Nuvi 2555LMT - Suddenly shut down during Custom POIs browsing
Mon, 12/02/2013 - 2:39pm
![]() 15 years
Good day members,
My Nuvi 2555LMT one week ago starts suddenly shut down when I browse my Custom POIs list. I use either down arrow or flip up screen gesture browsing my Custom POIs list, the gps shuts down, power off. I should re-start using power button.
Other than that issue, the gps works fine.
Someone have the same issue like me?
I appreciate any help from you. Thank you.
Try clearing your 'Tracks' from the Navigation screen. It may being taking a lot of ram.
nüvi 3790T | Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable ~ JFK
Nuvi 2555LMT
Try clearing your 'Tracks' from the Navigation screen. It may being taking a lot of ram.
Thanks Juggernaut. I`ll clear all the tracks as your suggestion.
Is there some limit about the maximum POIs in the Custom POIs List? Thanks
Garmin says
Is there some limit about the maximum POIs in the Custom POIs List? Thanks
What is the maximum number of custom POIs that can be stored on my GPS?
Custom Points of Interest (POIs) can be loaded to your Garmin GPS using our free POI loader software which is available using the link below:
There is no set limit on how many POIs can be loaded to a Garmin device. The only limitation is based on the available free space on the Garmin GPS device or SD card. The amount of space needed for the POIs will depend on the number and size of the .csv and .gpx files and the size of any included bitmaps or MP3s.
Typically, more than 3000 Custom POIs will fit onto a device. If the available space is exceeded, POI Loader will tell the user how much space is available in the device and how much space would be required to fit all the POIs that were chosen.
For more information about Custom POIs, visit the above link and review the topics listed on the right side of the page. You may also access POI Loader Help by running the program and clicking the Help button in the lower-right.
Last modified on: 12/30/2011
I have over 120,000 on my 765T
I have over 120,000 on my 765T
I have around 200,000, mostly US schools.
Thank you. I try to find the reason of the sudden shut down issue of my gps. So there is no problem about maximum POIs for me because I only have around 60,000 in my custom POI list.
Corrupted file
If this problem happens in this same place it may be somehow corrupted POI file. You may try to remove POI file from GPS (there is option for this in POI Loader) and than load file one more time. It may help.
When you are loading POIs check in POI Loader if there are no errors reported. In theory Loader should eliminate records from source files that are corrupted, but sometimes it may let something wrong get into POI file. And corrupted file can sometimes cause improper operation of GPS, including shutdown.
Custom POI
Good day grzesja
The shut down happens RANDOMLY when I browse the custom POI list. Sometimes it crashes at the end of the R's alphabet list, sometimes at the V's alphabet list and so on. Never crash at the same place. I know the corrupted POI file can cause crash. But all the files I have were loaded FLAWLESSLY by POI Loader into my gps.