Transferring Files from Garmin to Rand McNally


I am buying a new Rand McNally RVND 7720 and want to transfer all my saved favorites from my Garmin NUVI 765 T. Is this possible and how is it done.



Use EPE to access the current file on your Garmin and save the file as a CSV. You can then import it through the RM Dock software.

Illiterate? Write for free help.

I am quite unsure of doing

I am quite unsure of doing anything with this. Can you tell me what EPE is, sorry don't want to sound dumb but I am with this stuff.

Thanks for the info and reply.

Backup first then reading

EPE stands for Extra POI Loader. It is a great software package written by one of our own.

First things first. Make a backup copy of at least "current.gpx" from the 765 (which I have also). Attach the nuvi to your computer. When you get the dialog box that should appear when the device is recognized, take the "Open folder to view file using Windows Explorer" option.

Look in the Garmin folder and then in the GPX folder for "current.gpx". Save this somewhere on your computer where you can find it.

Now, I really think you should make a full backup of your device. look at for instructions.

Now that your files are safe, you can do some reading on EPE.

First read

Then read

What you need is a .csv file (comma separated value) for the dock. EPE is one way to take a .gpx file and turn it into a .csv file.

Backup first. Do some reading and if you need more specific help, get back to us.

How about Macintosh?

Just wondering what might be different in your instructions for Mac users. I have both 765T and RVND 7720 and plan to continue to use them both, but would like certain POIs in the 7720 and certain ones in the Garmin.

Since my files are pretty old would I do better just downloading new for the RVND and deleting those from the Garmin?


Mac users

rvOutrider wrote:

Just wondering what might be different in your instructions for Mac users. I have both 765T and RVND 7720 and plan to continue to use them both, but would like certain POIs in the 7720 and certain ones in the Garmin.

Since my files are pretty old would I do better just downloading new for the RVND and deleting those from the Garmin?

Unfortunately, there is no EPE Mac version, so the process of changing Favorites from a .gpx format (used by the device) to a .csv format (used by the Dock) using EPE will require the help of a friend with a windows machine.

Have not used it but GPSBabel claims to be able to do see.


A YouTube video is at

Thanks to jgermann

Appreciated. Useful info either way and will follow up on the links.


Transfering Files

Many thanks for the helpful information, I'm sure I will be back asking more questions. Thanks again.