Chicago bribery charge in connection with RLC


Not surprising

Interesting but not surprising. The red light camera industry is known for questionable practices to further their business.

dobs108 smile

Makes you wonder

If they will do that, what will they do when they are setting up the cameras????? Better to just ban them so it isn't an issue.

So What Else Is New...!...?

Did you expect anything different coming from Chicago? It's been that way for years and years and years.


I'm not really lost.... just temporarily misplaced!


I just got back from a long trip, and saw this article. I haven't read it yet, but I must commend The Chicago Tribune for reporting on this. They have done an excellent job of researching, and bringing out the dirty dealings that happened behind closed doors. The red light cameras are a scam, and the sooner the people responsible are held accountable, the better.

I do not want to get into a debate on red light cameras, and how people drive in Chicago, and how much safer it is because of these cameras. I'm much more concerned about crime, not only on the streets, but with the politicians. Just because it's Chicago, doesn't mean it's anything goes. This is why it is a big deal, it's not a joke, and we shouldn't act like it's expected.