missing house numbers??
Wed, 03/20/2013 - 1:51pm
![]() ![]() ![]() 15 years
ran into a problem with my tomtom xxl540, when I attempt to find a location with address quite a few are coming up no house numbers available for that street. Did a search on the internet seems like it is happening a lot. Notified Tom Tom support and they said to down load the current maps which had already done.
house numbers
I find house numbers a little hit and miss sometimes.
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House Numbers
Is there a way to correct wrong information?
not really
Is there a way to correct wrong information?
basically all support told me was to make sure I had the upgraded maps and to check map share which I did and no change house numbers still missing. the addresses I used to check were business address that have been around a while.
Just ran into this
I put in an address, I was taken to a lot, no house at that address. The GPS did take me were I asked to go, unfortunately I entered the wrong address number.
the ones
I put in an address, I was taken to a lot, no house at that address. The GPS did take me were I asked to go, unfortunately I entered the wrong address number.
I put the street in and it then asks for cross street and indicates no house number for that street
house numbers
I find house numbers a little hit and miss sometimes.
+1, The way the mapping companies do house numbers puts most house numbers off by at least two houses. Every mapping program I've used shows the numbers in my block going to 1978 when they really only go to 1958. If I'm in a strange town and want to find an address I just punch in the hundred block, and if I can't find the house from there I guess I shouldn't travel.
Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
House Numbers
Sometimes its how the houses are numbered as well. For example, our house is 452 and we are at the end of a culdesac. However, on the same road house 451 is about 1/2 mile away with many houses in between ours and theirs. I don't expect any map or GPS to make-up for that! Who assigns house numbers anyway...the builder, town, post office??
are not available for the street.
trader joe's salt lake
address is 634 e 400 s
when you try to navigate to it
select city
then street
response from unit is 'house numbers not available for this street'
House Numbers
A friend built a house on a corner, and the town asked him which street and house number he wanted to give it.
There was a road near Cleveland, Ohio, which had something like the 4500 block on one side of the street and the 5000 block on the other side. The post office said it was 2 different municipalities and each picked their own numbers.
I lived in a condominium complex once and the buildings were numbered in the order they were built. A fire truck asked me for directions.
Numbers ARE Available For The Street, If Entered Correctly
Numbers are not available for the street.
trader joe's salt lake
address is 634 e 400 s
when you try to navigate to it
select city
then street
response from unit is 'house numbers not available for this street'
The correct way to enter this address is:
City: Salt Lake City UT
Street: E 400 S
Address: 634
A friend built a house on a corner, and the town asked him which street and house number he wanted to give it.
I would think that whatever street the door that is considered the front door faces would be the street address.
Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there's a 90% probability you'll get it wrong.
another thought ...
Numbers are not available for the street.
trader joe's salt lake
address is 634 e 400 s
when you try to navigate to it
select city
then street
response from unit is 'house numbers not available for this street'
The correct way to enter this address is:
City: Salt Lake City UT
Street: E 400 S
Address: 634
While this solution seems to be the correct one for the OP, another possibility is the numbers were changed between updates.
My in-laws live in a neighborhood where the numbers were changed because of what happened on 9-11-2001. Apparently they didn't want house numbers in the 900's anymore and went to 100's.
I've also heard of the post office requesting the numbers be changed to be more uniform in areas where larger properties were split up and new homes couldn't fit in numerical order.
. 2 Garmin DriveSmart 61 LMT-S, Nuvi 2689, 2 Nuvi 2460, Zumo 550, Zumo 450, Uniden R3 radar detector with GPS built in, includes RLC info. Uconnect 430N Garmin based, built into my Jeep. .
Numbers are not available for the street.
trader joe's salt lake
address is 634 e 400 s
when you try to navigate to it
select city
then street
response from unit is 'house numbers not available for this street'
The correct way to enter this address is:
City: Salt Lake City UT
Street: E 400 S
Address: 634
new it was something I was doing wrong
Street Selection Option
A friend built a house on a corner, and the town asked him which street and house number he wanted to give it.
I would think that whatever street the door that is considered the front door faces would be the street address.
The choice of street and house number option only applies if a house can be built on a corner lot with the front facing either street without violating the setback and/or easement requirements.
A friend built a house on a corner, and the town asked him which street and house number he wanted to give it.
I would think that whatever street the door that is considered the front door faces would be the street address.
A great many cities use the street where the water meter is.
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Water meters
A great many cities use the street where the water meter is.
What if you have 2 water meters, 1 on each street, as I do??
Answer: You build the house diagonally on the lot, as I did!!
then yours is an anomaly
A great many cities use the street where the water meter is.
What if you have 2 water meters, 1 on each street, as I do??
Answer: You build the house diagonally on the lot, as I did!!
Unless you have two different utility companies, you normally get just one meter. Of course, if you are in some place like the District of Columbia, you can pay the city a fee and have your house number changes to a more prestigious one. There's one office building downtown that's full of lobbyists and even though the building is a full block off the street they have a Pennsylvania Ave address,
Illiterate? Write for free help.