down to “More Search Methods”
Select “Download POI”
Your folders will be here for you to select.
“To Set Options for your POI files”
With Navigation Map showing on the top screen
Press “Settings”
Select “Navi Settings”
Scroll to “Download POI”
Select the folder you want to change options
- Set alerts (ON, OFF)
- Delete Category
- Edit Icon
Update by Mary: July 25, 2014
Be sure you are reading File and not Folder.
Each catagory should be in it's own File, (food.kml, hotel.kml etc.)
CVS files do not work with these directions for me they have to be in .kml format.
The only way I could get the .kml format to work was using the program from this post.
EDIT February 27, 2020
( )This web site is no longer available but you may search the POI-Factory to see if anyone has a link to the Extra_POI_Editor
When reading this:
"At the bottom of screen press select button down to select “Import from USB”"
the large select button can be moved up, down, and sideways and pushed in the middle. Do not push in the middle. Move the button down toward the floor to "Import from USB".