Custom POIs location, sound for 3590 LMT
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![]() ![]() 17 years
Yesterday, I just purchased the Garmin 3590LMT. Am having problems finding the custom POIs I installed using poiloader. Also, my sounds are not working. For years I installed POIs, using the .csv .bmp and .mp3 using the same file name, in my 765t. My new 3590 has to use .wav files. I have sox.exe in the same directory as my poiloader.exe program. My rest areas combined file is not alerting me. Also, the Flying J, POI is silent too. They do show up, but without the assigned .wav sound. Only hear the default gong sound. AND, where do I go to find the darned custom POIs in the GPS?? My 765t was so easy to use, and intuitive, this one seems not! HELP! BTW, I converted my old .mp3 files to .wav, using Gold Wave Editor Pro. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Where To > Custom POIs.... not there
The manual I downloaded for the 3500 series, says to go to "Where To > Custom POIs", but they are not there. I used Poiloader to load them, they show up on the map when I get close, but no sound, and no costom POIs button under "Where to".
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Happy TurkeyDay!
Normally, when I see a post like this for one of the newer nuvi models that I've never worked with, I let others with direct nuvi 3xx0 knowledge offer their suggestions first. But given that today is a US holiday and their replies may be delayed, let me offer my guesses.
Also compounding this problem is that it appears that you're quite experienced in getting results for your older nuvi model and that you're also aware of the changes you need to do for this newer model--and this means that the "usual suspects" in resolving POI or POI audio alerts may not be your problem.
First off: the problems. It appears that you have two issues: 1) you can't find the Custom POIs to be able to create a route to one, etc.; and 2) It also appears that you are not receiving your expected custom audio alerts.
My guesses:
The "can't find them" issue:
1) I agree that your manual states that you can find your Custom POIs by tapping WhereTo>CustomPOIs. I have two guesses. First, is it possible that your WhereTo page has more than can be displayed--and therefore you need to tap WhereTo>DownArrow>CustomPOIs (or possibly even more than one "down arrow") for Custom POIs to be shown?
2) I wonder if your nuvi manual may be wrong and rather than WhereTo>CustomPOIs, you really want something like WhereTo>Extras>CustomPOIs.
The "no custom audio" issue:
You state that you are seeing the POIs and hearing the default nuvi "ding" alert, so that tells me that you have successfully loaded the custom POIs with alerts, the nuvi has alerts enabled, etc. but that the custom wav file is not being played. This most likely seems to be an issue of incompatible wav files. I know nothing about Gold Wave Editor Pro, but have read about this issue several times when the wav file created is incompatible with what POI Loader, sox, and the nuvi need. Are your converted wav files in the recommended format? If not, I direct you to:
specifically the section below
3C. It has been said that the .wav file must be PCM, 44.100 kHZ., and 16 bits, Mono and that a stereo wav file will not work. If you have a stereo wav, there is a portable, freeware software package that will convert it to mono.
However, my testing indicates that - with the correct version of sox.exe - most all wav files work fine.
Please report back with you results when someone finds the solution for you to these issues. Good luck. One final possibility exists: that between your success with Custom audio for Custom POIs on your old nuvi and now with the new nuvi, that you also replaced your computer or its operating system. If so, then the "usual suspects" like double extensions may be your problem:
See "computer settings"
[Update] And if a new computer and "computer settings" is the problem, by correcting things now for your POIs, you'll also resolve future issues of "computer doesn't see nuvi," I can't back up my nuvi, I can't find the .system folder, etc., etc. Your new nuvi 3590 is very different than your old 765 in the way things work and how to access them!
Thank you!
I just got through eating my Thanksgiving dinner. I didnt pay any attention to what quality wav that Gold Wave saved it to until you told me that stereo wouldnt work. It did indeed save it to stereo, 44khz 16 bit. That must be part of the problem. I will use the editor link you provided and convert my mp3s that way and see it that helps. I have only only been doing a few POIs just to see how it does. I am so dissatisfied with my 3590, but will have to use it because I figure all the new stuff works about the same way. Like the blasted cellphones, which I hate. Uh, I became am a guru with my 765t, and have never had a problem with putting in POIs. I am so pissed with Garmen for doing away with the mp3 players, and gobbledygooking the menu system like they did. Anyway, enough soap boxing. I am also annoyed that I cannot find my custom POIs where they manual said they would be. The manual, which is for all of the 3500 models, says the custom POIs are suppose to be under the "Where To" section. There is no more than I think 6 icons, with no down arrow to show more, btw. I can create more shortcuts, and move stuff under those, but I see NO Custom POIs. That is pure bull, when the manuel tells you something that is not true!!!! So far, I am not happy at all with this piece of junk! I loved my 765t, but I have to pay for updates, and it is just plain wore out. Dang it, newer is NOT better!!!!!
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Sound is working, but POIs not showing on GPS
CragW: Ok, the POIs, icons, wav files (alerts), are all working as they should. So, I didnt have the right sox.exe file, but I do now, thanks to you. I cannot find them on the GPS. I need them, because I have Walgrrns, and a few others that need to be selectable.
NEWS UPDATE BULLETIN FROM ASS PRESS!: My brilliant son came home and found my Custom POIs under Where To>Categories>Custom POIs. So, it all works as it should, even if it is not exactly as the manuel said it should. But, I still do not like this 3590LMT nearly as well as my 765t! However, the voice command does work as it should, which is better than I thought it would (little rhyme there). So, anyhow, thanks CragW! And my son, Kevin, who found my Custom POIs. "Well, King, this case is closed."
Unless you are the lead sled dog, the view never changes. I is retard... every day is Saturday! I still use the Garmin 3590 LMT even tho I upgraded to the Garmin 61 LMT. Bigger screen is not always better in my opinion.
Well done
CragW: Ok, the POIs, icons, wav files (alerts), are all working as they should...And my son, Kevin, who found my Custom POIs. "Well, King, this case is closed."
Ah, so 14.0.1 catches yet another unsuspecting user.
Wonderful news...and shame on Garmin manuals.
It sounds like we need Kevin at The Factory.
"On King, On you huskies!" Maintain the right--or if you wish, Maintiens le droit.