Just question to the GPS Expert GURUS
Fri, 10/05/2012 - 2:21pm
![]() 12 years
They sell USA map in micro sd card, in the ofert they say is compatible with every garmin GPS if your GPS have a Mico SD capable, This is true?
Thank you
Yes. If the unit supports the maps (City Navigator) and supports the micro SD Card format (you can also use a microUSB to USB card adapter in a standard SD Card unit), it should be compatible. The maps on a pre-programmed Garmin mapping card can be used in any compatible GPS. Normally, maps that come pre-installed *on the GPS* can only be used on that particular GPS and no other (maps are locked to the unit).
With the pre-programmed Garmin mapping card, the maps are locked to the SD card.
Note that you cannot copy the maps from the pre-programmed SD Card to another SD Card, nor a GPS unit. You can however copy the map files to a backup source (external hard drive, etc) but they are useless without being on the original SD Card. As was mentioned, the maps are locked *to the SD Card*.
nuvi 760, nuvi 765T, nuvi 855, nuvi 3790LMT, nuvi 3490LMT - SoCal area
Additional Comment
To add a little more to DorkusNimrod's answer to your post.
If your profile is up to date, it shows you have a 1300 and 350. Your 1300 takes the micro SD card, where the 350 takes a standard SD card.
You must buy the standard SD card adapter and insert the Micro SD card into it if you plan on using the map in the 350.
One more note on the 350. It is only capable to read a map(.img) under 2GB, anything over it cannot read. The North America maps currently should pose no problem, but would not be able to read the full map of Europe since it exceds the 2GB limit.
The 1300 does not have the 2GB limitation..
Nuvi 2460LMT 2 Units
Just Question To The GPS Expert GURUS
So, if I were to get a LifeTime Map on a microSD card, could I move it from Garmin to Garmin?
Lifetime maps / not compatible with / map on SD
So, if I were to get a LifeTime Map on a microSD card, could I move it from Garmin to Garmin?
Obtaining a map from Garmin on a SD card allows the map to be used on any device that can use the card. But it's a one-time map version and when you want to update your map, you buy another map on SD from Garmin.
There are no Lifetime SD maps from Garmin for City Navigator. From Garmin:
Reduced price map updates are not available for these cards. If you want to update the maps, you must purchase a new card that includes the latest map data.
All in all, there are pluses and minuses to SD card maps vs. Lifetime maps, depending on your needs, the number of Garmin GPS units you own, as well as your desire for future updates.
To me, the greatest benefit of a map on SD from Garmin for the typical North American is when they plan a once-in-a-lifetime European vacation where they buy the SD card version of City Navigator Europe: easy installation and use--and after they return, they can sell the used European SD map on eBay...
Just to say Thank you
Thank you to all the super GURU from the GPSMORON, hope this info be helpfull to other members